Chapter 20: After a Storm

Rain poured down from the skies above as the thunder echoed through the dark of the night, a pink-haired boy shrieks in fright, as the lightning fell down from the sky.

Both Pruno and Luke were below Eny's big Dark Chimera form as he used his wings to protect both from the water of the rain and the cold of the wind as he hugged them close to his warm body, above his body was a white cape made of smooth silk held by his scorpion tail and his horns, as well as four spider legs that held the silk to create a flat surface to protect Eny's massive body from the rain. He can't get his fur wet because then both boys below him would get cold, and although Demigods have stronger bodies than most humans, they do get colds. And Eny would rather avoid that unpleasant experience as he had to take care of Pruno when got cold once and the boy could barely speak as he had hallucinations from his fever.

Lightning crackled as thunder rolled, making Pruno tremble in fear. He didn't like storms because of the lightning and thunder, he looked at the dark gray sky and felt a cold feeling on his head as Eny's dog-like nose booped his head from above.

Luke was also holding on to Eny for dear life as he trembled in fear, this lightning scared him not because he was afraid of lightning, but because Zeus is angry. You see, a Demigod could easily feel the anger of the lightning as it is roaring right now, hitting the ground and destroying it as Zeus is angrily throwing them around. Eny didn't care about the lightning as he had to be sure none of the two only members of his family were hurt. It has been about two months since Luke has been with them and Eny began to lower his guard around Luke a lot more, especially after the incident in which they were running from monsters.

There were many monsters, but most of them gave up after Eny flew with them half of a state, the others continued chasing them, Eny had also to land to rest, stay still for an hour, and monsters are resilient and persistent not giving him a chance to run. So he landed both boys in a safe place before using [Cosmic Magic: Falling Star] and trying to take out as many monsters as he could in one single attack. From the 25 monsters that were following them, he killed 24 in a single explosive attack, but the last one was able to survive and retain all its strength. The Giant Pit Scorpion was extremely poisonous like the Pit Scorpion, only one strike can kill a Demigod who is not strong enough, they can jump long distances, and their giant counterpart is way stronger than the regular counterpart.

(A/N: In this fic, Pit Scorpions are 1 to 5 inches long)

When he woke up, he saw Pruno giving some Ambrosia and Nectar to Luke, the boy barely breathing as the corpse of the Giant Pit Scorpion was at his foot. Not only was he hurt but Pruno was also hurt, with cuts and bruises all over his body, Eny just placed his body over them when he shifted to his Dark Chimera form and let them heal after they ate Ambrosia and drank Nectar. Since that day he started to warm up a little to Luke after Pruno told him how he fought to protect them, he felt a little guilty and began to work to get things well between them. Luke felt happy as he was accepted by Eny to be part of his family, so he and Pruno were now his little brothers while he was the big brother.

His new family soon grew together as Eny was paranoid to ever leave them behind, he would always tell them to be safe and always teach them about things he knew. Whenever one of them had a question would answer to the best of his abilities.

"Eny... Why is Z so angry?" They didn't refer to the Gods by their names because Eny told them they would notice them, which was not good. Zeus could consider him a threat and strike him down when he flying in the sky while he is flying with them. "You see, when Z doesn't get what he wants, he gets angry. And when he gets angry, lightning falls... There is also a storm happening right now so I would guess he and P are fighting again. And their discussion got more and more aggressive and they are how angry at each other." Luke got further next to Eny as he pulled Pruno closer to him, they were near his chest when he sighed and stood completely still. His rest took him one hour of just standing there, not moving at all. Not even his chest moved as he breathed! That's how much he did not move.

Soon he shook his mostly dry body as the silk above him protected his fur from the rain. He scoffed and moved his body slightly to remove the silk with his scorpion tail, he looked at the sky and smiled In wonder, because the cozy and warm fur was not pressing against them anymore, both Luke and Pruno woke up when the cold wind blew his hair and he shivered. He looked over at Luke who had an amazed expression on his face and turned to look at Eny who also had an amazed expression on his face. He turned his face to look at what both were looking for and gasped when he saw it...

Millions of little sparks of light floated around a rainbow, the small sparks of light were Morning Spirits, they are always confused with fireflies by humans, but to Demigods and Clear Sighted Humans they are small spheres of light on steroids, floating around erratically after rain or when its summer. They are Sun Spirits so they normally celebrate when the sun shines after a storm or when the sun much hotter in the summer. This scene was... Beautiful.

-Scene Ends-

Every ability +5%

[New Cosmic Magic]