Chapter 97: Finally (1/4)

[+18 Description. And consensual underage sex because technically they are 15 and Eny's 15/16... Please FBI, the age of consent in my country is 14... So technically no crime from my part.]

Slowly, his eyes opened to see the familiar ceiling of his room, they room smelled of his head lovers and he loved it, they all slept in the same bed that was reinforced and upgraded to be a big bed almost triple the size of a normal bed and reinforced to successfully take five times the weight of Enychta's body on top of the bed without a problem, so it would take some effort for him to break the he whole bed by just his untransformed form poundings alone, but Pruno is sure Eny would be able to do that by effort and great force... His mind was filled with images of Enychta sweaty body, as well as Luke's sweaty shirtless body...

"Oh, you're awake!" A surprised male voice that Pruno oh so recognized spoke to him, making him turn around and stare at Luke, who was wearing only a towel around his body as water dripped down his head, down his neck, his muscular chest, strong arms, 6-packed stomach, and down the towel that blocked his view from the place he wanted to see the most. As if hearing his thoughts, Luke held the towel with both hands and dropped it, when Pruno expected to see the naked lower half, he was deeply disappointed when he saw the underwear below... "Oh, don't be so disappointed!" Seeing his disappointment, Luke smirked as he approached the bed and slowly got on top of the bed, like a predator walking towards his prey, slowly and steadily.

While cat-walking towards him, Luke kept smiling and whispered when his mouth was just touching Pruno's ear: "We can't have fun without Eny-" Before Luke could finish what he was saying, the door was kicked open by said person, Enychta was there, still shirtless and full of sweat as he has not taken a bath yet, his body had some dirt as well but seeing the scene in front of him made him think if he should go take a bath or simply strip naked now and have some fun...

Imagine which underwear Luke was wearing? Yep, jockstraps.

He kinda liked them, and Enychta definitely liked them because when he entered the room he saw Luke from behind, so all he could see was Luke's exposed ass turned towards him, he could see everything... He gulped as he felt his pants bulge, every day his past life morals are slowly dying... Should he just, you know, fuck them right here and now? He really wants it, they really, REALLY, want it too.

Oh, fuck it. The fear of losing his lovers is stronger than the desire to not be a reincarnation of a pedophile, even though he would not be

"Its such a risky, risky... outfit..." His voice rumbled through his chest like a growl, but it only made his voice raspy and sexy, he slowly walked up to them, taking off his clothing. He turned towards Luke, who had just taken a bath and smiled as he pulled his clean body towards his filthy, dirty, sweaty body, making Luke flinch instantly when he felt the heat of Enychta's body. He still had his underwear on, he wanted to tease them and let them take it off of him, slowly... He also pulled Pruno by his feet into his filthy, dirty, sweaty body and made them all wet with his sweat and smirked when they were now in need of a shower: "Oh look, It seems you two need to take a bath as well... Let's go together." Luke wanted to complain to him about getting his filthy again just after he took a bath, but the tongue going down his throat and the dick that poked his ass as Enychta made him like a baby Koala.

Pruno couldn't even speak as well because of Enychta's hold on him, he was carrying him over his shoulder and slapping Pruno's ass with his left hand while holding Pruno with his right hand, both couldn't speak because one had a tongue inside him, and the other was having his ass spanked and blushing while trying to hold back a moan. Enychta dropped them at the bathroom that was built just beside their bedroom because he was able to convince the children of Hephaestus with more enchanted gears for them now he has a complete bathroom with shower and a bathtub, as well as a toilet, a cabinet with a mirror, a sink, and a trashcan because you never know.

Enychta turned his back and left the bathroom, quickly opening the door to their room and tying a piece of cloth to the handle before closing the door, locking it both physically and magically by activating the enchantment [Lock] on the door, making sure no one could enter the room. Then he touched the wall and sent a powerful blast of magic, the whole room suddenly had purple glowing runes, as well as the bathroom and room's ceiling and floor, Enychta went to the window and closed his as well as the windows covers, he locked the window physically and magically as well.

Now everything was ready.

He entered the bathroom again, but thia time he had prepared for it, in his right hand was a show-sized box while on his other hand was a big bottle of lube. You never know.... The box had some things inside it, as well as a big box containing over 30 condoms. As soon as the door to the bathroom was opened, he saw one of the sexiest scenes he'd ever seen before, Luke being pressed down to the ground by an overly hungry-looking Pruno, who was holding Luke's penis in his hand, he was running his nose up and down the long member in his hand while smiling and sniffing it. "I think mine would smell better." Enychta's voice interrupted the boy who instantly spun around to look at him as well as Luke, who couls only look from the ground as Pruno still qas on top of his legs. "I'm so hurt..." Not really, but spoke like he was. "I want ahead and prepared everything only to come back and see that you already started without little me? Oh, I've been forsaken..."

Seeing their little shocked expression followed by guilt made Enychta's heart bleed a little before he dramatically turned around to show them he was kidding, his throbbing dick clearly catching a great deal of attention from both boys as they audibly gulped, they looked at the rest of his body full of sweat and he looked even hotter. Before Enychta could leave completely, he was caught by a blushing Luke, who held him from behind, hands on his stomach with fear of touching Enychta's monster and making him lose control... Not that he would mind being fucked by an out of control Eny, but he wanted him to stay here and do whatever he wanted to do with them.

With him.

"Don't leave now, please." He whispered. "Don't you dare leave now..." Said Pruno as he grabbed his hands.

Well, he didn't plan to anyway.