
2 months later...


The digital clock alarm echo throughout the room marking a new day for our dear protagonist, in his half-awake state, he tries his best to stop the alarm, slowly reaching the clock, he presses the button that makes the alarm stop but failed as it only changes into a new sound.


Annoyed by his failure, he pressed a random button on hoping the alarm stops.


As another failed attempt, he blindly presses random buttons until the alarms stops.








After countless failures, he just pounds the alarm out of frustration, causing it to malfunction and stops it from making further noise.


Finally, it stopped ringing, that stupid thing won't stop no matter what button I press.


It's already morning already? It felt like I only slept for few hours, welp, can't help it, better ready myself before Mother finds out that I'm still sleeping.

Hmm? As I try to get out of my bed, I felt like my body is being held so tight, restricting my movement, don't tell me...

Hoping that it isn't what I think it is, I remove my blankets that is covering half of my body, sigh, why is she here again?

The person cuddling my body like it is my body pillow is none other than my Minami, my elder sister, now that I look closely, she really is becoming a beauty despite being 6 years old.

Her long beautiful eyelashes that covers up her eyes as she sleeps soundly, silky black hair that flows throughout her body up to her hips, her porcelain, delicate yet soft body pushes against me, don't get me wrong I'm no lolicon, so I'm not romantically interested in her, but I don't if that feeling will stay if she becomes older though.

"Mmm, Ha~ya~to, I love you so much <3"

Looks like she's dreaming about me again, ever since she became a full-pledged Yandere 2 months ago, she became way too clingy and dependent of me that she even created her own energy that is sustained by me, she can't last few hours without seeing me, I already knew that she steals my clothes and brings it to school for energy restoration I guess, though she doesn't know that I know it, when I Minami is not at school, she spends the rest of her day just hugging and clinging to me, if I try to take a bath or use the bathroom, Minami insist to not mind her, which is okay if I wasn't mentally 18 and acted like my own age which is 4.

Mother and Father also wanted Minami to move to her new room that was now newly renovated so that Kaori can take over Minami's spot in since she's old enough now, Minami immediately begged them to not let her be separated from me, Father, who loves to dote on Minami, almost gave in from Minami's teary eyes and puppy eyes, when Mother stopped him and whispered something to Minami, I don't know what she said, but it looks like Minami agreed on moving to her new room.

Even though Minami has a new room, she sneaks into my own my bed late at night, I tried to tell Mother and Father about it, they didn't mind it too much to it and thought of it nothing more than sibling love, since the 'tell the parent' plan don't work, I lastly tried locking the door last night, hoping that it would stop her, but how the hell did she unlock it!?

Not wanting to wake Minami, I carefully removed Minami's arms around my body and replaced it with my pillow, with now her hugging my pillow, she then suddenly wakes up.

"Hmm, SNIFF, this doesn't smell like Hayato?"

How did she wake up so fast, more importantly, she can tell if it's not me just from the smell? That's some scary ability.

She then lets go of the pillow and quickly hugged me with no hesitation.

"Mou, how mean, you were trying to run away from me while I was asleep weren't you?"

"Wha- what are you talking about Nee-san?" As I try my best to act dumb. "You were having a nice dream, so I thought that it would be rude to wake you up?" "More importantly, why and how are you in my bed again? I'm very sure I locked the door before I went to bed."

"Is there any reason for two people in love with each other to sleep together? Plus the moment you loudly promised to marry me is when I have the right to sleep with you, and how you ask? I have my ways and I won't tell you as a punishment for locking the door on me, bleh."

She sticks her tongue out

Tsk, it's true that I confessed to her that day, but I didn't have any choice plus Minami was already 'Yandified' way before when I said it, so it really didn't affect anything, and plus it's all going as I planned.

Since Minami is now a yandere, what if I could use her to fend off other Heroines from getting close to me or killing me? The main goal of the game is to survive till Graduation of High school not meeting all the Heroines, so if I could just use Minami as a bodyguard, my chances for survival will increase by a small percentage,

Speaking of percentages, when the screen announced that Minami became a Yandere as I looked for her, it also announced my chance for game Success is 90%, is that a rough estimation or really my chances for success?

I will do my best to not meet new Heroines later on, but I'm very sure the majority of them will be introduced when I start school due to the troupes regarding Heroines like Transfer students, Senpai, Kouhais, even Teachers, so since I'm still too young to go yet, I can relax a bit for now since I have till a year or two till I go to Elementary, where the only thing I have to worry is making childhood friends, since that's where they usually start.

"Nee-san, stop clinging to me already, I need to use the bathroom."

"Don't wanna, if you want to use the bathroom, you're going to have to use it with me."

~~Yawn~~ "Nii-san, you're too noisy, you woke Kaori up."

Looks like Kaori woke up from Me and Minami Shenanigans, as she sits up from her bed, her long luscious golden hair that she inherited from Mother, her sparkling beauteous eyes with a color of blue that she inherited from Father, she really gives off a Foreigner vibe with her looks, she has the appearance that you could see in a manga or Novels, wait her looks is based on them anyways lol, with her well-defined lips she said

"Hmm? Wah, ni- Nii-san, why is Minami Nee-san here?"

Yes! Of course Kaori, she can help me from with Minami.

She immediately looks to the person right next to me, who is currently enjoying herself hugging and smelling me in ecstasy.

As Kaori throws a threatening gaze to Minami, Minami, who was interrupted from her moment, also throws a harmful gaze back at Kaori and said:

"Heh, so what if I'm here, is there any reason for me to not be here, plus, Hayato doesn't mind anyway shoo shoo."

"I actually do min-, AGHH."

About to comment on Minami's reply, I suddenly got tackled from my left side, god it hurts, this weak body of mine, curse you.

"Not fair! If Nii-san doesn't mind Minami Nee-san hugging them, then Nii-san won't mind if Kaori hug you too right?"

"Heh, to think a 2-year-old would think she would win."

"Don't forget, this 2-year-old got Nii-san's first kiss."

It's more like stole than got Kaori.

While this two idiotic sister of mine are bickering with each other, my tank is about to burst if I don't go any soon.

"I wouldn't mind but please girls let me use the restroom! Please! I really need to go!"

"No, don't wanna, unless you bring me, then you can go."

"Yeah, What Minami Nee-san said!"


I really need to go soon, do I really have to go with them? There has to be something I can do but then...


The door was kicked open that all three of us was surprised, the person who has the capabilities on doing such reckless act was no one then my Mother.

"Why are you girls hugging Hayato?" Mother exclaimed.

Yes, show them who's boss Mother, this one really needs to go immediately.

"WITHOUT ME!" Mother continued.

What do you mean without me? You're supposed to be my last line of hope, why did you act so childish all of a sudden, Crap, I really can't hold it anymore.

Without even a moment's hesitation, Mother jumped aiming at me with her arms wide open ready to embrace me, the moment she made contact with me, her head, hits my stomach, forcing everything I held to be released.


This is currently the worst and the most embarrassing day of my life.

Minami - 105

Maeko - 73

Kaori - 85