Chapter 90: Done.

The cabin was finished.

With a smile on his face, Enychta observed the new addition to Camp Half-Blood, the Nyx Cabin. Although it wasn't as big as Zeus Cabin, it was almost as big. It took a while to get done since Enychta wanted to make sure everything was done right and the foundation wouldn't fall even if Poseidon himself hit his cabin with a earthquake and tried to destroy his cabin! He will enchant every single plank of wood in this house, every single corner, every single inch just to make sure the place where he and his lovers will sleep together! He knew that with his magic power, he would be able to activate all the enchantments at least once.

All what would all the enchantments be?

Well, simple, they would be [Protection] Enchantments! This enchantment can create a shield around the enchanted item, protecting it from damage! Enchanting the whole cabin would protect it from any attack for as long as he can keep his power holding the enchantments, which would not hold on for a long since the stronger the attack, more magic would be necessary to hold the shield.

The cabin was being painted now, it was almost fully painted in a dark Black, purple-ish color that resembled a little bit of Enychta's eyes, there were also several small dots of other colors such as white, red, yellow, orange, blue, other different shades of purple, and black to make stars, the black was used to create the occasional black hole that was scattered around the cabin's wall. These stars were being done by a blond little girl who wanted to help them, Annabeth was not the only one painting though, Pruno was also painting some stars with her using his power to control some plants, vines and roots to help him reach some places he couldn't get to.

Today was November 1, and there was still some candy from Yesterday's endevours, Enychta had fun with his lovers as well as got to see Luke wearing some of the toys he bought as a Halloween costume... It awoke something inside him, that's for sure, but that is for him to explore with them later!

Thalia was munching over some leftover candy from yesterday as she carried some boxes with leftover materials back to the Hephaestus cabin, Luke was at the Hermes cabin doing something that he didn't tell Enychta about because privacy, even though Eny is very clingy, he knows when his lovers want privacy! He eyed the cabin once again as he thought about the basement and the attic of the cabin, they could be used for storage or more! Enychta though about using the attic as a place to do some research about [Night Magic], he wants to learn it, so he will remove part of the cabin's ceiling so he can be in contact with the night sky tonight and evert night.

Also, one of his most problematic dilemas came to an end today.

Remember when his [Cosmic Magic] became a [Unique Skill]?

Mark of Cosmus: You can mark up to 5 people with spells that you know, giving them the ability to cast that spell once per day. The stronger the bond between the marked and the one who put the mark, the stronger the spell gets, also making the marked able to cast that spell more than once a day.

He decided to give four of these marks today, them being for Luke, Pruno, Annabeth, and Thalia of course.

For Luke, he would give him the spell [Light Speed] and [Solar Strength]

For Pruno, he would give him the [Meteorite] and [Meteorite Shower].

For Annabeth, he would give her the [Shooting Star] and the [Cosmus: Orbit] spells.

And for Thalia, he would give her the [Solar Strength] and [Light Speed] as well due to the fact that she fights more with her spear and shield than other weapons.

Deciding that, he approached the duo painting the walls of the cabin, he could hear their happy and lovely laughter, they were having so much fun that Enychta couldn't help but think back at yesterday's Halloween costumes, how Pruno and Annabeth looked like father and daughter... 'Well, he would make a good mother as well, i wonder if in this world you can make males pregnant... Well, i guess I'll have to try first.' Enychta smirked and Pruno suddenly felt his ass clench, his Eny-Sense was tingling! (No, it was just his ass). When he turned his head to search for the man who could make his ass act like that, and soon he found his pair of purple eyes staring down at him. 'Thinking about it, it's been a while since I've masturbated... I should also get their help too, because that's what they want all the time... Maybe i should enchant the walls to be sound proof as well...'

Pruno was confused for a second when he saw Eny take a book out of who knows where and began to search for something before smiling and walking towards him with long, fast steps, almost like a predator walking towards the prey that couldn't run away anymore and had to accept their fate, because Pruno looked forward to being eaten by a hungry- no, a "starving" Eny... He just hopes his small body is enough to take Eny's "hunger" without getting severely hurt, he doesn't want Eny to have a bad experience for their first time that will not happen today.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Be gay and rested. I'm gay and tired...

Of everything and everyone.

Gonna read something or read probably.