Chapter 103: Pet!

Enychta cursed under his breath, he was bleeding internally.



After a week, his hormones settled down and his body adapted itself to his new changes, which were not many things that changed. He just had a higher metabolism, like, really really high now, making him burn through food faster than before but he also began to store more food on his body, making him gain a few pounds with no physical alteration. He did not get fat, he just got heavier, he didn't know why but his muscles got more mass as well as strength, his body grew making him now 7'2, which was a visible change. He reached his human limit, but it seems like his monster side still can make him grow!

Everything about him got bigger, even down there, it was surprise that scared both his lovers who saw it, but a welcome one since it wasn't a big change down there, just a few centimeters, like 2 or 5. However, his beard began to grow faster too, his behavior was more protective and caring to both Luke and Pruno who got used to it quickly as well, he also started to hear and understand more what objects say, even when they don't necessarily talk, like a feeling that he has when he holds them.

After that week, their routine returned to normal, until today. Pruno was training again with the daggers, throwing them at the floating targets that moved around at different speeds when Enychta smelled blood, mud, pain, anger, and iron, just then, a man wearing a black leather jacket and red sunglasses walked out of the tree line and just in front of the smaller pink-haired boy who stopped and looked at the man. "Hm..." The man smirked, his smirk was wide and revealed his canine teeth that looked like tusks from how sharp and big they were, a wild man, tall muscular body full of scars and a shit eating grin, cocky attitude accompanied by the scent of war... This was Ares, God of War, Anger, and Violence. "You are perfect." Without saying anything, he took Pruno on his arms, he planned on taking him to Olympus to keep him as his pet when suddenly his body disappeared in a golden flash and appeared a meter away from where he was.

Just as a giant claw swiped and cut the air, sending blades of wind to the ground and cutting it a centimeter down from how fast and strong it was, a magic infused attack! "Release him!" A deep, rumbling roar echoed from the chest of the now transformed Enychta, who took the form of a Dragon! His black scales and claws reflected the sun that was shining high in the sky, his golden eyes stared at Ares with hate and fear. Hate because he just took his mate, and was a danger to him, and fear because he just teleported away... If he wants to leave and take Pruno with him, there's nothing he can do about it! Ares smiled at Enychta, but before he could say anything, Pruno no longer was on his arms, instead he was in Luke's arms, a few meters away from him.

With a thick vein popping on his forehead, Ares just looked at the very pissed Enychta and the cautious Luke who both had their weapons at ready, he was about to say something when hundreds of grass blades, roots, and vines began to wrap his body in a tight hold. He scuffed at that and moved his arm, instantly ripping through the plants that tried to hold him down: "You are the night bitch's son right?" Ares asked, clearly annoyed at the plants that kept tangling him every time he removed them they just grew back, faster than before. "Dad gave me permission to take my new pet home, if you two get on the way, I can easily kill you both."

Enychta didn't care. There was only one thought in mind, protect his mates at any cost. His lower draconic half began to twist and turn, his wings entered his body, he lost his draconic body as he returned to his humanoid form, shouting at the God of War who was only raised a brow at this and smirked when he heard Enychta say: "I, Enychta Astérie, challenge you, Ares, to a duel In the name of Styx." That was the only alternative.


Ares is a God. Gods only die when they are forgotten (That's the only way Enychta knows how to kill a God without being one yourself), and Ares won't be forgotten so soon... War, war never changes nor it is forgotten, as long as humanity fights, Ares will live. Even if Enychta is able to kill Ares in this form, he will come back and will continue to try to take Pruno from him, so the only way he can keep Ares from doing that is by challenging him to a duel at the eyes of the Olympus, where their duel would be taken seriously by the Gods, and by challenging him in the name of Styx, makes Ares take this seriously as well. Because even though many promises made using the name of Styx are broken, Ares will take this challenge head on. He is a muscle head, Eny knows that, so if he denies he can provoke him into fighting him and win, that is one of the laws, he has to get a clear attack on him and Ares has to kill him.

That's how each one of them wins, that's how Enychta is sure will happen. How is he so sure? Zeus wanted this, the moment Ares said something about his father was the moment Enychta knew it was Zeus's plan, and the fact that Ares would just take any mortal if it wasn't for Zeus. He didn't say it was his idea to take Pruno, so he assumes this idea came from Zeus (He also thinks Ares is an idiot). "Hm? And what do i get when i win?" Ares eyed Enychta's naked body up and down, he had the body of a warrior, the eyes of a predator! "Nevermind. I know what i get... Dad told me to get the pink one, but I think you would be the best one! I accept your challenge, and when i win, you're coming with me, you're going to be my new pet!"