Chapter 81: Family

It took Enychta some time to process all the information he received while cooking the pancakes that he promised both his little lovers... His mind was calm, he no longer panicked overthinking everything that he ever believed before knowing who his father was, even though Enychta didn't believe it much because he was naturally untrusty of the words of strangers and didn't trust others easily, but he couldn't help but wonder and ponder about the words he received from his "father" and that when he is "mature" enough his so-called "demonic" side will awaken.

It didn't sound much like a lie, but it also didn't seem to be the truth in Enychta's eyes, but he still told both Luke and Pruno what he heard from the male voice inside his head, there were no secrets between them, they even knew Enychta's soul was older than theirs... Reincarnation was something common, a soul that wants to enter the Isle of the Best in Elysium will need to reincarnate and enter Elysium three times, so reincarnation was a concept well known by Greek Demigods.

He just said he was reincarnated.

The response he got?

Well, it was simple: "Cool. I love you anyway."

They didn't care, even if he was reincarnated. It was also time for Enychta to leave his past behind him because he died in that world and for that world, he is gone... Well, he slowly started considering himself part of this world even though he is not natural to this world, it's mortal nature to adapt to a new place easily, or maybe it was just him? Or maybe it was something common amongst every single sentient being? Who knows? Who cares? Enychta certainly doesn't.

He is too focused on watching Luke and Pruno stare at each other intensely as they hold their fork tightly, staring at the only pancake left... Their eyes clearly showed their hostility for each other, love is love, but the food between is something completely different! Enychta watched as if it was a common sport, Pruno, and Luke trying to get the last piece of blueberry pancake for themselves in a full-on fight for the survival of the fittest that made Enychta smile, relaxing a little as his mind wandered back to the problems that he was too lazy to care about. One of such problems is that he doesn't have a cabin of his own! Where would his home be if not his cabin? He can't live forever inside the Zeus cabin! After all, Mr.Spark may be looking at him with disgust or worse, lust...

Enychta shivered just thinking about that, he felt very uncomfortable here all of a sudden...

He was distracted for a second and when his attention was brought back to the fight between his two lovers, they were on the ground making out. "Huh, that escalated quickly." Enychta chuckled as he quickly snatched the last pancake away and began to eat it when the two finally noticed that they left their precious treasure unprotected against the evil dragon who stole it from them before completely devouring their precious treasure. In a very dramatic, slow-motion camera, both Luke and Pruno extended their arms forward as Enychta took the last bite off of the pancake, dramatically smiling and chewing in delight, as an evil villain who just watched the hero succumb to the depths of the abyss...

"Okay, this was extremely dramatic." A female voice caught the trio off guard, entering the cabin accompanied by a smaller frame was Thalia and the little Annabeth, who quickly ran to hug Luke and Pruno before hugging Enychta, giggling in her cutesy little form. She was always studious and serious under the tutelage of other children of Athena, but with Thalia, Luke, Pruno, and Enychta, she always acted like her age and more playful and cute. "Luke! Pruno!" Hearing Annabeth's happy voice, both Pruno and Luke stopped their dramatic fight and hugged her with small smiles on their faces, like two fathers who just took their children out to play in the park, the serenity and playfulness between them were visible to the naked eye as they went to talk about the things that happened in their journey to the little girl.

"So I was worried for nothing huh?" Thalia whispered to herself, but Enychta's sharp ears easily caught her voice and the smile on his face was more than enough to show Thalia that he heard her, she quickly punched Enychta's left shoulder, the impact echoed and stopped the trio who was talking to look at Thalia, who suddenly clenched her hist and began to whine, because he fist hurts! Looking at Enychta's shoulder, she saw that exactly where she punched was a small but noticeable layer of black scales, making Thalia chuckle dangerously. "Come back here you asshole!" She shouted playfully as Enychta dashed deeply into the interior of the Zeus cabin, dodging some lightning arrows and being hit by some, the impact of the lightning strikes made his muscles tense and paralyzed him for a second, but he quickly broke free from the paralysis to tease Thalia.

And like that, Enychta acted like a big brother teasing his younger sister that aggressively attacked him with lightning attacks and unknowingly helped him a lot.

When the night, has come, and the land was dark, and the moon was the only light in the sky, the celebration was going to start!

[New Proficiency:

Lightning Resistance: 10%

Your body started to become more and more resistant to the lightning, maybe you can become immune to it in the future]

Even his [Magic Resistance] went all the way up to 40% thanks to Thalia and her tsundere attacks against Enychta, who teased and angered her. It was sincerely fun or was it Enychta's sadistic nature blossoming? He was part demon, after all.

Well, who knows?

-Scene Ends-

Author Notes:

Some things happen in the background that I don't show you that happens, but they happen.

Like Enychta telling Luke and Pruno he was reincarnated, not from another world, but reincarnated. He died, the soul went to a new body. Got it? Okay.