Chapter 68: Captured Magician

Luke could barely breathe as Pruno was devouring him with his kisses, making him gasp for air every time he had time. His face was burning red with his embarrassment only growing every second that Pruno teased him with kisses and love bites on his shoulder, neck, and chin. "Pruno." Enychta's hoarse voice sounded behind him, Luke forgot that he was there for a moment as he was lost in the feeling of his and Pruno's movements. "Stop this before I punish you... You won't like it because it won't be kinky punishment but mental punishment. I'll get you a gigantic puzzle for you to do and when you're done, I will destroy it and make you do it again, again and again until you sleep."

That was an innocent torture method, at least Enychta thought so, but the process of finding every single puzzle piece and completing the puzzle is always a pain in the ass... Not the pain in the ass he wanted, but the one he hated.

"Okay..." Pruno whispered before he sat down beside Luke, his lower body still didn't move, so he had to use the strength of his arms to drag himself to the side, which was easy enough for him to do. "Now..." His fingers curled as he slowly laid down his head on Luke's lap, who was having a little hard time calming down. "What will we do now?" He whispered knowing that Enychta would hear him... Enychta has very sharp senses after all! He pondered about how sharp they are...

Is his vision so sharp he can see an ant crawling through the ground while flying above the clouds? Probably, probably not, he never tried...

Is his hearing so potent he can hear the blood flowing through the human body? Yes, he can if he focuses.

Is his smell sense so sensitive that he can smell the scent of blood from kilometers away from the one bleeding? He actually can yes.

We're getting off tracks here...

Anyway, Enychta pondered what they should do, it was then that he felt it, someone was getting closer to them. His eyes glowed in a weird light and above him, a star appeared as he used [Cosmic Star: Stun] to stun whoever is coming towards them, they will stop and make some noise from the pain they will feel from seeing the sudden light of his star. And just as he expected, the trio heard a very audible grunt as someone was stunted, he knew it wasn't a mortal because he aimed it at the top of his head and only those who are looking at him would see it, but mortals cannot see him at the moment, so it must be a monster or a demigod... But it was a magician.

Slowly a person appeared seemingly out of nowhere, the invisibility spell was broken. Enychta could feel the person approaching because of the sound of their steps and their breathing, as well as having a heartbeat! His eyes glowed golden as roots emerged from the ground and Luke swiftly appeared behind the girl who looked distressed. Enychta continued to sit, looking at the girl in the eyes... "Oh, what do we have here... A Magician?" Enychta made sure to use [Voice Mimicry] to make his voice lower and different from his, but just a little bit, it sounded much sexier than his normal voice for both boys even though he was trying to be intimidating. "I've been searching for your people. You know... Those who use words to bend reality, I am one of the same myself after all." He raised his left hand and a small sphere of stone floated above it, he was using [Cosmic Magic: Meteorite] to create a flaming projectile that would explode upon contact with his target. At that moment he also heard his [Cosmic Magic] going from [Skill] to [Unique Skill]! He got a new spell and a new ability with [Cosmic Magic] other than the [No-Harm Mark]:

[Cosmic Magic: Black Hole] [Proficiency: 0%]

[Consumes mana to create/destroy a black hole that can consume almost anything that it touches. Deals insane amounts of damage. Black holes are also unstable.]

[Mark of Cosmus: You can mark up to 5 people with spells that you know, giving them the ability to cast that spell once per day. The stronger the bond between the mark and the one who put the mark, the stronger the spell gets, also making the marked able to cast that spell more than once a day.]

[No-Harm Mark can now be applied to monsters]

This is very useful, due to his relationship with Pruno and Luke he can now share some of his spells... He knows just which to give to both of them, but not now that he needs to focus. He just quickly added two monsters to the [No-Harm Mark] before he looked back at the magician in front of him, held at gunpoint... Or should he say, held at sword point? There was a sword on her neck, a Celestial Bronze sword that was drawing a little bit of blood from her. One single swipe and her head would be gone from her neck and flying into the air... Good thing Enychta used [Cosmic Dust: Sleep] and made every single mortal around them fall into deep slumber before Pruno eve moved and wrapped the woman in green roots and vines.

"Pruno dear, please take the staff out of her hands." The magician curse when the staff was quickly taken away from her by a root that struck forward and took the staff out of her hands... now things were getting complicated for her, all she wanted to do was cast a spell on them to try and identify if they were demons in disguise.

-Scene Breaks-

Author Notes:

My little gay heart is fondly writing random shit in a draft novel that I will probably never post.

Have a nice day.