Chapter 147: Empty

They crossed dimensions so easily that the night sky vanished, and soon the sun was shining up high on the sky where there was no moon before. and the low temperature of that dark forest turned up way warmer.

The shock between the diffrent temperatures and light was enough to make the two Gods Luke and Pruno to realize they no longer were in that dark dimension, also the glass-breaking sound was enough to make them assume the dimension they were in was completely destroyed by whatever ruled that Dimension. which was scary as fuck. "Bad..." The appandages holding them turned out to be Eny's own version of tendrils, flesh tentalce-like tendrils that grabbed them and closed their eyes, making them unable to see what had exaclty happened- Eny must've seen something, because he was holding his forehead in pain as he whispered the word 'Bad' over and over again.

And if you're wondering what he saw, well, he saw Shub-NIggurath's real body, and if he was a mortal, he would be driven mad! Thankfully he is a God and has been through some torture that involved Psionic abilities, so he is quite resistant to the Unholy Psionic Aura that Eldritch Outer Gods release whenever they are seen, which breaks the mind of those weaker than them. So he only has a terrible migraine on his head and also a terrible memory he would very much like to get rid of! That thing could only be described in one word: Bad.

It was terrible to look at, it's voice could only reach those who had seen it, so Eny was still hearing the whispers of that thing... And as twisted as it sounds, he knows that thing is quite similar to him, in nature, because they both care a lot about their families- Wait, he has a family, doesn't he? Yeah he has, he has his Mates Pruno and Luke! He also has his cubs, his children, his younglings, the little dark-haired one, and the other girl that smells just like him (They also smell like the Dead and Dirt, so it's a unique smell?) but he knows there were others... The owl, the thunder... Owl and Thunder!

He forgot about Owl and Thunder.

He still had a terrible headache, but he somehow managed to remember his pups, he knows two of them are safe, but are the other two? Are they safe from the Madness of the Void? He needs to find them- "Find them..." He grabbed Pruno by the waist while grabbing Luke with his enlarged hand as he quickly transformed into a giant black dragon and smelled the air, searching for their scent or something similar that he could identify his cubs, he needed to check on them fast, the darkness is getting closer to their world after all. He took to the air, and as soon as he was flying (Strangely enough, no human noticed them), a lightning bolt rushed towards him and hit him square on the chest. He felt the eletctric current run through his draconic body- And it hurts, but he doesn't care, he needs to knoww that they're safe!

Family comes first, injuries later.

"Eny!" Pruno saw the damage done on his beloved, even though he was holding them below his stomach to protect them from the lightning bolts that Zeus was throwing (That differently from natural lightning bolts, they came direclty from the top, no meeting in between) at them, like he did not care about his own well being and was solely focused on one thing. Pruno couldn't do much, but he could heal Eny with his [Life] Divinity to remove the damages- That was when he noticed, the injury had Divine Energy that was destroying Eny's body from inside, like a poison, but it only lasted for a few seconds before it vanished like it was never there- Maybe the same thign was happening to his memories? Like, the ones that were modified by the being that tried to take all his memories, maybe they did not have enough strenght to delete some memories but used Divine Energy to modify them or block them away?

His hipoteses was going to wait beacuse he easily healed the damage caused by Zeus- Which was not much, maybe it was just a warning?

And it sure was, because soon enough, another lightning bolt hit Eny square on the back, this one stronger than before, making Eny flinch, but continue to fly faster than before towards Camp Half-Blood, like he felt like something bad was happening or was going to happen.

Luke knew he had to do something about this, because it was DIvine Lightning there was a chance that it did not follow normal rules of science, like electricity being attracted to some things, but they had to try. The sky soon turned gloomy and dark as a thunderstorm started, sveral lightning bolts started to echo on the clouds as Eny flew forth, ignoring the pain on his back, but he could not ignore when his beloved Luke called out: "ENY!" His massive head moved as he looked down to his paws, where one of his beloveds was touching his chest as they glowed in a golden light, while the other one was looking at him with determination on his eyes- "DIVE!" He did not question or hesitate, he just did exaclty what it was told him to do, he dove down from the high sky into the skyscrappers of New Yor just as a large lightning bolt was following him- It was a strange sight, Eny flying while a slow lightning bolt was trying to hit him.

It only took Eny 3 seconds to get close enough to a skyscrapper as the large lightning bolt hit the lightning rod and illuminated the entirety of the New York gloomy sky- Looking down, there was no one on the streets of the CIty that Never Sleeps, there was no one on the skyscrappers, working out their lives on companies, there was no one of the cars that were completely empty, there were no mortals around.

Apocalypse, Armageddon, Titanomachy, Ragnarok, call it whatever you will, but it came.

The End is here.

-Scene Cut-

Oh... Another chain holding down the Chaos Box shattered... There is only one chain left.

And it looks like it's going to break soon!