Chapter 49: Famous last words.

Everyone around couldn't help but be surprised, they felt danger coming from this person and most satyr would say he was a monster, but here they are.

The huge man was hugging the three new additions to their camp, well four, but they couldn't see Annabeth very well from the big pile that formed on top of Enychta. Everyone saw and heard them chuckle and hug tighter as if one of them would suddenly vanish from sight forever, which was a very good option considering that Enychta simply vanished for two months! After a few minutes of hugging and even some crying, Luke was the very first to ask the question they all wanted to know: "Where were you?" There were still some tears in his eyes as he asked, Eny licked away the tears and kissed his cheeks and forehead, as well as giving him small kisses on his lips.

"I can explain that, but can you, like, get me inside the camp?" This confused all four others listening. "Wait, aren't you like, a Demigod too?" Thalia asked, wanting to know why he couldn't enter the barrier at all, or even touch it... Pruno looked at him completely confused as to why he would not be able to touch the barrier, but then he placed pieces together and whispered so only the four could hear: "I always thought you only could transform into monsters, not that you were one." This stung Eny's heart deeply, he locked eyes with Pruno and for a moment Pruno was surprised to see Enychta's eyes reflecting his internal pain, he was about to apologize but Eny broke eye contact as his back began to rise from the grass, Pruno and Luke had to get up from his chest as he walked towards the barrier, they followed him too accompanied by Thalia and Annabeth.

They walked side by side and when the four Demigods passed through the barrier, Enychta hit an invisible wall, separating them. "See?" Eny pressed both hands on the invisible wall, Pruno suddenly grabbed one while Luke grabbed the other and they both pulled him through the barrier inside the Camp.

It felt strange, like an electric current coursing through his well-packed and big body, he was resistant to lightning, but this electric current didn't do him any sort of damage... "Well... I know you have your questions..." Eny began, but a cough caught their attention as Chiron approached the group with an angry, older satyr. His eyes narrowed when he looked over at Enychta and the quartet that was so close to him, Enychta, by instinct, stood behind his family to protect them from anything. A pair of big, black wings sprouted out of his back, and using his wings to create a protective shield around them he locked eyes with the centaur.

"Luke, Pruno, Thalia, and Annabeth... Can you tell me, who this would be?" Chiron asked, he could still feel the lingering feeling of dread and danger oozing out of the winged figure in front of him. "Ergh..." Luke awkwardly raised his hand from the big shield of feathers that protected him and said: "Well, this is Enychta... Our... Leader." There was confusion and surprise among the Demigods that came to watch what was going on, the younger ones started to appear as well, which made the news of a new addition just spread faster as more and more Demigods came to see who the fresh meat was and- They were stunned. Such a hot guy! Shirtless even! He had several scars spreading through his body, some even close to very important arteries in his neck and legs that if cut he would bleed until he died, but that only showed how strong he was to survive so much.

When they were practically surrounded by an army of Demigods, Enychta began to feel more and more stressed, and noticing it Pruno began to play with his hair to appease him a little bit, which worked a little bit and even got Annabeth to come and help him braid Enychta's long black hair. Oh yeah, it grew on those two months he spent flying around like a bitch in heat... Literally.

It was relaxing to have them both playing with his hair, so his wings slowly lowered and revealed that the special trio was there with the new arrival. This surprised some of the campers because Luke, Pruno, and Thalia had become very famous among the younger and even the older Campers! Why? Because of their experience of course.

The trio had experience fighting together and even solo, so when training started they were easily defeating everyone that challenged them to any form of combat, they would win. Team Combat? Easy won. Solo combat? They would win in their very own way, Luke was easily recognized as the Head Leader of the Hermes cabin by those yet to be claimed and Chiron made it "official" by announcing it just because it would be good to have some sort of order inside that cabin. Besides, everyone liked Luke! He was a good guy, polite, handsome, good at fighting, and sadly taken.

Taken by Pruno, or at least that was what they thought because Pruno would always stat with Luke and they would hold hands, kiss sometimes, and wait for something together... And apparently, that something came here.

Pruno was famous because the Demeter cabin liked to spoil him, giving him gifts and other things too. He was sweet to everyone and extremely polite when outside of combat, but when in combat he was a complete beast! Thorns, vines, roots, wood, leaves, and everything nature-related could be used by him to simply destroy his enemy! Not only that he could also use his mother's destructive powers as well! He could whiter things within a certain radius around his body and through roots too, but the most efficient way was touch.

Thalia was famous because she was a daughter of the big three, a daughter of Zeus! She was very strong and could use lightning too, besides, her shield scared a lot of people too. She was hot-headed and took every single challenge with pleasure, defeating a lot of the children of Ares and Athena as well! Her fame was greater too as she had a whole cabin for herself, where Pruno, Annabeth, and Luke would sleep because it was a habit for them to sleep together. And because it was her cabin, no one could say anything about it as she had authority over it, she never cared about what others would say about her nor she cared if they didn't like her. She was so cool! Everyone admired her a lot.

Annabeth didn't have much fame, she was a great daughter of Athena and was young, had a hunger for knowledge that she sought satiate every day too. The only thing noticeable about her is that she was the little sister of the Infamous Trio as the Campers like to call them, and nothing more...

Now, imagine the surprise they all had when they saw the Infamous Trio (plus Annabeth) being hugged by a winged human with black hair and purple eyes, slits for pupils, and a very muscular body... Not only that but he has this very dangerous feeling around him that scared a lot of the campers but didn't seem to bother the four that were there, lying beside him and even touching him. Enychta was sitting on the grass on the ground with Pruno standing beside him together with Annabeth, braiding his hair, Luke was lying between his legs while Thalia had her head on his shoulder, sighing a little in relief as she was very worried about him.

Annabeth just got a little more famous for being so close to a dangerous person without fear at all...

"Leader?" Shouted the older satyr angrily, making everyone look at him. "How dare you declare such vile creature as your leader! This is nothing but an abomination" Everyone soon started to look at the winged man who stared back at the older satyr with angry golden eyes that made everyone take a step back instinctively, but what surprised them was the speed in which roots wrapped around the older satyr and a very sweet voice said: "What. Did. You. Say?"

All everyone could feel was fear at that moment.

-Scene Ends-

Author Notes:

I am slowly getting better.