"You turn your back on yourself when you allow every closed door to stop you from moving on to the next one. Sometimes we choose to stand at a closed door and hope that it will somehow open, although that may defy logic and although we may know deep down that no goodness will come from it. We wait. We choose to wait. We choose to have hope, and we're always scared that the door will open the second we walk away. We claim ownership over what we do not have and fear losing it, although it really never was ours."
-Najwa Zebian, Mind Platter.
-Cumulus, Coalition branch-
"We has been working on it for almost nine years now, we believe we manage to reverse engineer this device, we just need the approval to launched it on a thin time ans space distortion!" Scientist.
"Is there such place in Cumulus?" Cassidy.
"There is one, but some of our fellow cummulean would be against it some how! We just need to guard the site well enough and created a kill switch!" Scientist.