
Get a gulp of waht you di and don't, as nothing in life can beat a cacaohon of a happy younhsters. He or she might end uo indulging in a wierd and rare custim if breaking the rule of his own in this life. Dare not try to put yourself in bitter confusion and perplexion.

Complexion and exppectation could be a weakness of a man. But if they were his only wellwishers who cared for him in times of difficulties and happiness.

Jason and Ailee shared contact with each other and sat silent, as they had no word to comfort their friend, who never wanted his friend to pity on him.

Just then, Ailee got reminded of the news her dad told her about the emergency standby.

" Its my bad to know that this emergency standby is serious this time. My dad informed my mom this morning,  that he would not come home for three days. He is my only partner for fun at home, what will I do?", Ailee cried with her usual loud tone.