
Kent well and through so buildings, wiring transports and thin gadgets made the land advanved and attractive to the world of mystery.

Jason never expected such an entrance to him, as he wasn't a lover of group attention. Since, he was young, he hated walking alone on a crowded area due to some reasons.

" Please be seated, Mr and Mrs. Maddox", Mr. Tom requested them with a stern voice.

The parents too never expected it, as the crowded sight towards them made them kind of uneasy. With an awkward smile on face, they both took the seats of the front.

" Jason! Can you please take your seat?. Look for your friends, they might have saved one for you"  Mr. Tom asked Jason posing a fun smile.

When he turned left, he saw too starving hands  waving at him like a zombie. Jason smiled and walked to them, who was as expected Ailee and Jimmy.