Spark of the DENESILE

The life of an unknown evil can't beat the mastery of stubborn rival, as stubborness of a man holds  more evil traits in nature.

[ 8: 49]

[ Report from the head quarters]

[ Mission WestEye ended at 8: 49Pm]

[ Finjers of all orders are asked to return immediately]

[ Let the witches follow you and reach the land]

Lyan, a badge five soldier incharge of issuing orders, passed on the message of the superiors to the inhands of the mission.

The Mission WestEye brought out heartbreaking truths and a miserable ending to a cursed life infront of their eye which heart broke their all their hearts.  After two nights, the Forces finished off the mission successfully with handfull of evidences but they felt heavy at the end.

As a soldier, their eyes saw people as humans not as people of their own or others. Unable to help someone in danger,  even whey they were at an upper hand made them feel ashamed and lowly headed.