Fu*king Cute

Didn't he say he is going to get a girlfriend? Then how did it reach to the marriage?

  Sigh… the more Kiera thinks about this guy, the more she gets frustrated.

"What's the matter? Is there any problem?"

Ayan asked before occupying the opposite position from her on the table. Today, she finally decided to take him to her favorite pastry shop. Their pastries were much similar to the one of Ayanious. So technically, this place became her second heaven situated in Los Angeles while her first heaven was in Seoul. 

"Nothing, just a friend of mine called. Looks like he is gonna get mingles soon. Called just to inform me and make me jealous," she sighed while her eyes flashed that stupid grin of Yujun.

Yikes! He looks super ugly even in her imagination.

God knows what that girl he came to like might react after knowing that fool properly.

"So, are you jealous," Ayan asked, hiding his smirk from her.