Marriage registration (Part - 4)

From the time Caixia blocked Wang Shiwei path, Wei-Lin was standing there silently without being noticed. He was trying to find out what she was doing outside the marriage registration office.

He almost heard all her words and gasped.

As soon as Caixia heard his words, she pushed Wang Shiwei away and turned back.

His baffled face, for some reason caused her anxious and she pulled a fake smile in hope that he wouldn't have heard all those things.

"Cousin! Why are you here?" she asked hesitantly.

He walked toward her, his eyebrow furrowed and body stiffened, "Who cares about it! Tell me first, what are you doing here and what with those nonsense you just spouted out?".

It was cleared that he was worried and confused at the same time, but Caixia had yet to make a conclusion, that whether, the person in front of him, has some wrong intention toward her or not.

"Cousin, don't think so much about it," she replied.