It's Luna's Corner ^.^
I'm your host Luna the lovely and cute intergalactic idol.
And today, we have a very special guess who will be sitting in for Ultrabot...
"It's good to be in the future♥"
It's the Narrator from World Liberation Party Yeay XD
"Yeay me!"
Since we have a very special guess, you know what that means!
It's another special Yeay XD
"Yeay me!"
Clap* Clap* Clap* Clap* Clap*
For today's special, we'll be talking about strange plants. Before we start with the first topic of the day, let's conduct a little interview with the Narrator shall we?
"Yes interview me!"
Ehem! So Ms. Narrator...
"Ah you're so cute♥ You remind of little red!"
Why thank you! You're cute too ^_^
"Yes praise me!"
Anyway, what do you do in World Liberation Party?
"As you can see my name is the Narrator."
"My job is to Narrate the protagonist every move."
Yes yes...
"And what goes around him."
I see!
"Also bully him from time to time when I feel like it."
Wow! Your job sounds so cool!
"I know! That's why I haven't quit yet."
"By the way, I always wanted to be an idol."
Oh really?
"Did you try auditioning before?"
Aw why not? You're so pretty after all.
"Ah you remind of little red♥ Let me hug you!"
(The Narrator hugs Luna)
Ehem! So why didn't you try auditioning?
"Because I end up becoming the Narrator that's why."
Well, that was a good interview. Now time to for the first topic of the day.
Drum roll please!
Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*
Raflesha Yeay XD
"Ew! What's that ugly thing?"
That's a Raflesha.
"Why is it so ugly?"
Ask Mother Nature ^_^
"Mother Nature sure makes a lot of nasty things like bugs and cockroaches."
I know right?
"Yeah totally! I hate those nasty little creatures."
Which one?
Me too!
"I hate it when they crawl into your bed and flies towards your unguarded pizza!"
Yeah, I totally understand!
"Death to all cockroaches!"
Death to all cockroaches XD
"We could be BFF!"
I know right?
"Let's exchange phone numbers later."
Ehem! Anyway, Raflesha is a big carnivorous flower with a fat stem and tentacle like vines to catch it's prey and eats them like those giant alien monsters in those horror movies.
"What does Raflesha eat?"
They eat insects and little birdies that preys on plants.
"Do they eat cockroaches?"
I think they do.
"Cool! I should get one for myself!"
If you wanna buy one, I heard that they sell the seeds in a gardening store just right outside this mobile studio.
"Cool! I'll be sure to buy one after this."
Speaking about horror movies, my brother is a scaredy cat when it comes to them.
"Really? I heard that your brother is quite the tough guy."
Yes really!
"How does he react when he's watching horror movies?"
He covers his eyes while crying mommy!
"Ha ha ha! He's so cute♥"
I know! He looks like me after all ^_^
"Can I have his number?"
No ^_^
Moving on to the second topic of the day.
Drum roll please!
Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*
Mandroga Yeay XD
"Ew! That looks like a Chimera!"
Oh, you've watched that movie before?
"Yes! It's quite the block buster I say."
I know right? Especially the guns and the gory scenes.
"Yup! They're so cool!"
By the way, they said that the movie is based on a true story.
Yup yup!
"Now I'm all scared!"
Don't worry about it. We have brainwaves and atomic synthesis to beat those Chimeras up badly.
"That's true... Oh but I saw in the movie that they use some kind of special material to kill them since they're immortal."
I did say to beat them up badly not kill them...
"Hug me I'm scared!"
(Hugs Luna)
There there...
Ehem! Anyway, Mandroga is a type of plant which is a rose with a body of a woman. If you play RPGs, it's similar to those mandrake monsters.
"I love RPGs!"
Me too!
"That's why I make jokes about it while I'm in the middle of bullying the protagonist."
I see!
Moving on to the last topic of the day.
Drum roll please!
Dum* Dum* Dum* Dum*
SunGoku Yeay XD
"Cool that flower has a face of a gorilla!"
I know right! They said that the flower also sings lullabies every twelve o'clock midnight.
"That's so cool!"
Anyway, SunGoku is a sun flower which its bud looks exactly like a face of a gorilla. Like I said awhile ago, this flower sings every twelve o'clock midnight. So if you have trouble sleeping at night, be sure to buy one.
"I'll surely buy one!"
That's all for today.
See you next time!
Bye bye ((\^_^/))
"Bye bye♥"
By the way, thanks for visiting us ^_^
"No problem! Invite me again when you feel like it."