Run for the Meidis

  A future of a land can be reliable only when it brings out promising citizens, who considers a lands problems as their own - (Weild Mortney)

When the chief of Tunnel Wire Mr.olive announced the news, there were varied reactions from the people of the land. 

  The news kind of made people put faith on the officials as well as the staffs after long years, since they failed in getting rid of the toxicity before the estimated time.

Once again, another happy news waited for few  families who were worried about the staffs sent to their workplace in the case of NX23.

From creators to techies, they all were made to work at their respective workstations irrespective to any of their personal issues so as to protect people from the nump.

On the event of finding a solution, they were all sent back to their homes which was a hearty surprise to the ones away from home, since messages were sent via Lexi assistants.