Chapter 107: Luke's Paradise (1/?) [Filler]

[Beware, beware, oh +18 of the sea...]

"That's not what i meant, but i won't say no to this."

Said the smirking Enychta as he watched Pruno hold the sides of his new leather underwear that smaller than he would normally use, getting a bit tight on his crotch area and pressuring his balls. Pruno took no time, he wanted to see it again, not tease Enychta! He pulled it down so fast that the force that was released when the dick was fully out of the tight underwear surprised Enychta and he watched as his flaccid dick hit Pruno square in the right cheek... "Gah-" He gasped in surprise, after all it was too fast! "How tight was it..." His words were lost to him when he saw the dick slowly rise, Enychta was willingly making hus dick hard, it's really easy to do! "oh." Was all he could say, he had seen Enychta's fully hard cock, so this was not his full size but a great portion of it.

Luke also was a little amazed at that, and not only at that, but he was closer to him than he realized! Just a few steps closer and his face would be right into Enychta's crotch! Its very tempting...

Enychta chuckled and slowly got on the bed, his eyes couldn't be seen through his black sunglasses, but they were golden now. He sat down first, with his left hand jerking his dick while making eye contact with both boys one by one as he laid down on their bed and pulled one of the pillows to rest his head on, continuing to move his hand up and down, he raised an eyebrow as if to ask- No, he asked: "Do you need permission to suck me? Okay then, I'll allow you to suck me till I'm dry." His confident smirk (He only smirked like that because he knows it arouses them, he can smell it after all.) was very visible while his golden eyes were hidden away by the black sunglasses, but they could still feel his burning eyes on their bodies. "It's not fair for me to be the only one nake- well, half naked if you consider the boots, the sunglasses, and this X thing on me that I don't know function of other than making you two horny."

Luke coughed away a laugh that tried to escape his lips while Pruno was taking off his clothes with gusto, he was not that shy anyway! Luke, however, was not taking his clothes off at all but only looking with a nervous sweat running down his back while his face red, he tried to hide his embarrassment by looking away, but a deep, commanding voice made him stop: "Luke. Come here baby." He looked at Enychta who now had Pruno laying down beside him, his hand holding Enychta's hard dick and worshipping it with care. Luke was obviously shy, memories of what happened before returned and he was obviously aroused, but also too embarrassed to anything about it whatsoever.

When he was near Enychta, who didn't move from the bed but raised his hand and touched Luke's left cheek with his left hand, his right hand was at the moment occupied, grabbing Pruno's dick and jerking him off as he did the same for Eny. "Luke, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Enychta started to speak but he was stopped by a red faced Luke who shook his head and said: "That's not it! I want to to is just... I don't know what to do. I'm sorry, I'm trying hard to change this... embarrassing part of me." He winced when he felt a sting pain on his left nipple, he opened his eyes in surprise as Enychta pinched and pulled his nipple with a smile as he called his name: "Luke... Look at me." Luke hesitated took at Enychta's eyes, he soon looked down as saw that Enychta was raising his sunglasses and he could see his golden eyes: "I love you, never apologize for being yourself. I don't want you to change if it's for me you're changing. I want you only to change for yourself and yourself alone. Got it?"

Luke nodded and Enychta chuckled as he pulled him closer by the neck, where Enychta whispered on his ear: "Now, I'll give you two options. Get naked yourself, or I'll undress you... With my teeth." Luke coughed hard at that, he pulled away and completely avoided making eye contact with Enychta as he had his hands on his face as he shook his head vigorously, he began to take his clothes off with an awesome speed! He was truly a son of Hermes!

"Hey, baby, help me with him." Enychta whispered on Pruno's ear as he licked his chest, Pruno was lost on his body and he didn't mind, but now he had a mission! And that mission was to make Luke as comfortable as possible here, Pruno only raised his head and looked back at Luke who had a deep blush in his face as he tried to hide his private parts only to fail miserably. Pruno couldn't resist it, he chuckled and got up from the bed, approaching him as fast as he could, which for a Demigod who is not the child of Hermes, he was pretty fast! Pruno took Luke's hands and smiled at him, his lips touched his as they kissed passionately, Luke didn't even notice when they were already on the bed! He only felt Enychta from behind him while Pruno was in front of him, both with their hands touching his body, from his back and abdomen muscles, for his tights and legs, for his shoulders and chest, and for his neck and really sensible ears.

Luke felt a hand touch his ass, it was Enychta's and he placed his dick between Luke's tights for a second and continued to move, Pruno took a second to observe both dicks side by side for a second as Enychta sat down and had Luke between his legs and Pruno was between Luke's legs, Enychta began to rub Luke's nipples with his fingers, it felt good but Luke was going crazy with Enychta whispering on his ears which were, as said previously, quite sensible. "Ah-" Luke groaned for a second as he felt a hot tongue on his dick, he looked down to see Pruno sucking him hard. "You like it, right?" Enychta's hoarse voice whispered on his ear, making Luke's whole body shiver and his asshole clench. "Hmm... I love the smell of your arousal, its sweet but also a little acidic, like an orange..."

Luke was suddenly bitten by Enychta, who licked the small holes behind, Luke wanted to be groan in pain, but he was surprised to hear his own voice moaning. "It hurts..." He whispered, but what he felt good after as his muscles relaxed. Enychta just injected him with the muscle relaxant and the weak aphrodisiac, this was to not hurt him as much while also making Luke feel a lot better.

Meanwhile, Pruno was mentally comparing Enychta's and Luke's dick in his mind. They were both great dicks, i mean, Pruno liked them! While Eny's was bigger and thicker (Probably 10 or 11 inches big and 7 or 8 thick) than Luke's (Probably 7 or 8 inches big and 6 or 7 thick), Luke was easier to swallow because of such reason! Luke also was very reactive, it would twitch easier and he leaked a lot of precum, which tasted rather salty!

And like that, Luke's paradise only started.