Let the Quest Begin!

-- Aaris - PoV--

'What do you mean?' I looked at Serlin, 

"You'll be here from now on boy, you will be living here, and I'll… I'll be somewhere around this vast world so, the day when you become a great mage, I hope I will be there to congratulate you…"

He gave me my void crate and lit up another cigar and walked away, with his back turned to me, slowly treading on the road he stopped, 

"Goodbye Aa… Aaris." And walked away again, I heard his voice breaking, probably he didn't want me to see him crying after all these years.

'You...too! Take care! Sir!' I teared up a bit too and after sniffling a while, I went back to the academy.

A new beginning huh? Let's see what lies ahead!


After a day of introduction to the academy with Tara, I spent my entire week in the library alone as she told me to. 

On the 9th day of the Nigheption month (7th month), I dressed up with the uniform given to us. A single room was assigned to each of us in the student dorm.