Chapter 113: Storm

[+18 Description ahead]

It was night, the moon reflected on the surface of the sea and the stars were visible from here, it was extremely beautiful seeing such an amazing sight of billions of millions of stars with different intensities. There were some clouds that were gathering on the sky, meaning that a storm was approaching them quickly! Enychta frowned, is Poseidon targeting them? Why would he? The wind blew hard, hitting the simple boat that could only float, making Pruno gag when the boat began to shake with the waves of the sea, Luke held him close, the three were stargazing and cuddling, Enychta had no clothes on but his high body temperature was enough to keep him and the duo hugging him warm.

So they weren't cold.

"A storm...? Maybe Zeus is angry searching for us?" Pruno whispered, his head resting on Enychta's chest as Luke caressed his head with his fingers, massaging his scalp and hair, making him relax more. Eny's chest rumbled with his breathing, raising and falling steadily, his heartbeat stable and safe, making both boys calm as they heard it... "Maybe." Commented Luke while moving his leg, who were interlocked with Pruno's legs due to their little quarrel before where they were discussing if Venus was named after the Goddess or the Goddess was named after the planet, and historically the Goddess was named after the planet, but was it? So they started their discussion. It ended with them entangling their legs in a very intimate manner!

Enychta had his arms around them, his left arm held a very bubbly and energetic Pruno who just had too much energy to sleep, while his right arm held a quiet and calm Luke, who only looked at the sea and sky. Pruno moved his hand down Enychta's eight packed abdomen, finger sliding through the defined muscle and going down slowly, Eny knew exactly what he wanted and he would gladly let him do it himself. "If you want to suck me off, you can just do so. Don't try to tease me too much, or else I'll break you in half with my dick." Well, is that a threat, a tease, or a promise? Pruno didn't know, but he was eager to discover! His fingers kept sliding down until he got to Eny's waist and saw what he wanted to touch and do much more to was lying limp, he looked at Enychta with his eyebrow raised.

"You need to try harder than just slide down your fingers to get me hard, y'know." The teasing smirk he had on his face was everything Pruno needed to see to consider this an invitation and easily grabbed it with both hands (He can't hold it with only one exactly) and brought it up to his mouth before licking the head of the member, sliding down his tongue with gusto until he had his nose deep into Enychta's balls... "Smells like the sea~" Pruno chuckled and looked up to see Eny deeply kissing and teasing a certain blond boy with his long snake-like tongue that went up and down the boy's body. His hand was tightly holding Luke's dick, who couldn't help but feel excited with the magical sensation that Enychta's tongue made him feel, his whole body was getting sensitive with his touch.

Pruno of course couldn't help but take advantage of this situation and approached Luke, who now had Enychta's tongue going down his throat, Enychta loved teasing him, and kissing him till he was breathless was one of the best things they can do to each other... The pink-haired boy chuckled as he eagerly took Luke's dick to his mouth, although there was a size and girth difference between Luke's dick and Enychta's dick, he could take both down his face and ass, as he did previously. The first reaction he got from Luke was a thrust that pushed the dick deeper down his throat, making him almost gag, accompanied by a muffled groan of the blondie. Of course he didn't forget about Enychta, while sucking one, he was jerking the other albeit with some difficulty since it's not that easy for him to hold a dick of that size with only one hand!

Plus, he could feel Enychta's dick getting hard, which means the fun was only starting!

Taking his tongue out of Luke's mouth, Enychta smiled at the dizzy expression that Luke had, he looked down to see Pruno drooling like a waterfall when he had both his and Luke's hard dicks on his face, he was touching, grabbing, holding, licking, sniffing, sucking, and rubbing their dick against each other, Luke had a reaction every time, Enychta kept his sexy smirk while roughly taking advantage of the blond boy who was clearly enjoying every single second of this.

But oh, their fun was cut short as the storm grew stronger, wind blowing faster and faster, the sea starting to get more and more wild as a thunderstorm appeared, striking the sea down as waves began to grow higher and higher. Oh, Zeus was throwing a tantrum!

Enychta sighed and got up, Pruno needed a few seconds to notice the change in atmosphere before letting go of the dicks, he looked at the sky and frowned, Luke just kept lying down on the ship as the raindrops hit his body, the trio was still aroused or course, but a storm is something they care about.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

I really am slowly getting back to writing.