A chance to prove his mettle

" Hello Emily! Did Ailee come home?", Clara called and asked about her kid's whereabouts.

" No, she hadn't yet. She'd sent me a text, few hours ago, saying that she was having a group study in Jimmy's house. I'd asked Mark to go and check. What about Jason?", asked Emily.

" He told me nothing and he hadn't returned yet. I'll just call him", saying Clara hung up and called Jason.

Busy Comrades got completely immersed in the game, until the connector itself notified Jason.

[ JasonMad's nearby device is tickling]

" Oops, I got a call", saying Jason attented the call taking his lens off, touched the panel that poped up in thin air.

The others had to just proceed, so they all set their foot on the bridge, hesitating if something dangerous might pop up.

" Yes, Mom! What is it?", Jason answered the call, with his heart and mind fully on the match.

" Where are you, dear? Its half past eight, come home now!", said Clara in a worried tone.

"Mom, I'm in the middle of a very important match. I'll come home late tonight and I'm in a hurry mom. Let me come home and talk to you. Bye!", he hung up the call and went straight to the bridge.

He felt that, something bad might happen as he left the game in the middle. With a lot of thoughts running in mind, he walked through the flowery bridge. A lot of unusual plants distracted and disturbed him, until he reached a big old door.

He saw a mark of a footprint at the entrance and so he set his foot on it to make it open. But, the door never opened and so he checked everywhere around the door; he plucked a unique plant that hung near the door and even knocked the door.

Several of those attempt gave him no results. It was at that time, he saw a face of an angelic woman, wearing an Orchid tiara, with a sad face in the center of the door.

The floral ornaments she wore glittered and shined brightly, which made Jason frown for a second.

He took few steps ahead and talked to the face, "Sorry to make you wait! Please, let me in".

The face inturn frowned its eyebrows and slowly opened its eyes. Jason got mesmerised to see those middlemist red ( the rarest type of flowers) on her eyes, inplace of a pupil.

She blinked her eyes very slowly and she replied, "Sorry my son! If you'd reached me sooner, I might've helped you. Time once postponed can never come back. But...". She just stopped in the middle and closed her eyes again, as soon as, a very cool breeze blew suddenly.

Jason understood that something was going to happen and so he prepared himself. He noticed a black figure reaching him from above.

As soon as its foot touched the bridge, it got transformed into a huge man with a very big beard, wearing a giant hat.

He looked giant touching the sky, in a height of 40 feet. He lowered himself and looked at Jason.

" Others had already entered the door, telling each a secret, they fear the most. You could probably be the last one, to reach out the stone. I can't leave you until you prove, if you're fit to be a Master", said the Giant.

The giant named BULWARK talked with Jason, challenging him to defeat it and cross the bridge.

"As you have reduced time, I'll give a task to test your brain. Tell me the name of that angelic face on the door. I'll let you pass", the Bulwark said to him.

Bulwark refused to give any clue, Jason had requested for. Instead it told him a sentence which made him inturn, enter into a confused state.

[" QUEEN OF PATIENCE HAS EVERYTHING NEAR, DARE NOT TOUCH HER YOU WILL HEAR"], after giving a clue sentence, the giant raised its head and went back to its position.

Jason sat down at a bump in the corner of that bridge and repeated giant's words continuously. He went straight to the door and observed the characterestics of that angelic face and he came to a point.

" I'll answer you now", said Jason standing infront of the Bulwark.

[ "PROCEED"] The Bulkwark replied in a deep voice.

" Her name is Vanda Red, in simple terms Blue orchid", said Jason.

Bulwark laughed at him and asked him to give an explanation.

" I saw a middlemist red in her eyes and its the rarest type of species in the whole world; its the reason for her sadness as she felt lonely without anyone to cling on. Colour blue symbolises calmness and the orchid tiara on her head gave me a clue, that she represents another rarest type in its family, the BLUE ORCHID", replied Jason.

As soon as he explained it, the Bulwark again transformed into its horrible figure and flew away in a rush. Vanda opened her eyes and let Jason in, with a angelic smile on her face.

As soon the door opened, he got excited to see his friends on his front. On contrary to all their thoughts, the place to search the stone looked completely sophisticated.

Comrades were left altogether in a closed space, in a mixed environment of multiple sceneries.

[ I'm back again to direct you. Time is tickling, go and reach the stone] The female voice gave a message to everyone.

With her message, they all ran again in seperate directions. They walked past thorny, slippery, dirty and even a dangerous quagmire on their way to the stone.

Sean bled everywhere, climbing up a thorny defensive wall. His energy levels drained up slowly and so he sat down somewhere near a bush unable to proceed any further.

Whenever they crossed an obstacle, the land stretched its area. So, they again fell into its trap, thinking that as a small piece of land.

With a mind full of grievances and frustations, they all began running in a very high speed.

A very bright light that came under a bush, attracted Patrick's eyes and so he rushed towards it. He took a electric shovel from his treasure and began digging.

Other's noticed it too and so they all stood behind his back and just watched him. After digging it up, with much pressure and effort, he saw a bright stone in yellow, deep down at the ditch.

He just shouted in joy and jumped down in it. After seeing that stone, Jason nodded his head and ran back again in search of that stone.

Seeing him, Ailee too ran behind him.

Rest of the connecters, who stood above circling the ditch, applauded and cheered Patrick for being the first. But, all his endless effort and hard work ended in vain, when he found out that stone was just a imitation to drag the comrades attention.

Patrick screamed in anger, when the stone just sticked to the ground. Rather than helping him, the others ran away at an instant, as soon as they found out the stone as a fake one.

Ailee followed Jason secretly and she copied every gestures he made infront of the mirrors that hang everywhere.

But, at some point she got bewildered and disappointed when, Jason disppeared from her sight all of a sudden. She wondered where he disappeared in such a small fraction of time.

But, it was Jason who knew what really happened at that time. The fast legs of him accidently stepped on a spiral trap, made for the monsters.

The trap lifted him up, in great speed making him vanish from the sight of Ailee.

Jason got completety amazed to see another world above the land. He sniffed a beautiful smell from a distance and a blue light tickled far away.

He walked past the flowery land, wiping and distancing the grown out plants and trees.

He came to a spot which holded a huge waterfall, covering the whole place with its cool breeze.

Jason then, ran ahead after his eyes spotted the Eternity stone. He ran towards the falls and reached its center.

He inserted his hands inside the water and dragged a hand from it, which was made of marble. When he opened its hands, the light of the Eternity stone reflected on the falls, making hundreds of Eternity flower bloom somewhere on the land.

Being the happiest one in the whole world, Jason took the stone in his hands, with such a bright smile.

[ Task 1 completed. Jasonmad reached the Eternity stone]

[ Master of Atlise gains a priviledge]

[ Master is on his way, subjects get ready to take his directions]

All the others cheered and enjoyed the happy news. As soon as Jason reached them all, Day1 came to an end.

Jason, Ailee and Jimmy took off their lens with a happy face, but they got shocked on the sight of Mr. Noroc sitting opposite to them.

" Papa, when did you arrive?", asking Ailee ran to his arms.

" Your mom sent me and I'd been here for an hour. But, I never got bored, not even a second. I'd been laughing here throughtout, since I sat next to you three. All your actions were completely insane", saying Mark laughed at them.

" Ok, guys! I'll be leaving. If you listen to him, he'll talk for a whole day. Jason, let's leave. Bye, Jimmy!", saying Ailee grabbed her father's arm and left right away.

Three of them had a powerful sleep that night, stretching their hands and legs because of the thrilling game.