Chapter 17: Back at the Cave

While Eny was gone, Luke and Pruno were having a conversation and understanding each other well, both had hard lives, and although Pruno was technically older than Luke, they still considered themselves to be of the same age. Grenade was just at the entrance of the cave, guarding it like Cerberus guards the exit of the Underworld, a strong standing with his chest puffed to make himself look bigger but all that it did was make him cuter than before.

"And so I ran... I guess that was when you two saved me, right?" Luke had just finished telling Pruno a little bit of his life, Pruno had just told him he was from 1945 and how he was living in this place where time didn't move like it normally does, and he stayed 5 years old for 49 years! So although they had their technical 40 years of difference, Luke and Pruno quickly became friends. Pruno opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, Grenade appeared from the shadows and said: "Master's mates, a monster is at the base of the cave, it is crawling up." Grenade had the Hellhound mentality, to Hellhounds, you only keep on your cave what you consider good, normally pups and mates, and these two didn't look like pups to Grenade, so he thought that they were mates.

"Monster?" Luke shivered for a second, he was almost killed by Hellhounds and Giant Scorpions, give him a break.

"Mates?" Pruno completely ignored the monster thing, he frowned before remembering that Eny taught him about British words, they were watching a movie once and a man was speaking in a British accent that Pruno had a hard time understanding, he began to ask questions and Eny began to answer him in the British accent. He remembers that the word 'Mate' means friend, so he thinks Grenade means 'Mate' in a friendly way. Oh poor, innocent soul, Grenade still wondered if they would get pups anytime soon! Hellhounds grow to adulthood in a month, so he thought that Pruno and Luke, who seemed to be the same age, were already adults.

"Which monster?" Pruno decided to ask, Grenade tilted his head to the side and said: "Big body, long tail, big claws... Green scales, long tongue." What Grenade was describing was a Giant Lizard, different from a Dragon or Drakon, it didn't have wings and also did not breathe fire. Pruno approached the entrance of the cave to see the giant lizard effortlessly walking up towards the cave, he touched the cavern floor and concentrated hard, his forehead was full of sweat as he used his energy to will a root to grow out of the stone and impale the Giant Lizard to at least injure it.

The ground began to tremble as an enormous root grew out of the mountain, impaling the Giant Lizard and injuring it, not killing instantly, but injuring it as the root impaled the monster's stomach. The monster howled in pain as the root kept it there, a few inches away from the mountain, hanging with its stomach impaled.

Pruno fell to the cavern floor panting as he used all his energy and will to stop this monster, he felt proud as this was the first monster he defeated without Eny's help! With a weak smile, Pruno laid there on the cold stone floor of the cold stone cave and sighed in relief, Luke helped him get in a comfortable position near the back of the cave, it was getting colder as the night drew closer, but they knew they could only make a campfire near the entrance so the smoke wouldn't fill the cave and suffocate them to death. "It's okay now, he won't get out of there for. long time... Hopefully, enough time to Eny get here." Pruno reassured Luke with a weak, gentle smile, Luke smiled back and nodded his head while his eyes darted back to the entrance to the cave.

-Scene Cut-

And the very first thing Eny saw when he arrived at the cave was a Giant Lizard hanging from a root out of the mountain, the root impaling the monster and keeping it inches away from the face of the mountain, at least a few feet off the ground. Eny quickly moved and his nails began to grow till it was 5 inches long, he used his now black nails to penetrate the Giant Lizard's scales and break its skull, killing it in the process. He flapped his wings and ignored the dead Lizard as he entered the cave, to see Luke and Pruno sleeping. Well, he got here so late, it was dark as the moon was high in the sky. Grenade was at the entrance of the cave, looking down at the Giant Lizard and ready to vanish from there if it broke free taking both Luke and Pruno with him.

As soon as he saw that his master had returned, his tail began to wag as Eny smiled down at him, saying: "You were a good boy. Here's your treat." Hellhounds eat almost anything, but they have their preferences and in Grenade's case was Carnivorous Sheep meat, which Eny got for him after searching for them, they normally go around the country in herds of 10 or more. Giving a big piece of the sheep's meat to Grenade, Eny began to shift his body to his Dark Chimera form, making his bones snap and his muscles tear as his body expanded further than it would as he used [Skill] Height Control to make himself bigger to accommodate both boys on his floof paradise also known as Fur Hut.

His fur expanded as he used the feature of the Carnivorous Sheep that makes them expand their fur, and soon both boys were sleeping safely. Tomorrow they all had a lot to do, Luke better start working to pay his debt too.

He just hopes Pruno won't see another Demigod child and be like: "Sike, you're my friend now" or something...

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:


I ran out of inspiration, does someone know where can I buy more? Or does someone have... provider that they give me the number? Just tell them I pay well, and that the cops won't know.