2 of 18 Heroines

2 years later.....

It has been 2 years after I have been Isekai'd into this body, and it's safe to say that nothing happened yet except for a few things

Currently, I am reading in secret since I'm still a 2 year old, it would be shocking to found out that a 2 year old could read, The book that I'm currently reading is called 'Survival in the Wilderness' since in the near future it's gonna be bloodbath, might as well learn a thing or two about survival.

As a I was reading in peace, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of me and suddenly got embraced from behind.


The person who embraced is no one but my older sister, Minami Takahashi, a person who is 2 years older then me, possessing both a silky, black hair and black eyes, can't see what she is wearing since she is behind me, not like I want to see it since I'm no lolicon.

"Mouuu, Hayato-sannn, stop holding that book and play with Onee-san, you can't even read yet so what's the point on using it."

Sigh, remember the 'few things' I said earlier? Well since I'm now 2 years old so my Heroine finder is now active and first person to activate it is....Minami herself, WHY, why my sister out of all of them, tsk to think that a heroine would appear so early, although I anticipated this outcome, I didn't actually think it would happen.

All I can do for now is hinder the rate of speed my sister will become yandere, I tried ignoring her and be cold to her but it didn't work since she's always bothering me or she'll just tell father about it and I would get scolded, the only thing I can do for now is just act like a brother to her and avoid getting flags.

Oh and if you're curious what her relationship number is, here:


"Onee-chan, stop hugging me so tight, I'm not going to disappear from you, please let go of me."

"Don't wanna, you're going to run away if I do, promise me first we will play in the park and I'll let go of you."

Crap, anything but the park, I try to avoid places full of people because I might meet some heroines there, if I do meet one and try to run away, the goddess even said that she won't allow it and will interfere, and the worst part, I might raise a childhood friend flag, I can't, I absolutely can't raise a flag in this world, a flag could even cause me to die and fail, anything but that.

"But Onee-chan we can't, Oka-san will be angry, but tomorrow I'll try."



Minami finally let's go of me and as I catch my breath.


Looks like Mother finished preparing dinner, once we stand up, I quickly said:

"Last one to the kitchen will get extra servings."

Hearing that Minami nod in agreement and me and her readied ourselves for a race

"Ready, set, GO!"


Naoko Takahashi, a proud father of two, a manager of a branch office, a loving father and a good husband, is happily helping his sweet, loving: 'Maeko Takahashi', preparing the plates on the table and arranging it, he took a glance to his wife who is merrily cooking their dinner

"Hayato will surely love today's dinner." His wife said. "He has to since I am cooking his favorite food Hehehehehe." Naoko has been noticing that his wife has been fixed on Hayato for past few weeks. Every decision she makes is always involving Hayato: "Will Hayato like it I add tomatoes", "Hayato will like it more if clean the living room.", "Does Hayato like blue or does he like blue bag?", "Hayato will love it I buy a new frying pan." How the hell would a two year old like a frying pan? Naoko thought to himself when she said it.

"Honey, are you okay?"

Naoko awaken from his thoughts from his wife's caring words as she was cooking.

"Yeah I'm okay just thinking about stuff." Naoko said as he walks to his wife.

"Ara, like what?"

Naoko standing just behind her wife's beautiful side-tailed brown hair, and suddenly hugging her gently.

"Like what we're gonna name the third child." Naoko said

That's right, the Takahashi family will be having a new member to their family. A female to be specific

"Why the sudden concern? We usually just name them on the spot just like Minami and Hayato?"

"Heh, you're right."

I guess my wife really loves her son a lot but Minami and the baby will be left out she will continue doting him , I guess it's my job as the father to dote Minami and the my new daughter for a balanced dotingness.

Little did Naoko know, his wife has become one of the Heroines of Hayato in the Goddess little game.