

Asbjørn looked at the notifications in a mix of bewilderment and surprise. "Umm dad…"

"Yeah? Something wrong, or did you not understand everything?"

"No no, I understood everything, but the system is saying that I just gained one WIS and a title called [Rule Breaker], do you know how that happened?"

Lars' thought process halted for a second when he heard those words, and he rubbed the bridge of his nose, trying to fully comprehend what he just heard.

"You said that you just gained a WIS, right?" He asked to make sure he didn't mishear.

"Yeah, I guess that's something that normally doesn't happen?" Asbjørn replied.

"Exactly, this is the first time I've heard of someone gaining stats that way after turning 15. Hold on, what are your stats?"

"In the order listed on the status: 13, 11, 9, 16 ,16, and 14. WIS was 15 before." Asbjørn replied after checking his status; in response, Lars put both hands on his head and just thought about what happened.

As his dad was doing that, Asbjørn read through the title's effect, which luckily, had some semblance of an explanation.

"Dad, the title says the reason that I could gain the stat, was because I had already broken the rules of the system with my INT being 16. The title's effect allows me to gain stat points from doing actions similar related to the stats, but it'll be harder and harder to increase my stats that way."

"Alright. Besides telling mom, this is something that we'll keep a secret as well," Lars said as he got up from the couch.

"Mm." Asbjørn replied while getting up as well.

"What kind of weapon do you intend to use in the dungeon?" But before Asbjørn was allowed answer, Lars interrupted it.

"You know what; I'll just have you take a look at some of the basic weapons I've made, then you can pick one of those for a starter."

"Thanks a bunch in advance, dad." He said and gave Lars a big hug.



Inside the workshop, Lars was sitting on his main work-chair after having told his son to wait outside for a bit. He took a big sigh as he organized his thoughts.

"Phew... I don't know if it's a good thing that he's so similar to my Asbjørn," After he said that out loud, he felt as if his mind was made up on how to feel.

"Heh, I'll just take it as a good thing; he'll be the same kid in a few weeks that way. Anyway, I should get around to finding those weapons."

He then spent a few minutes gathering some basic weapon templates he had laying around the shop, before organizing them by type of weapon. So, the end result was well over twenty weapons in a neat line. He opened the door to let Asbjørn inside the shop.

While Lars was busy preparing the weapons, Asbjørn just stood against a wall as he waited. Feeling full of energy, he had quickly begun tapping his index finger against his leg rapidly. His eyes also darted from point to point across the living room, looking for changes to the room, of which there were quite a few. All the decorative weapons his dad had made had been changed with new ones, and the bookcase was also filled with new books, but before he had the chance to get a closer look at anything, the door to the shop opened.

When he entered the workshop, he walked straight into a wall of warmer air and the smell of sweat, metal, and something burnt entered his nose. As he looked around the workshop, he quickly discovered that it appeared to be twice as large as it used to be, and in the corner, there was something that appeared to be a big vault. The walls were covered in weapon and many racks were filled with different types of gear and materials.

In front of Asbjørn, there stood three simple wooden racks and a table, from left to right, the table contained different small weapons like daggers and… more daggers, just different varieties; the first rack had three regular European swords, two khopeshes, two katana like sword, a sword that reminded him of a Roman gladius, and a few types of battle axes, all of them of different lengths; the second rack had a few types bows, but due to quite limited knowledge on that part, they were skipped for now; the final rack held multiple polearms, of which he knew a few, a trident, a regular spear, a halberd, and multiple others. To the side of the spears was a pile of different shields.

"What do you think? Quite the variety if I do say so myself."

"Yeah, a lot more weapons than I'm used to see, well actual weapons; I've seen more variety at the LARP sessions, though a lot of those weapons were completely unrealistic." Asbjørn answered, much to Lars' chagrin.

"I just have to pick something I like, right?"

"Yeah, I just gathered a bunch of my weapon templates, so they're as plain as their kind can be."

(A/N: L.A.R.P = Live Action Role Play, which is mainly known for being where you run around and hit each other with soft weapons. You also do other stuff, but that's what I think it's mainly known for)

Once he heard the reply, Asbjørn walked straight over to the European swords.

"Hmm, I think the middle one is around the length I used for LARP."

He picked up the middle sword, which was around a meter long in total, with eighty centimeters dedicated to the blade and the remaining amount for the guard, handle, and pummel. A few seconds later a notification popped up.

[[Item name: Arming Sword Template

Rank: Common

Description: A simple template for arming swords, it's made from common materials and is quite dull

Effect: None]]

"Huh? Why did a notification just pop up?" He said in surprise.

"The system probably recognizes you as someone who just awakened it, so it treats you like it does everyone who just turned 15. It forcefully activates certain features whenever you first meet the conditions for activation, the current theory for why it does this, is to ensure that no one is unaware of how to use the system." Lars answered.

"Besides that, you've done LARP?"

"Yeah? I did it for around ten years, but I stopped after starting second year of gym, as I didn't have time for it any longer. I chose this sword as it is pretty close in size to the sword, I've used for quite a few years, and although I later learned that a spear is a better weapon in general, I had gotten too used to the sword at that point to want to change." Asbjørn elaborated, before switching subject.

"I suppose that I can bring up the item status by touching it and thinking about it, right?"

"Correct, but you should be aware that while all information displayed is true, the owner of an item can choose to hide any amount of the information they want."

Asbjørn did a few practice swings while Lars spoke, and quickly realized how exhausting it'd be to actually swing the sword around for a while. "Thanks for the heads up, dad. I pick this sword; I like its length and feel."

Lars walked over to his excited son. "Alright, then I'll make you a sword similar to this, just give me a day or two, and do you want the length changed to match your old one?"

He handed over the sword and in a thankful and excited voice replied.

"That'd be nice, the sword was a meter and I think the blade was around eighty centimeters. The handle was also big enough for me to comfortably use both hands, but that was with one palm on the pummel."

"Then I think it's about time I start work on that sword, at least if you want it done soon. For now, you can just take one of the other swords if you want to practice, or maybe you can call up those friends of yours, I'm sure they'll be ecstatic to hear that you're finally allowed to level up."

As Lars was finishing, Asbjørn walked over and gave him another big hug.

"Thanks a bunch dad." Nothing more needed to be said, and Lars reciprocated the hug as he heaved a relieved sigh.

'They truly grow up so fast, I suppose it's really about time that we take a step back and allow him to spread his wings.'

Asbjørn released the hug and stepped away to take the smaller European sword.

"I'll call up my friends, then practice. See you later dad."

Lars simply just smiled as his son left, after which he spent the next bit of time packing all the weapons away again.

(A/N: what an over excited dad to show off so many weapons, just for Asbjørn to not even consider most of them)

With both hands now on the anvil, a final sigh flowed from his lips.

"Heh, I'm already considering him as my own, a few weeks was an overestimation," Then he shook his head to clear his thoughts and clapped his hands to mentally bring his focus on his goal.

"Now I just have to do my job as a parent, and ensure that he's safe and won't repeat my mistakes."



Inside his room, Asbjørn had taken out his phone to contact his friends over Concord. He opened the app, and there it was, first in the server list and with the same name as always. "Harmonious Chaos," he mouthed the words before pressing the call button.