Years on

whether to go to their friends are not. If denise wasn't willing to reach the feltsworth, Jason had no plan to stay with him, as his main intention was to stay as a group together.

" There's plenty of food and we can share it with them. If you have no intentions to come down, stay here and I'll leave", said Jason, who looked like he was ready to leave anytime.

Denise struggled to make Jason understand his point of view, which he tried to say in a different angle.

" Its too dark everywhere and I don't think it would work out. Let's wait until the electricity resumes and I think soldiers might allow us to go anywhere we want when there is light".

Jason wasn't ready to hear any of his intiutions, who knew why his friends asked him to bring Denise.

" If you wanna have fun, follow me! Or else stay here alone and talk with the walls. Its your decision", Jason said and progressed towards the door.