The path of a cat...

Several years have passed since that day and the sisters began their education. They were homeschooled by a tutor, whom taught them a wide range of elementary subjects including but not limited to: Japanese, Mathematics, Science, History and even a little bit of English every so often.

The two were smart to say the least, so smart that they finished learning all that grade one had to offer in a few months and progressed through their elementary education in half the time it should have taken.

The two of them enjoyed learning new things with science being their favourite because it could help them use their quirks better.

Moving on to their quirks, Momo started learning more about the structures of objects and writing down in notepads anything interesting that she could try to make. This caused her to eat more to allow her to experiment, which was followed by Luna who just ate and slept.

After Luna first transformed using her quirk her personality slowly started to change and after a while of repeatedly transforming and learning more about cats she stopped being the overly energetic little kitten and became like a lazy cat that slept whenever possible, almost anytime she had the chance to.

A few of the things she did so that she would have more time to sleep in the future are: studying higher grades knowledge, so that she could sleep when she's being taught it in the future, she also finished anything important as soon as it was given to her and the thing most of her time went to when she was not sleeping was working on the transformation speed of her quirk so that she could change into a cat as quick as possible to escape to any location, so that she could sleep peacefully and avoid unwanted problems.

Luna spent most of her time in her cat form learning to sleep wherever and whenever, making it a very useful ability to her as sleeping was her favourite thing to do. However she still found the best place to sleep was on her big sister.

One day as the sister duo were together, Momo watching the TV and Luna, like usual, asleep in her favourite place, on Momo's lap. She was intently watching the news as it displayed the life-saving activities of local heroes. She's seen what they do on the news often and it normally didn't excite her this much, however this time was different, this time her favourite hero was on TV.

Nemuri Kayama otherwise known as Midnight was being interviewed after taking down a villain with her quirk somnambulist which releases an aroma that puts people to sleep after they inhale it. Being someone that needs to show skin for their quirk to work efficiently Momo was a big fan of the R-rated hero and therefore was excited to be listening to her talk about herself and how she got to where she currently was.

The interview was starting to come to a close and after listening to it Momo had been inspired.

She had been inspired to become a hero.

She was going to use her quirk to help people. Even though she was young, Momo was smart enough to realise the potential her quirk held and the versatility it had for many different circumstances. She knew that her quirk could help people and that is what she now wanted to do.

Thinking about her future career path had unknowingly moved her around a lot and caused Luna to somehow end up under her shirt. Releasing a squeal, after feeling the warm purring coming from her little sister, she jumps up suddenly waking Luna up just as she tumbles out onto the seat with a startled expression as she looked towards her sister and turns back into her human form with a sleepy expression on her face.

"Sis what was that for-nya?"

"Sorry Luna I was just excited."

"What about?"

Luna says as she sits back down next to an excited Momo, who turns to her with an excited look on her face.

"I'm going to be a HERO!!"

Momo proclaims with the largest smile her little face can show. Luna looks at her also with an excited smile, happy that her sister wants to be a hero and now has a goal, before turning to view the TV and seeing four heroes wearing similar costumes posing together which causes her smile to falter as a provocative glare is directed to the four pairs of cat-like ears on top of the heroes heads.

"I guess to be the best cat I'm going to need to be a hero too. I have to put these kittens in their place."

Luna grumbles to herself before turning around and running at Momo who has a happy smile on her face as Luna jumps towards her and clings to her side like cat on a tree. She turns and faces upwards with a less lazy expression before declaring:

"I'm going to be a hero too-nya. Lets go tell mum."

Momo stands there a little shocked at how quickly her little sister decided to become a her before running off with Luna clinging to her back.

And off they went to tell their mother that they were going to be heroes. One because she was inspired and wanted to help people and the other because her favourite sleeping spot was going to be a hero, but she wasn't going to tell anyone that, at least not consciously, she might in her sleep.