Chapter 132: Family Trip

At noon, the comomtion casued by revelation that Percy was, in fact, the son of Poseidon brought panic to Chiron, who knew about what happened on Olympus. "I think we should send him on a quest to retrieve the Bolt, Lord Hades probably has it." A older male voice spoke fromthe sidelines, looking at the elder goat that was the Ancient Leader of the Satyr and worshipper of the God Pan, Chiron couldn't help but hum in silent agreemenet, because albeit he knew Hades wouldn't do such thing, Zeus believed he would've, so it's best to send the Son of another one of Zeus' suspects and then clear this whole situation. "I also think we should send the children of Hades alongside him." Another voice spoke from the sides, this time it was a long-haired green-skinned woman with a beautiful pair of goldcen eyes that sared deeply into Chiron's soul.

"I also agree on that." Lord Dionysus spoke this time, he was holding a golden wine cup as he sipped from it silently, once the Director of Camp Half-Blood said such thing, everyone else didn't dare say anything else otherwise. "So it's decided, Perseus Jackson will go to the Underworld and retrieve the Lightning Bolt, Power symbol of Lord Zeus." There was no voice of disagreement.

-Scene Cut-

"Percy?" The first thing he heard when he opened his eyes was his friend Groover's voice, he blinked his eyes and looked to his right side, where the voice came from, to see him, his hal-goat hal=man firend, sitting by the bed with a small smile on his face. "Hey..." Percy greeted him only to look towards the new source of sound that called from the other side: "So you're the son of Poseidon, huh." He turned to see another boy, black hair, baggy black hoodie with a white skull on the chest, a simple pair of fingerless gloves on his hands, obviously black, and with a black beanie on his head. "Was expecting something more i guess..." He turned around to leave when Percy called out: "What's that supposed to mean?" Nico Di'Angelo, who came here to get a profile of the son of Poseidon, smiled mischeviously.

Pruno taught him a few things...

Like, how to get a mental profile of someone, their weakness and strenghts. and what you do can easily get them riled up. Take Enychta for example, Pruno said that Eny's strenght is, of course, his loyalty, his ability to transform, his magic, his proficiency with weapons and enchantments, and other things too. But his weakness is that he would do anything for someone he loves, including going to hell and back, just to make one of them happy! He also was etremely clingy, albeit he doesn't show much, he also doesn't like that they are growing up and will, one day, leave the nest. 'So that's why he does anything you ask him to, he fears we'll leave him.' That was the phrase Pruno left Nico with, to ponder... "i'm Nico. The one you stole clothes from."

"Hey! It was your... brother? Regardless, it was that blond guy, Luke, who gave me some of your clothes."

"Yeah, i know that."


"You still stole them though."

"Your logic is strange."

"Oh, not so much... I understand it very easily."

"Not gonna question that."

"Well, Annabeth understands it better than you... So, i came here to tell you that Chiron wants to talk to you."

Percy pasued at that, if Chiron wnated to talk to him, then he'll go talk to him. "Is it urgent?" He needed to know if he should jump from this bed and bolt right then and there, because if Chiron wants to talk to him urgently, then it's important. "Yeah, he wants to talk to you about something..." Turning around, Nico left behind a confused Percy and a tense Groover, who apparently knew what Chiron wanted to talk to him about.

He'll find out about it anyway.

-Scene Cut-

"You want me to what?"

"Go to the Underworld, retrieve the Lightning Bolt, and bring it to Olympus."

"And why would i do that?"

"Because your mother is probably on the Underworld?"

"Wait, what?"

"You told me she turned to golden dust, right? Then Lord Hades probably took her to the Underworld, she's not dead Percy, you can save her." Chiron sighed, placing his hands behind his back as he turned to look at the cabins in the distance. "You are the son of Lord Poseidon, Lord Zeus suspects you, he thinks you stole his Symbol of Power... So to prevent a war that'll probably destroy humanity as we know it, i am asking you to go on a quest to retrieve the Lightning Bolt." Chiron's eyes twinkled with a strange lgith for a second, he turned his head to look at the approaching Enychta before sighing. "Well, you'll take Nico Di'Angelo and Bianca Di'Angelo with you to the Underworld, you have the right to take another two people with you since this is a special quest."

"Chiron." Turning to face the golden-eyed beast tha tstood in front of him, Chiron asked: "Yes?" But before he could react, he felt a punch connect to his face, throwing him away. The fear Enychta was feeling was almost overwhelming, he knew what would happen, Percy would face a lot of monsters, and albeit Nico and Bianca could take him directly to Hdaes, Enychta knew something bad would happen. The Fates hate him! They'll do whatever they can to hurt him, his existence defy them and they hate it so much... This would give them the perfect opportunity to fuck with his family.

"They're not going. No one of my family will go to do this stupid quest." HIs growl made Percy tremble in fear, he could feel the power emanating from him, the rage,the- strange for poor Percy- the overwhelming fear.

Unknown to them, Chiron's eyes glowed golden for a moment, before he opened them and slowly got up. "It's already been decided Enychta, please understand-"

"Fuck if i care. My cubs won't go on a stupid quest, even more so when it's to appease that fucking bastard that is Zeus!"

Lighting and thunder echoed in the background, making Enychta snarl. "YEAH! YOU HEARD ME! HORNY BASTARD!" A lightning bolt hit the tree beside Enychta, Percy flinched but Enychta didn't react at all. "You wanna know what? I'm going too. I won't let my Cubs go alone." He pasued, smirked brightly before looking to the sky and saying: "Even better! That's now a family trip! Everyone from Nyx's Cabin will come. And Percy?"

"YEaH?" Coughing awkwardly to clear his throat, Percy asked again: "Yeah?"

"You're coming too. Bring your goat."

'His name is Groover...' Percy didn't have the guts to say that outloud.