DUSKENCY- The way to connect the soul

( At the Firewood tunnel, Darren tells the history of his land to Jason)

( Please, try to read in Darren's point of view)

Once called as Gabsier but turned to a cruel name called Werewolf Kingdom was all because of my Grandpa, Allen Grigor. With a thought to strengthen his people, he got close to evil traits, befriended a Dark traits leader and made the land go strengther beyond his imagination. 

The Tribes of Black ditch who lived near us in a forest to our south, was an ethnic cultured people and great follower of dark arts. Only a big bush was a border inbetween us and their place, which showed the trust and friendship they maintained for long years. Those people looked young and a bit shorter than us, with a strong physique. They were always simple and modest, wearing minimal ornaments like snitches and bracelets, who only wore Black and purple garments.