Chapter 126: Fine

Percy was not a lucky person.

In fact, he was really unlucky. He was kicked out of so many schools he lost count, and most of the times it wasn't even his fault! Sure, he couldn't focus on class at all and shit would always happen to him, like this one time when a bully irritated him and then the guy froze and fell to the ground, next morning he was sent to the hospital and kept saying shit like 'Percy did this to me' and shit- And he didn't even do anything! He wanted to, sure, but he didn't!

And his luck got worse when he found out he was a Demigod son of Poseidon, no, shit got way worse! As a 12 year old, he couldn't officially do shit, so there was no way he could sue life for throwing trouble at him, so when life threw a Minotaur at him he wanted to curse so much... And if wasn't enough, his mom was taken!

When he woke up, he was in a room surrounded by several beds, a hospital of some sorts, there was a tall blond guy with hundreds of eyes on his body- He's probably hallucinating because of whatever they gave him- Wait, where is he? "You're at Camp Half-Blood." As if he could read his mind, the guy with the hundred eyes told him, he got up and left for a second before returning with three other people. Another blond tall guy, a pink-haired small guy, and- Holy shit, how tall is that guy!? And are his eyes shining gold? That's so fucking cool! "Hello." The blond guy without the hundred eyes on his body kneeled beside the bed to look at Percy and did his best to not look threatening to him, in fear that he would scare him. "My name's Luke and you're safe now, no monsters will get you here... I know this might be confusing for you, but we need to check you to see if there's anything else we didn't find before, so please don't worry and don't move too much."

After finishing his sentence, he walked back a little bit and both the pink-haired guy and the tall guy with golden eyes approached him slowly, when they were close enough, they began to look at him while the pink-haired guy moved his hands. Suddenly, Percy felt something touch his body, he looked down to see a thin light green vine curling around his legs and body, glowing faintly with the same color. He felt strange where the vines touched him, it felt... cold, like not freezing cold, just cold. "There are no internal damages." the pink-haired guy said, the golden-eyed one approached him and touched his chest with his rather big hand, hand which began glowing with a white light, filling his chest with a warm sensation that soon spread all over his body, making him feel like he just took a warm bath. "He's fine." His voice was low, like, he never heard someone with a voice like his.

"So..." Percy began to speak, all the eyes turned to him as he began to sweat nervously, asking: "Can someone tell me what is Camp Half-Blood?"

"That's your thing Luke." The pink-haired man chuckled as he began to leave the room, being followed by the golden-eyed man as well, leaving behind both blond man, the only difference between them being the number of eyes they had in their bodies. "I swear they run away at the very mention of showing new blood around..." Luke, the blond guy with less eyes, whispered to himself, but even though he was whispering, Percy could still hear him. "Well, get up please. Your clothes are right there, I'm sorry if something doesn't fit, but your body was almost identical to Nico's so i took some of his clothes- Damn, will have to ask Eny to make him some extra clothes before he gets mad at me, i swear i hate puberty."

The clothes he was talking about were some black shorts and a orange shirt with the letters [CHB] written in gold on the center of the shirt, there was also a pair of sandals there, underwear was not necessary since he was wearing his- would be kinda awkward to wear someone else's underwear to be honest- one of the things that was not a piece of clothing was a shining red apple that stood amidst the three items, seeing his confusion Luke chuckled and said: "Well, Pruno though you might feel a little hungry, so he got you an apple to eat before dinner." Percy's opinion of this Pruno guy just increased a lot! He got up only to wobble a little before catching himself up and walking slowly towards the clothes and food. He was only on his underwear amd thankfully he had no scars...

He looked at the table where his new clothes and food were and saw the horn he got after killing the Minotaur... He took it with him.

-Scene Break-

"So you're the son of Hermes? Like, the guy with wings on his shoe and all that?" The enthusiastic Percy enquired, his eyes darting around as they walked through a place that would only exist in Percy's imagination.

"Yeah. The one and only Olympian God of Travel..." The not enthusiastic Luke answered, he turned his head to look at the space around him and began the explanation he did to every single new camper. He explained how they were all children of the Gods and they all were what was called Demigods, they all had their gifts, powers, and abilities that they could harness and use to fight against monsters. "As the son of the God of Travel, I'm fast, faster than other Demigods. There's the children of Athena, who are smarter and wiser than the other Demigods, the children of Ares, God of War, who are physically stronger than others or are better at fighting than others too... Children of Apollo can heal, Children of Hephaestus are the best crafters..."

"And the other two?" Percy asked, interrupting Luke's explanation about the gifts some Demigods had, he was a little curious about them, he hasn't seen them after they left the hospital area that was close to the Apollo Cabin. "Other two? You mean Eny and Pruno?" Percy nodded, he wanted to know about them because they were there to check on him, which was curious because according to Luke's explanation only children of Apollo can heal! "Well, Pruno is the son of Persephone while Eny is the son of Nyx." Yep, Percy had no idea who those were, he was not very good at Greek Mythology, something quite ironic if you think about it.

"Talking about me to the new blood, Luke?" The voice man of the with golden eyes came from behind them, and when Percy turned to look, hd saw a massive black wolf with golden eyes staring at him. The wolf opened its jaws and said: "I came here to find you because Nico and Annabeth are searching for you, they want you to be the judge of their 105th match of chess of the week..." The wolf sighed, how the f- can a wolf sigh? "So i came to trade places with you, go take care of the pups, I'll take care of the new blood."

As soon as he finished his sentence, Percy watched as the body of the wolf convulsed and turned inside out, being covered in a cocoon of black threads before slowly vanishing, there stood the same man that entered the room, but with purple eyes looking at him. "So, you're Percy, right?"

"How do you know my name?" Percy asked, he was sure his voice cracked.

"Don't worry pup, I won't eat you. And as for how i know your name? A rather brave Satyr wanted to know your condition- In fact, here he comes." Eny finished his sentence and Percy soon heard the excited voice of Grover, shouting: "Percy!"

Soon they were hugging, relief to see they both were fine...

They were fine.
