Chapter 150: Contract

The scream was gruesome- And very familiar.


Eny dashed through the camp, his wolfy form jumping through the cabins when he saw it- Thousands of those black slug-like creatures, in the middle of the camp, several of the kids there were screaming, looking at the sky as black liquid dripped from their eyes. In a circle, those creatures were dragging themseleves towards the children- Some of them started throwing up black liquid, the liquid was tar-like, Luke paused when he saw Thalia also doing the same as every other children- They were dying.

"NO!" He shouted, watching as the wolf beside him run forth, jump above the circle of black tar right where the kids were and shift- Enychta was there, naked in front of all the black tar-like slugs creatures, full of mouth and teeth, that screamed and wailed like banshees- Their voices echoing in the camp, painfully entering his ears and making him flinch in agony as he placed both his hands on his chest and pulled himself into two, the sight was something gruesome and wierd to watch.

Eny's body opened in two to reveal a gigantic maw full of teeth and a red light that pulled the other tar-like beasts towards him like a black hole- It was something wierd to look at, how those slug-like things simply turned into smaller veersions of themselves as they got closer to Eny's body and entered his gaping maw that grew to gargantuan sizes as it swallowed them whole, eating them. It continued to happen all around, more and more of those creatures kept being absorbed by his beloved Enychta Astérie that couldn't stop the feeling of dread and pain from flowing throgh the bond that he shared with Luke and Pruno- talking about him, seonds after he started eating all those things, he appeared there beside Luke who moved fast and tried to get close to him only to feel a sudden burst of energy explode out from his body, producing this red aura around him that burned all the black tar-like liquid, turning it into ash that was blwon away by an invisible wind.

Eny's hand reached out inside the hole on his body where the red light came from, only to pull out of it another hand- A human's hand, he pulled out from his stomach something that surprised both Luke and Pruno a lot.

Eny pulled a man out of his stomach (At least they think it's his stomach, right?), a full goddamned grown man! Standing 6'2 feet tall, with auburn hair and red eyes, a stubble beard and a charming smile on his lips, the man touched Eny's fingers and Eny nodded before closing his stomach-mouth, making the red glow vanish. "Ah, son... It's a shame we had to meet in such circunstances." They now knew the identity of the man- Lucifer, the King of Hell. "Ah, my boy, it's sad to see your soul so broken by the unkown..." He raised his hand and touched the 7'8 feet tall Eny's chin, albeit being smaller, Eny lowered his head so his father could touch him and smiled at his dad as he said: "It's sad that i can't bring back your memories now, but at least i can do something for you, right?" And with a wave of his hand, every single creature around them turned into ash, including the ones inside other people's souls, freeing them from the horrors of the void.

"Ergh... Good to meet you, uhm, father-in-law?" Luke felt a little awkward as the children around them fell to the ground in exhaustion, free from the pain and whispers of the void, hopefully they won't go mad, right? Eny trotted towards Talia and got her out of the ground, ignoring the kids as he walked back to Pruno and pushed her towards him, asking: "Heal?" While Pruno healed Talia under Eny's request, Luke was having an awkward talk to their father-in-law, the all powerful devil, satan himself, in person. "I don't wanna sound rude or anything, i'm thankful that you helped us here, but i want to know one thing... In fact, two things, why were you inside my Eny's stomach and where were you, like, when Eny was being tortured and having his memories erased or something?"

"It's okay... Well, first off, i want to thank you two for loving my boy so much, thank you for helping him through all his life with his problems... And i was dealing with some things on Hell... Thankfully Nyx helped me with that, cutting in half the time i needed to resolve some of my problems and then i was able to come here."

"And what was the problem, if you can tell us, of course." Pruno asked rfom a distance, touching Talia's forehead with his hand glowing in a golden light. "Well, those things were using souls from hell to create an army of deformed creatures to invade the mortal world, so i had to put a stop to that, these were the only ones that escaped hell so i had to do something i like to call manipulation, to make Eny feel like something bad was happening to his, as he calls it, cubs so he could run back to camp and save them all. And i wasn't really lying about it, so it wasn't manipulation really, more like warning." Placing a hand on his chin, Lucifer smiled at his son who was nuzzling his head on Pruno's pink head, making the smaller man smile slightly as he continued to heal Talia in case something was wrong with her.

"And i was inside Eny's stomach because his digestive system is a literal portal to hell. Well, his own layer of hell, The Stomach, also known as 7th layer of hell that is completely full of a powerful acid that disolves souls through eternity as punishment for those who engaged on the vice of gluttony or something like that, christians like to scare their children into not sinning even though they sin, if we go by the shit my dad actually counted as sin, by simply existing. Anyway, i went to his layer in Hell when i felt those parasytes enter his layer through him, because i command the entirety of hell i can simply teleport through it, so after i reached his layer, i simply asked him to take me out and he did." Lucifer shrugged, his eyes still focused on his son as he sniffed Talia's face.

"Can you tell us what happened to him? Can you fix it?" Pruno placed a hand on Eny's face, making him close his eyes for a second an denjoy the touch of his beloved.

"Well, first off, his memories weren't erased, because if they had been erased, I would be able to bring them back... They were completely taken, stolen from hi, he himself needs to get them back or else it won't work." Lucifer snapped his finger and a scrolls appeared floating above him, he gave the scroll to Luke who read it: "He needs to eat the one who did this to him, to send them to his layer in hell, only then can he remember everything. And I'm going to help." The massive grin on Lucifer's face grew wider when Luke faced him with a serious expression after reading the contract he was given.

"For free?" Luke asked, making Lucifer scoff as he rolled his eyes: "PLease, he's my son. Of courseit's free... Next time you want a contract with me, you'll have to make a deal. One or more souls, it doesn't need to be yours of course."


-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

And here we have Luci, who couldn't help his son due to Chaos having him protect hellfrom the Eldritch Beings that were using souls of the damned to make an army that could increase itself for each soul that it consumed.