Chapter 10: Tropical Siege Part 2

"P-please let me go!"

I take a closer look at the helpless girl who's begging for mercy.

The girl has brown hair with semi long brown hair and braids at her right sides.

Her eyes is brown like her hair.

She kinda resembles Feini but the shape of her eyes is slightly different.

Feini's eyes is a cat-like while this girl is slightly cat-like.

You can say that her eyes is a little bit bigger then Feini's.

I'm guessing that they both came from the same place since people with brown hair and brown eyes are somewhat rare.

So as people with black hair and black eyes like Kana.

Now that I mentioned it, isn't Kana's eyes is slightly cat like as well?

I heard people who have the same hair color and eye color as Kana, Feini and this girl are common at the planet earth from the milky way galaxy.

Anyway, this girl is kinda cute like a scared little kitten.

Now I'm starting to sound like Mathias.

Damn! That pervert is rubbing off on me!

"Hey leader! Don't just stand there! Go threaten her as well!" (Ace)

"Yeah dude! Join the party!" (Zack)

The two "punks" interrupted my chain of thoughts.

I didn't respond to them and look at the helpless girl.

She begs for mercy while her arms are tightly wrapped around the steel briefcase and her head is facing down.

"P-please let me go! I-I will do anything! Just please let me go!"

If this was a movie and we are the bad guys, we will probably demand something... You know, bad.

Ace makes her demand.

"Anything huh... Then strip!"

See what I mean...

No! Wait!

"Hey Ace! Are you serious??"

"Dude! Seriously??"

Zack and I reacted by whispering among ourselves.

Ace answers us in a serious tone of voice.

"Dead serious."

This girl is...

"P-please! Anything but that!"

The helpless girl begs for mercy while she's flustered.

Ace makes another demand.

"Then give us the briefcase."

The helpless girl begs for mercy again.

"Please! Anything but that also."

I think I know what Ace is getting at here.

"Strip or give us the briefcase. If not, suffer. Choose."


The girl become all confused and starts panicking because of Ace putting pressure on her.

"Umm... Umm... I... I..."

Though I'm interested on what she would choose but my so-called conscience tells me to stop Ace.

"Ace, could you cut her some slack?"

I said to her in a whisper.

Ace responds to me in a whisper.

"Just a little more and she will give up the briefcase."

If that's the case, I'll leave it all up to Ace then.

"Alright! If you say so."

I'm pretty sure she knows what she's doing.

"I-I'll strip!"

The helpless girl screamed.

Us three reacted.

"What??" (Ace and Linel)

"Dude!" (Zack)

"I-I'll strip so please let me have the briefcase!"

Ace who was surprised on the helpless girl's decision, quickly regains her composure and comes to a conclusion.

"I see, we have no choice then."

She approaches the girl while swinging her ice blades in a circular motion.

Woovsh* Woovsh*

The tip of her ice blades scrapes the ground which causes it to make a sound.

Woovsh* Woovsh*

Because of the pressure that Ace causes on the helpless girl, she quickly got up from kneeling, hug the steel briefcase tightly and makes a break for it.

Suddenly, a bunch of ice needles rains down on her...



Which caused her to scream, drop the steel briefcase, bend down and take cover.

Ace took this chance and quickly run towards the steel briefcase and grabs it.

Some how, the girl recovers and grabs hold of the steel briefcase like her life depends on it.

If you ask me, the bad guy in this situation is definitely Ace.

If you're wondering what Zack and I are doing, we're just quietly watching those two.

It's not like we can do anything to make the situation better so it's best that we watch them and let Ace do the dirty work.

The girl tries to persuade Ace.

"Please! I'll strip! Just give me this briefcase!"

"Why are you so persistent?"

Ace asked the question that's been on my mind lately.

The helpless girl tries to explain herself.

"I-if I don't come back with anything, they'll..."

"They'll what?"

And Ace is pushing her to speak.

"They'll be disappointed..."

They? I wonder who is she talking about.

"Who's "they" are you talking about?"

Ace asked.

"My classmates..."

Her classmates??

Is she afraid of her classmates?

"Your classmates huh... Then it's none of my concern."

Ace said coldly and drags the briefcase while walking towards us.

Now that's just harsh.

"Please! Please let me have the briefcase! I'll do anything! Please!"


Ace kicks her that knocks her backwards.

Bam* Thud*

The helpless girl quickly got up and grabs hold of the steel briefcase again.

"Please let me have it!"

"I said no!"

Ace kicks her and she's knock backwards again.

Bam* Thud*

Then again, she recovers quickly and grabs hold of the steel briefcase.


"How many times do I have to tell you?"

And Ace kicks her again.

Bam* Thud*

And again...



Bam* Thud*

While us two boys are watching them, Zack whispers to me.

"Dude! What should we do?"

I answer him in a whisper.

"Well... How about we stop them first."

"Alright dude but how will we do that? Ace dude is strong and crazy!"

You're the one to talk, but I didn't say that out loud and kept it to myself.

"I have an idea."

I said and walk towards the two.


"I said no!"

Bam* Thud*


"You're so persistent!"

Bam* Thud*


"How many times do I have to tell you?

Before Ace kicks the helpless girl again, I tap on her right and tell her to stop.

"That's enough."

Ace and the helpless girl slowly turned their gaze at me.

Ace face turn flush red and so as the helpless girl.


Both of them said, lost composure and lets go of the steel briefcase.


The steel briefcase falls towards the ground and the two girls became embarrass as hell.

I understand Ace's reaction but what's with this girl?

Few minutes later...

Ace recovers while the helpless girl remains embarrass.

Did I do something to make her feel uncomfortable?

Well, there's no time to think about that now and not to mention that there's an angry Ace staring at me while the edge of her ice blade is at my neck.

I better break the ice before Ace beats me to a bloody pulp.

"Umm... So... What's your name?"

I asked the helpless girl.

"Ha-ha-ha-harumi Ni-ni-ni-nishida!"

Ha ha ha what now?

Before I was able to process her name in my head, Ace asks a question.

"What class are you in?"


"I see... So that's why you're desperate to have this briefcase."

"Dude! The class eight?? As in class eight??"

Judging by Ace and Zack's reaction, there's something up about this class eight.

I wanted to ask about class eight but now is not the time to ask.

"Yes... So please let me have this briefcase!"

Hanami begs.

"I understand your situation..."

"So then-"

"I still can't let you have the briefcase."

"Ha ha ha" became depressed as she heard Ace's answer.

"Now, will you excuse me?"

Ace said in a cool manner and picks up the steel briefcase.

"Ha ha ha" suddenly grabs hold of the briefcase like her life depends on it again.

"Please let me have it!"

"I said no didn't I?"

And now we're back to square one.

At this rate, we will be wasting more time so I told Ace what to do.

"Ace, why not we look what's inside the briefcase first to see if it's useful to us or not. Then we decide if we should take it or let her have it."

"Let me think about it for awhile."

After three seconds...


And my proposal was rejected.

Looks like I have no other choice then.

I approach Ace and tap her on her right shoulder.

You know what happens next.

Few minutes later...

I'm on front of the steel briefcase in a crouching position about to open it while the three are standing behind me.

On my center is Ace who's pointing the edge of her ice blade at my neck, on my right is Zack and on my left is the girl.

"Here it goes..."