The reason for his rejection

Lee Shan was obviously trying to corner Caixia by her blatant words but what irritated her most was that Caixia never gave her a satisfying reaction.

Her expression was still as the sea, it defiance others from seeing her real emotion and even put them on conclusion that she really doesn't had any interest in that conversation.

Caixia was ready to leave but since Wang Shiwei stopped her, she glanced properly at herself. A jogging suit and sweating body, she wasn't in a perfect position to leave yet remembering that she even left in her night dress, it doesn't seemed so hard to do it again.

"Divorce, well I don't mind it," Caixia eyes down, staring her own shoes since she was afraid to look in his eyes.

Wang Shiwei brows creased and his lower lips got caught between his white teeth, "But I won't give it".