
The room was dim. The flooring was made of white tile. A black window was on the wall to the right. Dale tried to move again for the millionth time. Raising his arm up, only to be stopped by a strap around his wrists. The steel bed under him began to hurt his back and neck. Directly above him was a large surgery styled lamp, but it was currently off.

They had arrested him. Taking to him to a facility far west, probibly somewhere in Arizona. The exit door was before him on the wall. The thick vault like door had a mechanized lock on the other side. It was designed to keep him in. It didn't take Dale too long to realize this wasn't just another jail. This was a containment facility. He didn't blae them though. Dale would want to do the same if he saw an armored ghost like knight. It was a natural response, but he had to explain his case somehow. He needed to get a hold of whoever was running this facility.

The large door beeped, then it opened. If it wasn't for his armor summoning ability, Dale would be scared.

A man wearing surgical equiptment entered the room. He dropped a suitcase on the table.

"What do you want with me? You guys do realize were on the same side!" Dale said.

"Same side?" The man said as he opened the case. Already, Dale noticed something was off about the man, doctor, or whatever he was. His facial expression was always a smile.

In the opened case were various tools. Many of them designed to pull organs or peirce them. At least thats what Dale could tell from his past high school medical class.

"You got it wrong. You see, I'm not human.." the man said.

The moment he said that. He removed a bracelet and his body instantly shifted into a monsterous form.

He looked like a mantis made of grey skin. His eyes were large, like two oranges stuck to a skinny skull. He wore a skin tight suit. The whole sight was disturbing and Dale yelled.

He was one of them.

Dale looked at the soldier escorting the alien.

"Get the alien! Why are they even here?" Dale asked.

"Its no use. We infiltrated your machine like governments. We have been for over five hundred years." He said as he slapped a glove on his four fingered hand.

"So before I start. Tell me where you got the armor from." It asked.

Its large black pupil stared at him. It almost felt as if his own soul would be sucked into them.

"How about this. You tell me about the megaship..are you with them?" Dale asked.

Already Dale had a plan to escape. As soon as the alien spilled the beans, he would engage the armor and leave.

"Yes..what you call mega ship, we call a platoon ship. Now tell me, where did you get your armor from? And where is it now?" It asked.

The alien picked up a pair of tweezers with sharp ends.

"A Goddess gave it to me." Dale answered.

"Don't toy with me!" The alien yelled and stabbed the tool into his calf.

Dale cried like he'd never knew he could cry. The anger was too much to bear and he felt the armor surrounding his body. After the armor was on, he broke the restrains like grass. In both rage and humiliation, Dale grabbed the alien by the neck.

"You motha fucking stabbed me!" Dale yelled as he smashed the alien against the ground.

Dale grew up sheltered. He hardly ever felt pain and made sure to avoid it. Steadily molding him into a coward. This was also his philosophy on why he gave up on life. He didn't want to feel pain anymore. Defeat, pain, mental trauma. He was done with it all and this alien had just commited a sin. One dale wasn't aware was unforgivable.

After the alien was attack, the soldier began to shoot Dale. Not one bullet wen't through the armor.

"Why are you helping these bastards?" Dale asked the soldier.

The soldier ignored him and pulled out a radio.

"We got a code red, fallen guest, over." The soldier said as he back away. Once he got far enough. The door closed before him, then beeped. It was locked shut.

Dale touched the door. He had broken his cuffs like nothing, so he assumed it made him stronger too.

Dale punched the door and it bent like alluminum. He punched it again, but this time harder. The door bent in half and he heard tons of gears falling down inside the door. He then kicked it open. The door swung open and he saw many red beams of lights before him. Then gunfire.

"Code red. Catagory five anomaly escaped." An entercome voice repeated.

As bullets hit is armor. He began to wonder why this was all happening. The catagory made him even more uneasy.

Did that imply there was lesser or higher catagories? He thought. Something they're keeping sealed away? Dale noticed other doors like his own. Vaults designed to keep things inside. In order to investigate, he'd have to get rid of the guards. Dale tore the vault door from his own room. By the time he turned around to throw it. The gaurds were retreating. Those guards weren't stupid enough to allow themselves to get hit by the door.

Dale dropped the door once he saw a security door sealing between them and himself. It closed with a loud hiss.

Then his attention went back to the sealed vaults. Four in total. Dale punched through the first one. In the room was a doll. It looked like a bear, but lacked the ears. It had human like teeth, he'd seen them somewhere before. Then he remembered. They're called fugglers.

"Code red, catagory five and two anomalies escaped." The entercome said.

"Hey Master Kilo! Why are you so far away?" The monster girl spoke with telepathy. For a moment, he'd thought the doll spoke.

"I'm taking care of something..I'll be back soon..stay put." Dale said aloud.

"Okay." She responded. He was afraid she wouldn't hear him, but she somehow did.

Dale noticed the personel message on the board. It read-light destroys specimen's activity. DO NOT TURN OFF LIGHT SOURCES

Dale looked up and noticed multiple kinds of lights. Black lights, UV lights, flood lights, even a car light was mounted to he corner.

This reminded him so much of the SCP foundation. But those alien bastards ran the place and that meant this facility was his enemy.

That didn't guarentee these monsters would help him. Like the saying went, the enemy of my enemy is a greater enemy.

Dale opened the next one directly infrong of the fuggly one. There was a cute girl inside that one, holding some kind of thick book. A label on the door read-Saccubus. NO MALE PERSONNEL ALLOWED.

"Thats not going to end well for me." Dale whispered.

Dale skipped it. If he realized one thing. It was that this facility had good reason to hold these things. At least he didn't want to learn that first hand.

"Bio weapon unit released. All personnel remain in designated locations." The entercome updated its phrase.

Dale was about to open the third vault when everything went dark. For a second, the only thing Dale could was a red warning light by the exit door. Then a loud beep, followed by the sound of unlocking vaults. He heard one behined him which was the saccubus, the two before him were uknown. And the one behined him on his left was the fuggly doll.

His breathing began to grow heavy, distorted in how scared he was. He could hear the sound of a weeping girl. The saccubus was crying.

Dale let his electric whip fall to the ground. When it fell, the light exposed everything. He saw a large brown creature peaking out of the fuggly room. Its eye stared at him. His mind screamed, why is it big? It shouldn't be big. It shouldn't be moving.

"Christ!" Dale said as he glanced at the saccubus's room.

"Are you alright?" Dale called.

At that point the saccubus whispered phrases repeatidly that he couldn't make out.

Two tiles on the ceiling popped open, releasing a stong stench of gas. Dale pointed at the peeking fuggly.

"Look, thats gas their pouring out here, you wanna fucking burn? Be my guest.." Dale said. He went inside the saccubus's room and picked up the terrified girl.

"I'm not going down here and I don't think I'd be able to sleep tonight if I left you here. Just making that clear." Dale said.

But exiting wasn't that easy. The other two creatures had come out of their rooms. Eyeing eachother and Dale with distrust. The one on the left looked like a tree with a skull for a head. It walked with its root feet and its skull head lacked eyes. The one to the right was a moving scarecrow. It had a bag mask, Dale noticed tons of moving bugs in its eye socket's.

"Look, you wanna fucking die? I know you all can smell that gas. If you attack us that is, or you can let me punch the wall and I'll give a blind eye to ya'll. What do you say?" Dale said. The two nightmarish creatures looked at eachother, then at Dale. Their choice had been made.