Amnesia (Part - 2)

The door was closed and the room had only five people inside it. Even though Caixia asked them to leave, no one budged out and stayed there. The last thing she could do was to take a deep breath and then do the things she needed but Jully came forward.

"Tell me, why did you kidnapped her. If you keep being mute then only death will await you," Jully threatened him.

Caixia hands loosened the grip on Dr. Hessen collar as she glanced at Jully.

Kidnapped and me? When did I become so weak. No, wait a moment! What is the date and how many days went by after I fall in the sea? She glanced here and there and lastly her eyes stopped at the desk where the calendar was kept.

Seeing that it was a far away month then when she fall in the sea, she gasped and glanced at them.