Chapter 6: Club Hunt Finale

After I left the R&D area, I make my way towards the nearest cafeteria which is Cafeteria 2. While I was arriving towards my destination, I was greeted by a long line of people. I could hear them happily chatting with one another while waiting for the line to proceed.

"Hey did you watch the Blue Bomber last night?"

"Yeah dude! That was awesome."

"I know right!"

"Do you think Aeris has a boyfriend?"

"Beats me?"

"Aw you suck!"

"Hey it's not my fault we're from different classes!"

"You should have made friends with her then!"

"You're the one who's interested in her!"

"Hey did you know Luna's new single was released yesterday?"

"Yeah I know! I just downloaded it awhile ago."

"Oh really! Can you pass it to me?"

"Yeah sure."

This will probably take long since I don't wanna waste my time here, I decided to head for Cafeteria 1.

As I arrived at Cafeteria 1, I was greeted by a big signboard that was blocking the entrance.

"This place is currently undergoing maintenance."

This is starting to get annoying.

I opened the school map app to see if there are other cafeterias.

I see...

So there are total of four cafeterias in this school. The next cafeteria which is Cafeteria 3 is located on the fourth floor.

I ride the escalator until I arrived at the third floor where there's some kind of a gate terminal blocking the escalator that leads to the next floor. Although I have seen this before, I wasn't curious by it.

More like I didn't care at all.

I went towards the door and place my I. D on top of the circular touch screen panel that says "Place your I.D here. ".

As I did that...


"Access Denied!"

The touch screen panel turned red and an electronic voice was heard.

I try it a few more times.


"Access Denied!"


"Access Denied!"


"Access Denied!"



"Access Denied!"

No matter how many times I shove my I. D on the touch screen panel, it wouldn't accept it.

I decided to climb over the terminal gate.

As I did...

"Warning! Warning! Intruder Alert! Warning! Warning! Intruder Alert!"

As I heard a loud siren with a loud electronic voice, I quickly went back and make a run for it.

So what now?

While I was somewhere on the third floor which I currently don't know, I'm thinking where else I could grab some food.


Oh yeah! Didn't my classmates said that there was a convenience store somewhere in this school?

Time to check the school map app.

Let's see...

Found it!

The convenience store is located at...

Ding dong*

It's located right behind me.

That was so stupid.

I enter the convenience store.

"Watcha buyin'?"

The shop clerk who's a muscular tanned old man with a dark pink twin tail short hair and light yellow eyes who's wearing a space pirate outfit while sucking on a lollipop greeted me.

Great another freak!

I decided to ignore the shop clerk for now and look for some food.

Inside the convenience store, there's a lot of things you can buy besides food. Here you can buy EDs (electronic disk), magazines (book) , bullets, grenades, cell phone straps, cosmetics, tooth paste and etc.

It's very convenient indeed.

I went towards the food section and grab some random stuff and went to the fridge to grab a drink afterwards.

After that, I went to the counter in order to pay. I place the stuff on top of the touch screen panel and received a notification on my cell phone.

I look at the notification and accepted the request for 50 credits. After the shop clerk confirmed that I have paid, he bags the stuff that I bought.

"Many many thank you!"

As the shop clerk said when I left the convenience store.

Outside the convenience store, there's a bench nearby. I decided to use that bench and eat my lunch there.

I sat on the bench and put the plastic bag of food beside me.

The first thing that I brought out to eat was a transparent pink circular bun.

At first I thought this thing was a large gumi candy but when I read the label, it says "Crystalium Bun". It sounded like some kind of item in an RPG so I decided to buy it.

Let's see what it taste like...


The texture of the Crystalium Bun is exactly like a meat bun.

As for the taste, it taste like cough syrup.

That's one hell of a combination.

I decided not to finish the whole thing.

Note to self:

Never by this piece of crap again.

Next, I took out a sandwich that is sliced in a triangular shape.

I'm pretty sure this thing will taste normal.

I unwrapped the plastic cover and ate the sandwich.


It's not bad nor it's good. Actually as I expected, it's quite normal. The only complain that I have in this sandwich is that they didn't use real meat.

I finished the sandwich and grab another item.

The next item I brought out is a pasta dish. Since I'm a fan of pasta and noodles, I decided to grab this as well.

I opened the lid of the plastic container and eat the pasta.


Who the hell mixes cream and fruit cocktail in pasta?

Although it doesn't taste bad, it's still plain weird. Despite my complains, I still finish the pasta dish.

After that, I brought out the desert which is a green pudding.

In all the items I bought, this is the weirdest looking one.

You can say this pudding looks like a snot jelly.

The only reason why I bought this thing it's because it was the best seller.

I opened the lid of the plastic container and eat the pudding.


This is pretty damn good!

The pudding taste like sweet creamy coconuts with a tinge of vanilla.

I ate the rest of the pudding in one gulp.

After that, I brought out the drink which is an Ice Cola and drank it all.

I left the trash on the bench and resume my search for a club.

I checklist of clubs once again and at the same time opened the school map app to search for the nearest club.

As a result, my next destination is the Light Music Club which is located at the Auditorium beside Arena 3.

I decided to check Club Free afterwards.

After I set my priorities, I make my way towards the Auditorium.

As I entered the Auditorium which looks like an Opera House, I saw a bunch of people wearing spandex while exercising with a deep tone yet catchy song.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1!"

These exercises looks exactly like the exercises that Brea do when she's bored at home. I think they call this Aerobics.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-"

The boy who was leading the group twirls around and saw me.

"Hey! We have a visitor."

Everyone stops what they were doing. The sweaty boy jumps off the stage and approaches me.

"Hey Linel your interested in joining the Exercise Club?"

The sweaty boy asked.

I didn't notice at first since he was far away, he's a tall and muscular guy.

"Wait! This isn't the Light Music Club?"

I asked him the question that was floating in my mind recently.

"Ha ha ha! Of course not!"

He hits my back with his muscular hands.

That freaking hurts!

He continues talking.

"Do you think a Light Music Club will do exercises?"

"How should I know? I don't even know what a Light Music Club is in first place."

I said while shrugging my shoulders.

He starts explaining what a light music club is.

"Ehem! A Light Music Club is a club where girls form a band as an excuse to play around and have free snacks."

"I see... so what happened to them?"

I said while trying to get more info.

"All the members of the Light Music Club dropped out last year in order to pursue their dreams of becoming rock stars."

Drop out? Does he mean quit school?

I ask about that.

"By dropout you mean they quit school?"

"Yes that!"

He said affirming what I said.

"I see so they decided to follow the path of Rock..."

That sounds kinda cool.

"I guess so since their an odd bunch."

He said affirming what I said.

I decided to ask him another question.

"Wait since the Light Music Club doesn't exist, why it was still on the list that my grandfather gave me?"

"If your wondering about that, the student council haven't officially change the club's name yet so we're currently using the name of the Light Music Club."

Yeah, that answers it...

"So Linel if you want get buffed up and reduce some calories, come join the Exercise Club!"

He said to me while reaching out his right hand.

"Uh... I'll think about it. "

Although I said that, I'm not interested in joining.

"Alright then! I won't force you."

After he had said that, he went back to the stage and continues exercising.

"Alright everyone! Let's do some Jumping Jacks!"

He starts counting.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ..."

I left the Auditorium.

Among the club that I have been to so far, the people here are the most normal one.

Time to check Club Free out.