Luna's Corner:

It's Luna's Corner ^.^

I'm your host Luna the cute and lovely intergalactic idol. This is my partner Ultrabot...

"Kill all the humans!"

He doesn't really say much so think of him as a refrigerator.

"Initiating self-destruct sequence... 5...4...3...2..."

Alright! (Hits Ultrabot)

"Error! Error!"

Now for the first topic of the day... Drum roll please!

dum* dum* dum* dum*

Atomic synthesis! Yay XD

I wonder what atomic synthesis is. Ultrabot, do you know what atomic synthesis is?

"I like boobies!"


Before I start explaining let me put on these glasses so I would look smart. (Puts glasses on)


Atomic synthesis is the manipulation of atoms through the use of brainwaves. If you're all wondering what brainwaves is, brainwaves is an energy that your brain transmits as a form of a signal. It's kinda like chi in those old martial art movies.

By the way if you don't know what chi is, use the dictionary lol!

Nah just kiding...

"..."(looks at Luna)

Anyway, in order for you to be able to control brainwaves, you have to undergo a lot of mental training and exercise. Which I found boring boooooh!

Not only that, in order to learn how to do atomic synthesis, you have to study physics too.

Double booooh!

I hate studying! That's why I became an idol!

Oops, did I say that out loud?

Tehee :p

"Lazy bum!"

Anyway, if you want to be able to do atomic synthesis, you have to be smart just like my brother!

Speaking about my brother. I remember the times when I used to copy his homework because I hate studying.

Booooh! Booooh! Booooh!

Good thing he's always there for me! ^_^

I wonder how's he doing lately?

"Oh the horror..."

Oh well time for the second topic of the day!

Drum roll please...

dum* dum* dum* dum*

Silvertech! Yeay XD

Silvertech is a company owned by the Silvercrest family that was founded hundreds of years ago by my great great great great great great great... (Counting with her fingers) let's just say by my ancestor.

"..."(looks at Luna)

Anyway Silvertech is a company that makes a lot of things like moblie phones, ships, space stations, tooth brushes, and weapons of mass destruction.


So if you want to conquer galaxies go buy Silvertech products!

Just kidding!

But seriously go buy Silvertech products.

They're the sponser of the show... (Whispers)

Anyway moving on to the last topic of the day!

Drum roll please...

dum* dum* dum* dum*

Silver Wing Academy! Yeay XD

Silver Wing Academy is a military school created by my grandfather who's a former General of the M.S.F. He made the school in order to train youths like you and me to become blood thirsty killing machines!


Just kidding about the blood thirsty killing part lol.

Anyway unlike other schools Silver Wing Academy is a ship that travels the galaxies. So students of Silver Wing Academy will come across different places and experience a lot of adventures! Also, the education system is quite different from other school since they combined high school and college together so once you enroll you won't be able to graduate till after 6 years. Isn't that boring 6 years of studying? Booooh!

"Lazy bum!"

Anyway, that's all for today!

See you next time!

Bye bye! ((\^_^/))