Chapter 78: Thoughts [Filler]

Camp Half-Blood, where the children of the Gods of the Greek Pantheon are gathered, where they train to become heroes and go on quests given by their parents, where they are accepted by their parents too to be part of a cabin... Well, almost all of them. Most of the minor Gods don't have cabins of their own, making them unable to claim their children and leaving them in the Hermes cabin, the place where every unclaimed child is left behind.

It would be better to call this place Camp Mommy/Daddy Issues because the number of children with mommy or daddy issues in this place is enormous! Most children are attacked by monsters in their childhood or have their whole life turned upside down by the fact that they are Demigods and their parents "ignore" them... Well, some do, others don't.

Demigods are what is born when a God and a mortal have a child together, may it happen by biological ways or not, the child has both the Mortal and Immortal side of the Gods and the, well, mortals, making them twice as vulnerable to damage... But here's the catch: Every Demigod is BORN with Divinity on them, which is the same for the Gods, but differently from the Gods, Demigods have their divinity locked away in their souls, and only through hard work or dumb luck can they "awake" this divinity which normally is something related to their Godly parent. Like Luke Castellan who is the Son of Hermes and awoke his divinity, the divinity of Speed!

Gods can get stronger through different ways, but the most used is through faith and belief, the more mortals that worship them, the stronger they get! This also makes them dependent on faith or belief that they exist to some extent so when a Divine Being is forgotten, the only exception is the Primordial Deities, which are always there.

The Night, Nyx.

The Darkness, Erebus.

The Love, Eros.

The Earth, Gaea.

The Void, Chaos.

The Pit, Tartarus.

These six are normally doing their things, but Gaea, Tartarus, Nyx, and Eros are very involved with the Mortals and Immortals of the Earth. Gaea is the personification of Earth, so she would be involved with mortal and immortal life, being a bitch that wants to release numerous monsters upon the earth and destroy the human race... Fun!

Back to the topic of Demigods awakening their Divinity, there are two ways a Demigod can get stronger: By working on their divinity, making it stronger by training, or they can kill a Divine Being and absorb their divinity for themselves, which grants someone the slain Divine Being their Divinity as well, but in a weak form that needs to be trained. There is also a third method, used by Heracles, which is to die and be reborn as a God! But it can only happen when the Demigod is already worshipped by the mortals as a God and has enough strength to forcefully rip apart their mortal flesh, or burn it as Heracles did.

Gods can do a lot of things related to their divinity, like control aspects related to their divinity as well as change it or modify it if the Divine Being is strong enough. Divine Beings can also create their separate dimension, which is scattered around, all connected to Earth. For the Norse Pantheon, they have Yggdrassil that is connected to nine realms, Niflheim, Muspelheim, Asgard, Midgard, Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, Helheim, which also confirms the existence of other realms that are connected to Earth! So this implies that there are ways to travel through dimensions, and possibly... Universes. Realities. Worlds.

But that is only a theory that passed through Enychta's head when he was flying in his majestic black draconic form with golden eyes and a long tail with a big sting as well, Enychta mixed his Giant Scorpion form with his Dragon form to have a natural weapon capable of poisoning the enemy if he is ever attacked from behind and cannot attack with his arms or jaw. With two demigods in his back riding him, he made sure to make them a comfortable seat so they wouldn't have sore asses after they arrive at Camp Half-Blood... Enychta is thinking about what he will make as his home, maybe he can create a hole in one of the mountains and sleep there on his dragon form? He knows Pruno is welcome in the Demeter cabin, and Luke is more than welcome in the Hermes cabin, Thalia is literally the owner of the Zeus cabin at this point while Annabeth is part of the Athena Cabin.

Nyx doesn't have a cabin on Camp Half-Blood and he is slightly concerned about what Mr.Lightbulb would do if he built one there, probably smite him or something... He has to build up resistance to Lightning quickly because he is quite sure one day Mr.Spark will try to fry him with lightning for being a threat to his idiotic realm.

'Okay! When we get back to camp, I'll have Thalia deep fry me with lightning.' Enychta thought as his big black wings flapped as his body flew forward. His mind also wandered to what Divinity would Pruno have if he manages to awaken it... Something related to him and Persephone as well.

Pruno is very possessive and aggressive to those he takes as threats or obstacles to his love for both Enychta and Luke, which is quite natural to the children of Persephone, as they take it from her and her [Destruction] Divinity. She is also a Goddess for [Vegetation] and also [Life], but she also has the [Death] Divinity which is due to her destructive powers and personality and also being the Goddess of the Underworld... Pruno would probably take from her [Death] or her [Destruction] Divinity, getting something equally destructive or even worse than that. Possibly worse because Pruno is the first child of Persephone to take both her powers to control plants and cause decay and death around him, which is quite powerful as he was trained by Enychta from a young age.

The only thing that can confirm Enychta's doubts is time.
