06: Reason

A small 6 years old kid was walking down the streets of Las Vegas, a backpack on his back and another on his front, in a reverse compared to the one on his back. The kid was wearing sunglasses so no one could see his deep purple eyes as he raised he lowered his head to look inside the bag in front of him. Opening it, Eny began to look through "his" money, from the 2,500 dollars, he had now 2,200 dollars, still a great amount! That strange urge to go to the Lotus Casino and Hotel was still there and he although would find it confusing, he didn't question it much.

He called a taxi again, he had done that before to get to Las Vegas, after all, it took him 300 dollars to cross the country and go from the United States to Las Vegas and he had to concentrate to use the Mist to make the driver think he was a teen. If Percy Jackson, son of the big three, could use the Mist, then he who was the Son of Nyx the Primordial Goddess of the Night, he could use it. And he did! It was like holding a balloon, he could hold it subconsciously, but if he was not careful his hold would lose and the balloon would fly away. He just made himself be seen as 17 years old version of himself for mortals, so although he looked like a child to those who could see through the Mist, for those who couldn't, he was a 17 years old teen.

[Mist Control: 02%

As the veil that separates the supernatural from the neutral, you, as a Demi-Primordial, can manipulate this veil for your benefit, creating Illusions and even Manipulating the mind of Mortals.]

Eny sat down in the taxi, the driver smiled and asked: "Where to, young man?" Eny just looked at the driver and said in a slightly tired tone: "Lotus Casino." The driver nodded and began to do his job, drive, as Eny looked out of the window. Thankfully the driver did not try to start a conversation because those can be used to gather information on someone, he already knows where Eny is going and because Eny doesn't know exactly where the Lotus Casino is the man can easily take him away from his destination and try to mug him, or maybe the man is a Legacy that can see through the veil of Mist that he covers himself with... Or maybe the man is a Clear Sighted who can see through the Mist and- Eny shook his head, no use thinking too much right now even though it helped him once. As the driver arrived, he announced to Eny, who paid him and got out, in front of him was the Lotus Casino and Hotel.

A man in front of the casino saw him and smiled, saying: "Good to see that you arrived, we have your room prepared, please feel free to use all the facility's items. Your room is room 42069, here's the key, and here's your card." The man practically pushed Eny inside the Casino, and if he didn't know better he would be easily fooled by the man, as soon as he entered the Casino he felt a subtle feeling in his head that he shook, something just tried to enter his mind and he didn't like it, now he needs to know where this strange urge to come to this place and get something from it... He just needs to find it.

[Willpower: 01%

By resisting mental manipulation, you can just resist things using your own will to do so.]

Eny felt his head clear as soon as he saw this message and he watched as the feeling returned, it was stronger than the subtle and gentle feeling from before, it was aggressive and demanding, he felt a headache and felt like he wanted to stay in this place forever, but then he felt something different, it was the dame feeling he had when his mother spoke to him, he remembered Grenade who soon appeared. Where was the Hellhound? Inside his shadow. Hellhounds can Shadow Travel like any other Underworld creature, however, Grenade can stay inside his shadow for long periods. He told him he learned to do this to hide from his bigger siblings that bullied him and tried to eat him.

"Grenade," Eny called out as his shadow expanded and the Hellhound left his shadow. All the people that were playing the games of the casino didn't even look at him when a dog left his shadow, they were too focused on their respective games. "Grenade, I want you to search this place, and if you find anything you think can be taken, bring it to me." The Hellhound just said: "Yes master." and vanished by diving into the shadows of different people, Eny just followed that strange feeling he was having. He walked through the place, searching for something he couldn't pinpoint what... After how many hours he searched he finally found it. It was a small boy, with slightly pink blond hair, he was sitting down on a table and playing a game of Plants vs Zombies Modern Warfare 2.

A voice soon came to his mind, like a whisper being carried by the wind: "Take him..." Eny frowned as this voice was not like his mother's, and he did not trust this. He was going to leave when the voice said again, this time it was almost begging: "Please, take him, please save him..." Eny looked around, he could not see the source of this voice so it should be a Goddess because the voice sounded feminine and it was a child. A Demigod perhaps? "And what do I get from that? He looks too weak, a burned, that's what I get. Tch, fine! Grenade!" Eny shouted he did not care that no one not even looked at him after he shouted, monsters were not affected by the mind-altering effects of this place, so Grenade just appeared from Eny's shadow.

His Shadow Diving was done as the Hellhound bowed in front of Eny and said: "Here I am, master." Eny just grabbed the boy by the neck and pulled him to his arms, the boy was smaller than him, probably 5 years old no more than that. "Take me to the sewers." The hellhound nodded as the shadows under Eny began to expand and soon covered his whole body. Before they vanished, Eny thought: 'This boy was the reason I wanted to come here.'

[Will Power: 01% → 20%]

[Mist Control: 01% → 02%]