Chapter 14: At the Cave

"Remember now, if there is a flying enemy, hide. If they try to enter the cave, stab them with a spear, if it's a climbing enemy use the javelins and arrows. If you can't fight, run, if you can't run, hide, and if you can't hide, fight. Okay?" Eny seriously asked both Luke and Pruno, who just nodded, Eny eyed the dagger on Pruno's waist that was on its holder made of Hellhound leather. "If anything happens, use the dagger." He said seriously that Pruno's face became serious and all the playfulness of before vanished. Pruno said: "I will don't worry." Eny shook his head before sighing and calling: "Grenade."

Luke was confused until he saw the shadows below Eny's body expand and from the shadows leave a black labrador with red eyes and white teeth. The dog began to wag his tail and now to Eny, saying: "Yes master. Here I am." Eny sighed, looking at the dog's body he had some scratches here and there, so he was running around the forest and getting hit by branches because he likes to run around the forest fast, and he is too stupid to dodge the branches. Taking a leaf off of Grenade's ear, Eny gave him instructions.

1: Be near them and protect them

2: If there is any threat, fight alongside them.

3: If the threat is too big, take them and Shadow Travel away

4: Stay alert at the entrance of the cave

5: Be a good boy till he returns.

Given these instructions, Grenade decided to follow them with his heart and soul, wagging his tail when asked to be a good boy and that he would be given a threat if he followed every rule. As soon as he gave those instructions to Grenade, Eny smiled at Pruno and flew away, he was on his very own mission to get Ambrosia, Nectar, and currency! He took all the money they had gathered from stealing from mortals, which was 10,053 dollars total, leaving all the food, water, and other essentials behind for them.

After some minutes after Eny was gone, Luke finally got the courage to talk: "He doesn't like me, does he?" Pruno eyed Luke before sighing, saying: "He doesn't like anyone... He is always like that, not trusting anyone. It took me som months to get him to trust me completely, but I trust him as well. I don't know why but he is always scared to trust others and always keeps his distance. Give him some time and he will begin to trust you, and once he does, he will quite literally die for you if necessary." As he said the finishing phrase about dying for him, he smiled sadly, making Luke ask: "He almost did... Didn't he?"

Pruno held back the tears a little bit, but Luke could still see it. "Yeah... He almost did." Luke didn't want to push him too hard, but he was curious about it, so he gave him some time to breathe a little. "I guess you saw the scar on his back, right? It was my fault. I was angry that day and ran, I ran into a Minotaur... The monster attacked me and I almost died, if it wasn't for Eny I would have died." Luke just nodded his head to demonstrate he was listening, Pruno sighed and said: "He took the hit from the great ax of the Minotaur... When i saw him falling on the ground, his body cut in half, i cried and... Snapped. I remember waking up to see half of the forest completely dead while Eny was munching on the corpse of the Minotaur..."

Luke closed his eyes as if he was trying to imagine the scene, Pruno continued the story: "When I asked him how he was still alive, he was confused and asked me if I had a nightmare... I told him I saw his body being cut in half and he chuckled and asked me if my nightmare was so bad, I was confused but i knew it wasn't a dream, he had the scar to prove it. When I asked about the scar he told me it was from the Minotaur, it cut his flesh but not cut him in half, he said I fainted when I saw his blood and then everything around me began to wither. He was eating the Minotaur to heal as I sat there, confused." Luke frowned, not knowing what to believe.

"I was confused, but later I guess I accepted it as being just my imagination because Eny had no memories of that happening at all," Pruno said, little did he know that Eny knew that it had happened, but he couldn't tell him. He couldn't tell anyone because it was something he couldn't control, his wilder side...

That day he discovered why his Lycanthrope form changed and mutated into his Dark Chimera, and why he was able to integrate other monster's parts into his Dark Chimera form on human form. But Luke nor Pruno, and not even Grenade knew what Eny knew about himself.

-Scene Cute-

Eny flew a few miles away from the "Cave" and came to land on a desert road. He looked at the two sides before taking a golden Drachma and throwing it on the ground, saying in perfectly fluent Greek: "Stêthi, Ô hárma diabolês!" The golden Drachma began to dissolve into black smoke as a taxi appeared in its place. The taxi had this gloomy and creepy appearance and was big... Too big for a normal taxi, with trinkets and other small little things dangling from the interior of the taxi.

"Location?" Inside the taxi were three ladies, they all had grey hair and only one of them had an eye and one tooth that poked out of the one of the lady's mouth. Eny took a deep breath and said: "The nearest place to exchange dollars into drachmas." One of the Grey Sisters began to grumble and mumble while the other sighed and slapped the older sister's head, which made the eye fly off of her socket into the ground before Eny. "Convenient." Eny said as he took the eye, and heard the sisters squeal and shout: "Give it back! No! Give it back!" Eny smiled mischievously, not that any of them could see it, but he smiled. "And what do I get if I give it back...?" The silence was heard but it was soon broken by the sisters whispering to each other, soon the one holding the steering wheel of the car, said: "We can give you a discount! Discount!"

"Now we're talking..."