Chapter 9: Cramming is Life!!!

Three days more to go before our prelim exams and as usual, us normal students are cramming like hell in the library. The thing about this library, there's no digital books nor wifi connection. Only plain old books. How inconvenient. To think we live in the space age where books like this are considered as an ancient relic from the past. Why gramps didn't made this into a normal library? If I where him, I would get rid of all of this junk and replace it with modern stuff.

Damn it! It's so hard to search for the topic that I need to study in this damn book. I have to go to the table of contents first to look for where it is and flick the pages just to go where it is. If it was a digital book, all I have to do is enter the topic I want in the search bar and press the search icon. If there was a wifi connection, all I have to do is go to unipedia. By the way, even if there's no wifi connection here, the whole wifi connection of the whole school has been shutdown. So no matter where I go, we can't use the uninet. The reason why they did this it's because they want us to concentrate on our studies. Not to mention, no one is permitted to enter the com labs which is quite a hassle. Looks like I won't be able to watch The Blue Bomber tonight. I'm starting to like that kiddy show. No use complaining now, time to concentrate on studying.


"DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE! OH NO I DIED! Useless piece of junk!"

"Dude! That was so awesome!"


"Now you owe me fifty bucks Maple!"


"No no no! Give me one more chance Lokki!"

"Sorry Maple a deal is a deal."

"My turn man!"


Chaching Chaching Chaching Chaching Ching Ching Chaching Chaching Chaching Chaching Ching Ching Hadouken! Shoryouken! Hadouken! Bam Wam Woosh Pshooooooo Bzzzt*


I shouted at my classmates who were playing with their PSBeta instead of studying.

"Shshsh! Be quite Linel!"

"Yeah man! Where in the library!"

"Dude! What he said!"

"Shut up Linel!"

Chaching Chaching Chaching Chaching Ching Ching Chaching Chaching Chaching Chaching Ching Ching*

This guys are a bunch of...

"Who's the noisy one here?"

I asked trying to state the obvious.


The four shouted.

I won't be able to win against this bunch of morons. (Note: In case you haven't notice yet, Linel is referring to Lokki, Roc, Zack and Maple.)

I decided to rent out the books I need and study else where.

While I'm at the Student Area hallway just right outside the library, I'm trying to figure out where can I find a place that is peaceful and quiet in order to study. First that came to my mind is my room but once I think about it, I might end up falling asleep since it's nice and cozy there. Not to mention tomorrow is the weekend which set's the mood.


Another place which is peaceful and quiet...

Gramps office?

I should try that out first.

I head towards gramps office.

As I opened the door...

It's Luna's Corner ^_^*

Gramps and the head maidbot Louise are watching T.V.

"Ho ho ho! This show always seems to amuse me."

"Master, is it because this show is your grand daughter's?"

"Aside from that, this show is hilarious."

"Master, my processor cannot comprehend the humor of this show."

"That's because you haven't installed the humor program yet."

"I see... I shall download it master."

Zzzzt* Zzzzt*

"Download complete. Installing program..."

Zzzzzt* Zzzzt*

"Installation complete. Initializing program... Ha... Ha... Ha... Ha..."

Louise laugh sounds forced.

Looks like I won't be able to study here.

Not to mention hearing Luna's voice brings back horrible memories.

I shut the door and search somewhere else.

Another place to study...

The observatory deck?

That place is peaceful, quiet and relaxing. A perfect place to study indeed. Since there's no club activities because of exams, the maidbots and repairbots are the ones who's tending the garden. I head for the observatory deck.

Ding dong*

The door of the elevator opened and I'm greeted with an amazing view once again.

I never get tired of this place to the point that I go here every day.

Woosh* Pshshshsh* Woosh* Pshshshsh* Snap* Snap* Sweep* Sweep*

The repairbots are hovering around while watering the plants and the maidbots are trimming the bushes and sweeping up their mess.

Yup... The maidbots and repairbots are in the middle of tending the garden. This won't affect my study, though. I head towards the center of the observatory deck which is an apple tree on top of a small hill since I figure that will be the best spot.

As I arrive at the center...

"Say ahh your highness!"

"No that's so embarrassing!"

Wren and Eri are having a picnic.

"If you won't say ahh your highness, you won't get a taste of this delicious treat."


"What will it be your highness?"

Eri is trying to feed Wren a piece of cake with her fork like a baby.

Wren finally gives in and opens her mouth.


Eri puts the piece of cake inside her mouth and she eats it.


"Was that so hard your highness?"

Wren didn't reply to Eri and silently chews the cake while looking embarrass.

This a rare sight of Wren.

I quietly place the books on the grass and took out my cell phone.

I point my cell phone at the embarrassed Wren and took a picture.


And I didn't turn my cell phone to silent nor remove the flash function.

When will I ever learn?

Wren and Eri turn towards me.


Wren reacted in shock.

"Hi there Linel!"

Eri greeted me with a smile like nothing happened.


Wren questioned me angrily.

I picked up the books that I put on the grass earlier and show it to her.


As I said that, both of them stares at the pile of books.

"So your here to study. How studious of you."

Eri complemented me.

"If your going to study, do it somewhere else!"

Wren said trying to get rid of me.

She's not going to kick me or punch me or murder me for taking a picture of her?

Now that I think about it, Wren has been a lot kinder to me recently. Although she still calls me weirdo, she's not as violent as before. She even helps me out in tending the garden from time to time. She's been very cooperative at A.S class as well. (Note: Linel and Wren are lab partners in Atomic Synthesis class)

It must be because of what I did after the fire fight match with class 3.

Since this place is already taken and there's no more spot here which I find comfortable, I decide to leave and search else where.

"As you wish your highness!"

I said and turn my back and walk away.

"Wait! Weirdo!"

What does she want now?

I turn towards her.


I said to Wren.

"The picture!"

She wants me to delete the picture huh...

"I'm sorry for taking a picture of you. Here I'll delete it."

I show her my cell phone and deleted the picture.

As I did that, her whole body was set on fire and she looks angrier than ever.

Is this not enough as an apology?

I should try kneeling down while begging.

I place the books on the grass once again and kneel down.

As I did...

"What do you think your doing weirdo?"

Wren said angrily.

"Uh... Begging for mercy?"

I stated the obvious.

"Pffft! Ha ha ha ha!"

Eri burst into laughter.


Wren said and turn towards Eri.

"I'm sorry your highness, this is just too funny!"

Eri was explaining herself.

Now's my chance!

I quietly picked up the book and make a run for the exit.
