Extra Chapter: How to Please your Dragon (2/2)

[Proceed carefully, this chapter contains sexual description (+18) and gay¹²³. Does this count as Beastiality? Welp.]

"Uh... How do we do that...?" (L)

"It's just like in human form, just bigger." (E)

"I know it's just like in human form, but how do we do it!? It's literally bigger than our bodies and thicker than a tree!" (P)

"We can't even hold it hugging it..." (L)

"You can try... Rubbing your bodies on top of it? Like riding it, but not really, just anything... If you don't want to do it, just tell me, I can resist it and you both know that." (E)

"We know you can Eny, but we don't want you to suffer again... No one deserves to feel a boner without being able to do anything about it." (L) "And I can see it is painful to you, right? So it means we're causing you pain, and that makes me a little sad that I am making you suffer pain, so let me help you with it... Or try to at least."

"I agree with Luke. Eny, please... Let us help okay? You wouldn't hurt us, no matter which forms you take." (P)

"Hum... Okay." (E)

Enychta slowed down his pace, like that he would give them an easier time doing what they can to help him. The problem wasn't easy to solve, two 9 feet long dicks, black with a rough texture and several thick visible veins... It was a monster on itself. They had a meter and a half (5 feet) between them in distance at their base, spreading out in two different directions as they get bigger, making it hard to bring them together without something to help them.

"I can't believe I am thinking of ways to masturbate a dragon..." (L)

"Well, a hot dragon." (P)

"That doesn't exactly help... I think that is because this dragon is hot and is Eny, it is awakening something in me..." (L)

"Oh, kinky!" (P)

Joking around, Pruno had an idea! He looked through the bag connected to another dimension where they store their items, Pruno found what he was looking for. Seeds.

"I hope this works." (P)

Holding the seeds up, he willed them to grow and controlled them, soon green vines sprouted out of his hand and wrapped around Enychta's draconic penis. There was a twitch on the giant member as the vines began to move, simulating a hand and giving the 9 feet dick a handjob... Basically, Dragon Eny was receiving a great handjob from tentacles that were under Pruno's control who was in awe seeing the huge amount of precum that leaked out of the dick he had under his vines. It was an impressive amount and it leaked into close to his face, the scent of that was so strong and arousing that Pruno lost focus for a second as the giant member flexed and the vines that were holding it snapped and we're destroyed, making Dragon Enychta groan in frustration.

Luke was surprised by the smell that came from Enychta's leaking dick... So strong and arousing that he wanted to taste to see if tastes as better as it smells.

(A/N: Just me with gasoline and alcohol...)

Pruno had the left, why doesn't he take the right dick? And taking it he is, hands touching the gigantic thing, tracing his finger through the black visible pulsing veins that looked so hot from his perspective... His hand touched pulled the skin because of course Enychta was uncut and that transferred over to his other forms, even a dragon had an extra hide hiding his penis from external dangers. He did not resist it and traced his tongue up the gigantic thing, as far as his tongue could get, the precum that leaked and flowed down made contact with his tongue, and he tasted it... It tasted good, better than the sex smell it had.

This had certainly awakened something inside him he didn't know he liked. He feels like Enychta looks better like a dragon than a human, maybe just because he has two dicks or because his personality gets more proud and he calls them his "treasure" which is adorable too... Is he a pervert for liking it? He doesn't know and certainly doesn't care.

He likes Enychta in his Minotaur form, Wolf form, Dragon form, Snake form, any form he takes that can look a little different than his human form. Not that he doesn't like Eny's human form, is that he looks hotter in other forms. Oh my God, is Shapeshifting his fetish!? Or is Beastiality!? Maybe he is a Furry!

Oh no. Everything but a Furry!

A sudden twitch from Enychta's dick made him leave his mind as he saw Pruno doing the same he was doing, licking the gigantic dick's precum and drinking it. Not their fault it tasted good... Is this some kind of draconic trait? Having their precum taste good? Luke used his speed to make his body tremble, basically becoming a human vibrator, which was something funny and useful. How did he do it? Enychta once joked he could become a human vibrator if moved at fast speeds without leaving his place, making his whole body vibrate at very fast speeds. It took him a good time until he finally achieved this, he wanted to use it on his hands, but he can do it on his whole body.

This is a skill both useful on sex and in battle because if his sword vibrates quickly, he can cut through things easier.

But right now that skill was being used on a very hard task, make a dragon cum from his two dicks.

While Pruno used vines to masturbate the gigantic black dragon, Luke used his speed to deliver great vibration and pleasure. He even managed to climb on top of Enychta's dick and sat on the head, licking it while also vibrating, Pruno was doing the same as he used his vines to stimulate Enychta's dick. They didn't notice but they weren't moving anymore and instead we're flying in the same place without going forward or backward. The pleasure was not big for Enychta, but it was like an itch that couldn't leave him anymore, he wanted to scratch it, but he didn't want it because it felt good and it was great. He stood there for the next three hours, just feeling that sensation that did not stop.

When he finally came, both Luke and Pruno were bathed on his cum. He isn't even kidding, the net below his body caught most of the cum but some of it fell on the ocean... Most of it fell on the ocean.

His cum was so thick that it was like a thick white cream that you could walk on, and they could walk on it, it was also like sinking sand, if they didn't move they would slowly sink until they were completely covered in his cum. Thank God they had no clothes on because Enychta had to dive back on the ocean to clean them as well as himself, and by the end of this whole ordeal, they were both covered on his scent! Other monsters would stay away from them because he was the stronger monster and they would see both as his mates and keep their distance to not risk angering him.

That's how it would go.

However, it can also mean that there is a target for stronger monsters to kill his "offspring" to prevent him from having children. He understands this because he is part monster and that is common among stronger monsters, to think about how to prevent stronger enemies in the future, by killing their cubs...

Well, not that they can get pregnant.


-Scene Ends-

Maybe I'll add biological children for them, but would you want like, mpreg on this? I'm fine with it.

Or maybe Enychta can just, lay an egg. He is a dragon after all.