A String of bad luck

On hearing the scream, the Soldiers ran inside the house. When they entered the house, they spotted blood everywhere. As they looked ahead, they were traumatized to see that crazy woman, sitting next to the doctor, who was lying on the floor unconscious fully covered in blood. She had attacked him brutally. The Soldiers felt awful, to see the doctor in such a condition.

The undaunted senior soldier, moved forward, to see if he could help the doctor. When he checked the breathing, heart rate and pulse, it was all faint. Unfortunately, he was dead.

One of the recruits, whispered to the senior soldier..

"I can't believe my eyes. This is terrible. How is she awake even after injecting the sedative? Even though we stood near the house, we failed to save the doctor. I feel sorry for him! ".

Suddenly, the woman got up ,walked unsteadily and fell down unconscious once again. The recruits went forward to lift her up.

"No! Don't go near her. We can't believe her as she is a tricky one. She might pretend to be unconscious", the Senior soldier warned the recruits.

Then, he informed the situation to the Chief. The Chief gave commands, according to the advice of the doctors. He ordered the Medical officer to increase the dosage. With the help of other soldiers, the Medical officer injected her. Soon after she got sedated, they took her to the Medical Laboratory.

At the laboratory....

After taking several test, the lab scientist came out to give the test results...

"I feel bad to deliver this hapless news. The reason for her sudden wild behaviour is that, her brain was infected. The intake of poisonous gas, was the reason for the infection. The infected woman had been in agony these days. She might have accidently inhaled 'em. The gases are showing their new phases now. When inhaled, it might manipulate one's mind or it'll take control of the body ", the doctor explained the seriousness of the poisonous intake.

Coming back to the city...

"Clara! Come here and do the dishes", her mom shouted from the kitchen.

"Yes mom! I'm coming", replied Clara.

"What's taking you forever Clara ..?", her mom asked in a gruff tone.

"Please wait, mom! They are retelecasting my favourite show. I'll be there in a minute", saying Clara changed the channel accidently. Abruptly, all the channels began telecasting emergency news from the Health Ministry...

"The president had proclaimed an Emergency. This is nothing to panic about. So far, we've been conscious of the vulnerability of the perilous and widespread toxicity. The Medical Experts and Scientists had reported that the toxicity is now, taking chances to manipulate Human body. The toxicity is infecting the brain or immune system of the victim, if inhaled inadvertently."

" The experts believe that it has high chances of infecting the brain. If the brain gets infected, the victim acts strange, wild, pertinacious and aggresive. Please, be careful from this people and report it immediately."

"Damages to the immune system causes hysteria, insenate and paralysed state. The infected person would feel weak and feeble. The Government asks the people to be more careful, to wear mask in a secure way and to help each other", the Health Minister reported the news and explained it's seriousness to the people.

This caused helter-skelter and commotion all over the country. People began to live their lives in disguise. They shuddered to go of out of their houses. The Scientists and the Experts geared up their work, to stop this insane toxicity. Fortunately, the Government took great measures to help people overcome the situation.

"Hello, Clara! Did you watch the news?", Emily asked her in a low tone while Clara was watching TV.

"Yes, I did", Clara answered in a sad tone.

" You know, how my mom acts for small problems. She shouts, nags all day and she'll make a huge ruckus. What if she inhales the air accidently; think about our situation, don't you feel pity towards me and my father? What can I do if something bad happens to my beautiful skin, 'cause of this toxicity. I can't allow anyone or anything to ruin my beautiful skin", saying Emily made a fake cry, covered her mouth and tried hard not to laugh at her own jokes.

"Emily, Is this a right time to joke about your own family? How could you stay chill in all situation? It's something great to be a cool person like you", saying Clara sadly walked towards the window and watched the view of the country. The view reminded her, of the happiest days at Atlise. Tears filled her eyes. She can't bear to see her country and the people in such a bad situation.

The Government arranged a quick meeting for all the highest authorities.The government questioned them, for the cause of the toxicity. "Why there is no explanation about the cause of this tragedy? For so long, the authorities are in deep silence .Tell us the cause of this incident", a highest official questioned all the Authorities angrily.

"In our country, any Medical and scientific companies weren't given license to produce a product, that evolves poisonous gases or radioactive waste. Automobile can never be the reason for the disaster, as we use pollution free automobiles. The usage of any dangerous materials is too forbidden in our country. For now, the cause is inscrutable. But, there's a possibility that it might be a conspiracy ".

The officials thought for a moment and approved it, as their citizens could never be a cause for the disaster. But, they continued to keep a keen eye, to find out the source and cause of the tragedy.

Years went on...People of Atlise spent each and every day in fear. They never wanted to get infected, as it might cause danger to the people around. The sense of responsibility and humanity was always in their mind, thus they protected themselves, their loved ones and the people of Atlise.

At 2045, after two and half years, O'Brien's announced glad tidings to the People of Atlise. A video got displayed on the transparent screen, situated at the center of the country.

The multidimensional screen can be viewed from all over the country. All the people of Atlise watched the video, from their respective places.

"Hello everyone! I'm William O'Brien, the CEO of the O'Brien's. I feel excited and teary to deliver the cheerful news. There's both good and bad news to deliver. Before that, I would like to explain the current situation, prevailing in the country. Heretofore, there's been no change in the environmental toxicity. Experts say that, toxic level in air might stay the same, until 15 -17 years. So it's not secure to live here until then", the CEO continued...

" With the help of Experts, Scientists and Staffs, we have created the " Paradise of ours". We call it The Artificial Island(ARI). ARI is going to be our habitat, until things work out. Please do remember, We're not abandoning our homeland.

"One's own country is, One's own wealth",

Let's pray that everything should return normal within predicted time. We promise you all that we'll affix this problem, as fast as we can. Please prepare yourself, we will be leaving our country within two days", Christopher O'Brien delivered the news to the people.

Will they be happy after moving to the Island ....

to be continued....