7 - Part B:

After our second period which is Technological Science, we head for Arena 1 once again for our third period which is Atomic Synthesis instead of the A.S. lab.

Professor Maybel announced yesterday that we will have an atomic synthesis battle with each other so we are all required to wear the multipurpose combat suit where we could only get it from the Arena 3 locker room.

If that's the case, why didn't we just have our class at Arena 3?

It is so so much of a pain to go all the way to the third floor and go back to the first floor while wearing the multipurpose combat suit.

It even made us stick out like a sore thumb when other students saw us.

No use complaining now.

Professor Maybel made a line up on who fights who and somehow I end up pairing with Kana again.

Is this some kind of conspiracy?

Anyway, we won't be fighting each other at the same time so we get to watch everyone's match.

The first one to take the stage is Ace and Wren.

They ended up pairing with each other again.

Seriously! Is this a conspiracy?

Ace and Wren enters the battlefield and gets ready for battle.


Professor Maybel said with her not so serious expression.

The first one to attack is Wren.

She synthesize a fire bolt and hits Ace with it.

Boosh* Ching*

Luckily Ace was fast enough to synthesize a wall of ice to block it.

Wren didn't stopped there and continues shooting fire bolts at Ace.

Boosh* Boosh* Boosh* Boosh* Boosh*

Ace's ice wall is getting thinner and thinner as the fire bolts causes it to melt.

Boosh* Boosh* Boosh* Boosh* Shatter*

Ace's ice wall finally broke but as it did, she throws two ice daggers at Wren.


Wren was able to react quickly by setting her whole body on fire that made the ice daggers evaporate before it could direct touch her.

Ace started running towards Wren while throwing ice daggers at her so she couldn't attack.


The table has turned and now Wren is on defense.

As Ace was close to Wren, she quickly synthesize two ice blades on each hand and slashes Wren.

Slash* Slash*

Wren's fire defense wasn't fast enough to completely melt Ace's ice blades.

As a result, Ace successfully lands a hit on Wren.

The barrier's life gauge appeared on front of Wren.

Ace quickly backs away afterwards so that Wren couldn't execute a counter attack.

After that, Ace synthesize a new pair of ice blades and attacks Wren again.

Slash* Slash* Slash* Slash*

She successfully executes a four slash combo on Wren.

"Wow! I thought Wren was the strongest one in our class but it was actually Ace."

I said to myself.

"You are not exactly wrong my dear."

I turn my head towards the person who said that to me.

It was Mathias.

Mathias, who was far away from me awhile ago is now beside me.

"When did you get here?"

I ask Mathias while feeling a bit disgusted.

Mathias ignores my question and starts explaining.

"As you can see my dear, Ace and Wren are polar opposites like night and day."

"Yeah! So when did you get here?"

Once again Mathias ignores my question and continues explaining.

"Ace relies on her skills on ice synthesis and techniques on wielding bladed weapons that makes her cool like the gentle breeze during midnight."


I didn't say anything and just listen to Mathias explanation. If I did, I'll just get ignored again.

"While Wren relies on her skills on fire synthesis and her brute strength that makes her impulsive like the scorching sun during midday."

I don't understand anything he said at all. Better ask him to go directly to the point.

"Yeah and your point is?"

"Impulsive... That sounds so sexy!"

And he ignores and turns into Mathias the pervert.

He starts hugging himself while wiggling like a worm.


I decided to leave this pervert alone and continue watching the match.

As I did, Mathias taps on my shoulder.

"Let's get impulsive."

He said to me with a serious face.

I didn't say a word and execute an elbow blow on his stomach.


And walk away afterwards.

Now time to continue watching the match.

Ace was running away from Wren while throwing ice daggers at her.

As for Wren who was on fire, it looks like she's really pissed.

The ice daggers that Ace throws at her doesn't seem to have an effect since it quickly evaporates as it touches her.

Ace who notice her efforts were useless, stops throwing ice daggers and runs towards Wren again.

Wren who was pissed synthesize multiple fire bolts at the same time while she was still on fire and hits Ace with it.


Ace quickly synthesize an ice wall to block them as she saw that but before the fire bolts hits the wall, it suddenly spreads out and hits Ace like a homing missile.


How the hell Wren was able to pull that off?

Synthesizing multiple fire bolts at the same time was hard enough and she was able to control it where it shoots in midair??

Synthesizing a fire bolt in my part was very difficult since you have to concentrate real hard to make the combustible gases shape into a needle and vibrate the molecules as violently as you can. It took me a week of practice to be able to synthesize one, but I cannot do it like Wren who does it rapidly like she was firing a gun.

