Play House

"Not really since Nee-san just left me to get something, I got bored so I decided to play with you."

"Yey, Please come in Nii-san."


Entering the room, I see a typical bed on the middle of the room that you would see in a couple's room, with white pillow and Purple blanket neatly arranged, a small desk with a lamp beside it and a mounted closet beside the door, it's been some time since I've been here

More importantly, why is Kaori in her pink plain pajamas? So I tried asking her:

"Kaori why are you in your pajamas? it's not even evening yet."

"No reason, Kaori just feel comfortable in her pajamas, anyway, Nii-san let's play House!, I've been waiting for you for hours."

Sigh, what an impatient sister I have, I wonder what role she's gonna give me?

"What are we going to play as?"

"Husband And Wife!" Kaori proudly exclaimed.

Eh? Husband and Wife? I think I heard it wrong.

"Did you just say Husband and Wife?"

"Yes, Kaori did, is there a problem Nii-san?''

Does she even know what they are? Should I play along? But if I do, wouldn't the relationship level increase? I already promised her to play whatever she wants to but this I never expected Husband and Wife, she is a cunning one, looks like I should be careful around for now on.

"Do you know what husband and wife are Kaori?"

"Yes, Otou-san told me about it for hours when I asked, he said it's a bond that shows their love between each other just like Otou-san and Oka-san, why? Does Nii-san not love Kaori?"

What are you telling to your 2 year old daughter you stupid Father, is this the phenomenon that the goddess speak if I do nothing to increase our relationship? This is mildly annoying.

"I- I, do love Kaori but not in the same way Oka-san and Otou-san shows to each other."

"Nii-san is being mean, he said that he will whatever Kaori, so why is Nii-san being bad, play husband and wife with Kaori or Kaori will tell Otou-san."

Kaori puffing her cheeks up , brought her arms up and is currently hitting me, ah, it slightly hurts since my body is still young.

"Fine, fine, I give, We'll play husband wife."

There's no helping it, she'll just annoy and bug me till I give in, so might as well just give in early, but if her request is getting carried away I'll just stop her.


Kaori jumped in glee and suddenly hugged me.

"Wa, Nii-san is now my husband."

Don't get carried away, we're just roleplaying.


"Stop! Call me Honey just like Oka-san and Otou-san does."

This cunning child, I fear for my well-being once this child grow up, although I should be in the first place since she is one of the heroine.

"Fi- fine, ho- honey,"

So embarrassing, calling my 2 year old sister Honey, it's like I have now transcendent a whole new level of degeneracy, not like I care anyway since I'm already a degenerate to begin with.

"Fufufufufufufufufufu, my always serious Nii-san is now my Honey, I will treasure every second of this moment."

Is it just me or Ho-, I mean Kaori's word of choice is impressive for a two year old, is she perhaps a genius? It would be quite troubling for me in the near future if she is, the goddess really is unfair, Kaori a genius, Minami, having physical abilities surpassing an average human, although for mother I have no idea what makes her different, giving the Heroine's special attributes is troubling for me but not if although the fact that I still have my past memory intact and a lot of time to prepare, I think it's fair enough.

"Now than Honey."

Kaori said with a blushing face and looking away from me, but she's still hugging me though.

"Ki-, Kiss Kaori Please."

Say what, Kiss you, KISS YOU? Why in the hell would I do that, that is already crossing the line girl, there is no way I'm kissing MY two year old sister in the li-.

"Ju-, ju- just the cheeks, just like Oka-san and Otou-san does from time to time, Please?"

Oh just the cheeks, is it normal for siblings to kiss on the cheek? Never had one before I died so my experience with siblings are null, it's safe right since it's only the cheek, yeah it's safe, just your typical sweet sibling intimacy.

"Just the cheek ok?"

Kaori nods in agreement, facing her cheek in front while closing her eyes, as we stand, she brings her body forward to me and tip-toes due to the our height difference.

It's just a kiss, it's just a kiss, it's just a kiss, I kept thinking to myself while I slowly bringing my head down to the point where I could already hear her short, rapid breaths.

And just when her cheek and my lips were about to make contact.


Kaori suddenly lost her balance, and fell forward bringing me down with her.


THUD, Crap that hurts a lot, It felt like my vertebrae is about to crack, Hm? why is my lips suddenly warm, don't tell me, I opened my eyes to see Kaori on top of me, with our lips joined together, SHIT, HOW COULD I FORGOTTEN THE LUCKY SUKEBE TROUPE, this is the reason why I try to avoid them as much as possible, why my sister out of all people to take this body's first kiss.

Gently getting Kaori off me and wiping my mouth, is when I suddenly heard something drop by the door, looking at the source of the noise, I saw Minami by the door looking horrified from what she just saw.

"Nee-san, it isn't what it-."

Before even finishing my sentence Minami already ran away leaving nothing but books on the ground.

I messed up big time didn't I

I thought as I put my hands on my forehead and sighed to the mess I just made.