Chapter 156: Echos in the Void

Chaos felt it when the box oppened, felt it when all the stored energy inside was dumped insidde the chosen host for this box- there were many out there anyway- but this one was special, it was completely absorbed by someone who had a really high compatibility (or call it affinity) to Chaos itself- Chaos knew who that was, and they felt like it was something incredilbe- It couldn't be blamed on Fate, since Enychta Astérie (Also known as Beelzebub and Ýnech-Venith Xroth) was a being not connected to Fate, which was something the Moirai hated.

"Ah... It's so great- so horrible- so stupid- so amazing!- So boring- so sexy- so incredile- Yheu'x Hreg Jwnu Wexdc." Chaos' many voices whispered as they looked to the Void where Azathoth was, the Void Outside of the Universe, a layer before the Void Between Worlds, one of the places that only the insane would live inside of- Well, Chaos themselves knew that they could easily travel through said space, just like Azathoth and every single other Outer God, but most of them could not stay on the Dpace Between Worlds like Azathoth could do easily so.

The energy inside the Void Between Worlds is so dangerous to Gods that it was almost like it was designed to keep them from reaching other worlds, that's why most Gods simply call souls to themselves, souls from mortals tht are- somehow- immune to those energies. Chaos only knew that there were some creatures that lived there, and even some Gods that were known as In-Between Gods, capable of staying the Space Between Worlds indefinelty. like they are immune to it? Chaos wasn't sure, because they knew some of them died to the same energies they were supposedly immune to.

That's why they were amazed when they felt the Chaos Box being completely absorbed by Enychta Astérie! That box was made specially to hild chaotic energy inside it, which could destroy anyone's soul if forcefully fed, but his soul absorbed it like it was simply natural, which Chaos only knew two other Gods that were so naturally inclined to Chaos other than itself (Even Gods born with the divnity of Chaos, there were some who did not have such affinity to it!). Apep, the Snake that attempted to devour Ra every single night, and Tiamat herself, another Primordial Creation Deity such as Chaos. And now she knows the young Royal God Enychta Astérie, who is truly a natural at Chaos, his whole existence is chaotic.

Chaos would need to focus on keeping the barirer up as far as they could, but they would also keep an eye on Enychta Astérie.

Things are about to change, to more... Chaotic, times.

-Scene Cut-

Nug and Yeb, the Twin Blasphemies, stood before the five Gods,

Lucifer Morningstar, God of Hell, Sin, Freedom, and Vice of Lust.

Nyx, Primordial Goddess of the Night.

Luke Castellan, God of Speed, Dimensions, and Love

Pruno Begoni, God of Life, Death, Nature, and Love.

And Enychta Astérie, God of Time, Monsters, Love, Eldritch, and Chaos.

Albeit the real threat were both Lucifer and nyx, the other three were really annoying to deal with, mostly the pink-haired one, that was really in tune to his Divinity of Death, he could 'kill' their process of recontruction, not permanently, but just enough to be annoying. And the reason the black-haired one wasn't a real threat was that albeit he could eat them- Like he did to ENis and Tsathoggua- he couldn't get close to them because they could use their tentacles to push him away even when he could eat them, their tentacles were replecable, but their core existence weren't. If he ate that, they would be gone from this universe.

They, under no circuntances, should let him get even close to their cores.

Now, the real issue was the way both Lucifer and Nyxx were working together, focusing on Yeb, while Nug was being annoyingly attacked by the other three and being stopped from helping his sister- Which he hated it, every time he tried to move closer to his sister, one of those golden chains would catch him, stopping him on time, which applied to him since he was inside an unverse where time itself works, so he couldn't move! His body would also be dragged back by this large black rope that wrapped around him, whitering his skin and bones as the pink-haired god pulled it with all his might, being assisted byt the blond god.

But jokes on him, his body is already rotten!

He growled in anger as once again, his body was stopped in time by those golden chains, but this time something else happened. More and more chains wrapped around him, and an omnious feeling emanated from the God of Time, Monsters, Love, Eldritch, and Chaos, who raised his hands and pulled out of his chest a black cube that suddenly expanded, engulfing his body.

He no longer could feel his sister, he was trapped, locked away.

-POV Change: Enychta Astérie-

[Skill {Box} has been used on Nug-Ptmâk]

[Nug-Ptmâk is now inside the {Box}]

Enychta sighed in relief for a second, his skill worked on the creature! He read the simple description that his skill could do, and all it said was : [Can hold anything inside. Can resist any and every attack from the Outside] these two desriptions were enough for him to assume the uses of his skill, many came to mind, such as trapping things inside and leaving them inside, but leaving Nug inside his {Box} might not be a great idea since he planned on taking him out later so that his mom and dad can deal with him after they dealt with Yeb, you know, 2 on 1.

BUt he also kinda wants to eat him... But eating Enis already made his life miserable, he was still hearing their screams, their wails, and it hurts so much! He can ignore the pain most of the time, but it gets really loud sometimes, making him wince and try to hold his ears so maybe the noise can stop... But thankfully those voices did not pass over to Pruno nor Luke via their bond, and neither did it when he used his [Absolute Psionics] skill, and doing so he could connect all of the minds around him, creating a HIve-Mind which they used to communicate with one another- Which, once again, he was really glad no noise ever passed on through their connection, because the screams and wails got really loud and he is trying hard to ignore them.

BUt the pain is hard to ignore.

Now, he could only watch as Lucifer and Nyx took care of yeb, he tried to rest, but the pain only grew. He felt Luke's hands on his shoulder, but he couldn't focus, he doesn't know when, but he started to scream, and his scream echoed their scream, and their scream also echoed with his. Thousands of voices cried out on the vast cosmus...

Eny felt hunger.

He needed to eat.