To the All knowing degree - ruler of the lands

  " Oh, what's that plant called?", Jason pointed at a small plant at the sideways, which looked like a small white dot on the top of a thin stem and asked it to Mr. Fitson out of curiosity.

" O boy, did you forget my profession? I'm a sport mentor not a zoology professor. I'll let you know as soon as I learn about it from someone", Mr. Fitson said to him with a laughing tone and made fun of himself.

Exploring the adorable land, they both walked along the streets of beautiful lands with unique houses everywhere.

They all looked similar, average single houses with a terrace and every house was painted cool blue. 

" Every house looks same as each other. How could they differentiate their houses?", Mr. Fitson asked the Fort Lady, who assisted them to make them comfortable.

The workers and assistants of the Queen were called Fort Lady at the land and there were only fifty four at their land, who were considered divine and respected by all at the land.