"Cough* Cough*"

Ace who was flat on the ground was coughing due to the smoke.

Wren shoots multiple fire bolts again and Ace quickly gets up and dodges it by executing a dive roll before the fire bolts hit her.

Booooooooosh* Boooooom*

Ace successfully dodges it.

Wren didn't stop there and shoots again.


Mathias is right to describe Wren as impulsive.

Instead of Ace dodging it, she synthesizes ice shards and launches it towards the fire bolts using brainwave manipulation.


Ace successfully parries it.

That was a smart move in Ace's part although I'm prerty sure that she can do air synthesis.

Why won't she just use that instead to blow away the fire bolts?

If it was me, I would do that using my compressed air punch.

Booooooosh* Boooooom*

Wren's fire bolts was parried by Ace's ice shards once again.

Wren doesn't seem to learn her lesson.

Booooooosh* Boooooom*


Booooooosh* Boooooom*

And again...

Impulsive and stubborn Wren doesn't seem to know when to give up.


Looks like Maple is getting upset for who knows what reason.


Maple shouted at Ace and Wren.

"Ah Maple? Isn't that exactly what their doing?"

Lokki said to Maple.

"Uuuuuh it's so boring! All they do is throw stuff at each other!"

Maple complained.

"I guess you're right about that."

Lokki said in agreement.

I won't deny that either.

It really is boring compared to earlier.

I suddenly have a great idea on how to make things more interesting.

"Fifty credits says that Ace will win."

I said to Maple and Lokki.

"No man! Wren will win for sure!"

Instead of Lokki and Maple who took the bait, Roc was the one who took it.

"Wanna bet?"

I said while making a high five sign at Roc.

"Hell yeah!"


He said while giving me a high five.

"Ooh I like gambling! Fifty says Wren will win!"

Maple said while joining our little game.

"I say fifty for Ace."

Lokki said while joining our little game.

"Dude! What are you dudes up to?"

Zack said while being curious on our little game.

"We're having a fifty credits bet on who'll win."

I answered Roc.

"Cool dude! I bet fifty on Wren dude!"

Zack while joining our little game.

"Fifty for Ace."

Kana said joining our little game as well.

Looks like even Kana can't resist the temptation of gambling.

"I bet fifty on Wren my darlings."

Mathias said in a flirting manner.

Now it's down to one person who haven't place her bet yet.

We all stare at Aeris.

"Umm... I don't really like gambling and it is also against the rules so... I'm sorry!"

Aeris said and executed a bow as she apologized.

"Party pooper."

The frst one to react was me.

"Party pooper!"

"Party pooper man!"

"Ha ha ha! Aeris is a party pooper!"

"Party pooper dude!"

"Party pooper."

"Darling don't be a party pooper."

And everyone followed.

"Um... I..."

Looks Aeris is panicking.

"Party pooper."

I said once again to pressure Aeris.

"I-I'll make a bet on Ace..."

Aeris said giving up.

"Now that settles it."

I said to everyone.

After that, we went back on watching the match.

Booooooosh* Booooom*

Ace and Wren still throwing stuff at each other.

Suddenly Ace runs towards Wren.

Wren tries to shoot Ace down with her fire bolts but Ace parries it again with her ice shards.

It looks like Ace has already gotten use to the fire bolts so she have no trouble parrying it.


Wren started panicking and started shooting her fire bolts at random direction.

Ace didn't need to parry them and just continue running forward.

While Ace was right on front of Wren, she gives her a cool smille.

"Why won't you cool down for a bit?"

As she said and synthesize water splashes it on Wren.

After that she freezes the water that made Wren's whole body covered in solid ice.

Wren's barrier shatters and the ice that was covering her body dissolves.

The winner is Ace.

Good thing I place my bet on her.

Those people who placed their bet on Wren reluctantly sends us who placed their bet on Ace fifty credits through their cell phones.

"Uuuuuuh! I shouldn't have bet on that loser Wren!"

Maple said regretting.

"Who knew that will happen man!"

Roc said who didn't seem to expect that Ace will put that kind of stunt.

"I made a wrong judgement."

Mathias said who is also regretting.

"That was awesome dude!"

Zack said like he doesn't seem to care at all as long as he had fun.

"Everyone was gambling?"

Professor Maybel who seem to have heard us.

"Linel started it!"

Everyone blame me.

Great! Talk about no unity.

