Un-Invited Help

"Ask not what your country can do for you; Ask what you can do for your country!"

-John F Kennedy, Inaugural speech.

-Neighboring universe, two days ago-

"We have confirmation that the space gate will be activated and the emperor will entered it!" First being.

"We have to enter it first, do you have information what in the other side?" Second being.

"Yes! It was a universe under the Dark king operations, a military invasion zone! By the looks of it, they are fighting back! That is why, one of the Dark throne will also will be taken along!" First being.

"Why the purpose of this anyway? Our fight is here! Why we cross there!" Second being.

"Together we are strong! This Aurai enemy in the other side, i am willing to warrant them! To teach them how to fight, to show them and educate them of the threats their going to face and the existence of the all being!" First being.

"Yes only when that universe devourer; the all being is eliminated we can be freed!" Second being.