Chapter 31: Hunt

"Welcome to Richmond, Virginia... Are you sure this is the place, Thalia?" A concerned blond young man, his blue eyes stared at the young girl beside him, seeing her nod he sighed and looked back, behind him was a rather tall young man that could be easily confused with a soldier because of his tall and muscular body, also because of the camouflage pants he was wearing and his white sleeveless T-shirt with a V-neck, that showed a scar near his neck. It made him more exotic and sexy, or so Luke thought, Enychta had some scars here and there from fighting monsters recklessly, and so did a young pink-haired boy holding his and Eny's hands as he looked at the welcome sign.

"Well." Enychta's purple eyes shined a golden light before turning back to purple, however, his pupils turned into little slits as he changed his eyes so he could see from far away. "It seems this place has some interesting monsters..." Eny sighed as he blinked and his pupils returned to their sphere shape, Thalia just chuckled when she heard it and asked: "And where have we gone to that didn't have any monster, at all?" Pruno snickered before he smiled and said: "That's true! We should just be careful then because we don't want what happened before to happen again, right?" His eyes darted to the purple-eyed youngster who dodged his eyes by looking away, his ears red as they can be as he blushed a little embarrassed.

What happened last time?

Well, let's just say Enychta had a meeting with a cousin of his and ended up eating the creature, but not before getting the monster's blood on his body, which burned his skin. He has the scar on his left arm to prove his meeting with the Hydra... The creature not only had very poisonous blood that could both poison and burn, but it could also spit acid, which Eny was not fond of. In the end, he was able to defeat the Hydra with Thalia, Luke, and Pruno helping him. They got one of its head as a Spoil of War that Eny kept on his bag with extended space. How did they get a Spoil of War after Eny ate the monster? Well, it wasn't for him, but for Luke who gave the last hit on the beast and made all the heads of the beast simply melt and fuse into one giant head that is kept inside the bag.

Eny could eat the corpse of the Hydra without the heads and although he burned himself with the blood, he got a new ability, although his regenerative capabilities were high compared to a Demigod, they couldn't compare to a Hydra!

Weak Regeneration: 5%

Increases regenerative capabilities, although it won't make you grow a new head every time your head is chopped off, it can slowly help you regenerate serious damage done to you, fire is the only problem since it can't regenerate completely burned cells.

It helped Eny regenerate the damage he took from that fight, he used his body to protect everyone from the attacks of the Hydra, taking the acid balls to himself burning his skin and muscle, he felt a lot of pain but he didn't care. He used a lot of magic to attack the beast, but its scales were resistant against magic, and although he did a lot of damage it was not enough to kill it as it kept regenerating. He had to rely on [Cosmus: Falling Star] to kill it by exploding the magic, something easy for him to do with his boon [Magical Destroyer], he also lost control of his magic causing a total explosion around him that hit everyone, sending them away and killing the Hydra. Later he saw that everyone was fine, he was extremely tired to even move, the Hydra had survived but was extremely weak, Luke took the opportunity and struck the last of the monster's hearts.

To kill a Hydra by attacking its hearts is stupid and very likely to lead to death. Why? Well, the torso of the monster is protected by all its heads, also the scales are hard to break, the muscles are hard to tear, and the heart is like a stone to cut through. Never breaks in one attack, and it also has one heard for each head it currently had! The attack Eny used was enough to shatter the hearts while destroying the heads of the Hydra by breaking their necks and leaving them unable to move, this just shows how strong that attack was because the Hydra was not only hit with magic, which it is resistant to but also broke its bones! A Hydra's bones are harder than Celestial Bronze!

Thalia, Pruno, and Luke were very proud of Eny but Eny was proud of them!

They stood their ground so well, Luke running around the Hydra and striking its body and tails to catch its attention, Thalia, with her spear poking the eyes of the heads of the Hydra to make them blind so they could not be useful to the Hydra, while Pruno was using vines and roots to keep it in place, so it wouldn't run. He also used some roots to hind the heads to the ground, where he would quickly approach and drain the life out of the head, but it was very ineffective and slow because the Hydra was resistant to magic as I said before.

But this happened months ago, now they are in June 1st, Two months till August 1st, and Eny already knows what he wants to do. He will take them to a safe place where can leave them and go deal with his Mating Season thing, he doesn't know if it will be safe or if he will simply lose control... He can sense the changes slowly take form like he is growing more and more aware of both boys that keep trying to get his attention, even more after he kissed both, and they are hard to ignore. He tried! He only ignored them for 5 minutes before Pruno could bring his attention to him by kissing his nose and touching his arms, this made him sigh in defeat and give them the attention that they sought.

Thalia suddenly pointed her hand to a mansion, they have been walking around this town for some hours now and she was following the trail of the goat of Zeus, Amaltheia, and she finally found where it ended: "There! There must be the place." Eny sniffed the air and frowned, there were monsters around and they were pretty much surrounded by 10 red lions with horse hooves and horns, Eny smirked with a predatory smile on his handsome face, and asked: "Do you think that red lions taste different from the Nemean Lion?" Pruno giggle while Thalia answered: "There is only one way to know!"

Luke grabbed his sword and asked: "Eny, you can eat sliced red lion, right? You can even make a sandwich with the meat, we gave bread." Eny marveled at the idea and kissed Luke's forehead and said: "That's the greatest idea ever! I need to try it." Pruno pouted before he received a kiss on his forehead as well, Thalia clicked her tongue and said annoyed: "Guys! Focus! Red lions trying to eat us? It's not time to show love, plus, I'm single! Stop making me suffer from sugar, I think I'm already diabetic."

With a sigh, Eny's nails grew and turned black as his eyes turned gold, his teeth turned into fangs as a pair of scorpion tails. Yep, Eny is slowly learning more and more about his abilities... "Now... Let's hunt."

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

I've found great fanfic for you to read, it is named:

[Teen Sorcerer] and it is a Teen Wolf fanfic, wanna know what makes it so good? It's gay. Plus, the story is finished. For now at least, because the author says there will be more in 2021.

You can find the story both here and on AO3

I'll also add some images here because why not.