Chapter 162: Assasination

Olympus - Home of Gods and Goddesses, Deities and Immortals alike, many beings of immense power...

And all ruled by a fucking light bulb.

Enychta's first target was of course Ares- He was the easiest one to be captured, there's a myth about it or something like that, just get him, put him in a jar, and you're good to go. But Enychta will only put his body inside his stomach and utterly devour him, which should give him some energy, since he's a High God. Then he'll go for Athena, strike fast and eat faster, before Zeus notices them dying at all. If Aphrodite's with Ares, then it's two birds one stone, he kills them both and eats them both at the same time, he'll just have to unleash his power fast and strike hard- maybe he should torture Ares while he slowly weeps for death? No, a quick death would be enough, he is in a tight schedule here, no time to fool around anymore.

it's quite literally the end of the world here!

The golden streets hid the darkests of hearts, the sweetest wine hid the most sour and bitter hearts, the white walls of the buildings hid the black and rotten hearts.

Their hearts- how would it taste on his tongue? Should he suck all of their blood? The liver should taste amazing- Oh, dear, he should eat the Titans as well, there's so many of them around, he's definitely going after Atlas, since the sky wouldn't really fall- Since, well, Atlas let the world fall after he was free by Gaea when she woke up, and he is just another snack for his hungry, sinful self. Atlas, Oceanus, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Rhea, Helios, Selena, Eos, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and many others.

He already ate Kronos and Gaea, as well as Tartarus- Should he go for the other pantheons as well? There were some nasty ones out there, like the Egyptian one with Apophis, that snake could make a good noodle, he would definetly eat it! Fenrir also sounds like a great snack, as well as Jormungandr and even some other Deiteis form the Asian Pantheons as well. That sounds like a chaotic and disastreous shit that he would definetly do- Although, stopping to think about it, the world kinda needs Gods, since they keep some creatures from raching the mortal world by their mere presence- Wiping out both the Greek and Roman Pantheon would be a huge blow to this defense, but then the Norse Pantheon would easily take over the missing hole on the power scale of the divine world.

But no one said anything about eating the bad shit that threatens them- Like eating Fenrir, Jormungandr, and Loki for the Norse Pantheon (Even though he would enjoy causing the Ragnarok rather than stopping it) or eating Apophis for Rá or something like that, right? Well, he lost focus for a moment there, but now he's inside Olympus, alongside his beloveds, and also Nemesis is there- She went to talk to Hephaestus, Hermes, Demeter, and Dionysus- The only four Enychta would spare, of ourse she decided to use deception- with some little help- to convince Demeter to leave Olympus, thanks to Persephone, Nemesis successfully convinced Demeter that Persephone wanted to have her mother visiting her on the Underworld.

Albeit hesitant and doubtful, Demeter decided to go yes, and she did, leaving Olympus behind for the moment- Thinking it was only a visit, oh, how wrong she was.

Nemesis also seemingly convinced slash lied to Hephaestus, the guy mainly spent his time on his forge in Olympus, but with only a few words, she managed to get him out of Olympus. Dionysus was another one easy to convince- He didn't like his dad anyway, he was offered a heavy set of Norse Beer as well, don't ask where Nemesis got it, but it was easy to give him a crate to leave Olympus. If Zeus knew that his own son would betray him for a crate of beer, would he feel something? Would he at least shed a tear or would he consider Dionysus a worthless traitor?

But it shows how good Zeus was at ruling, how well he could maintain the loyalty of his 'subjects' by how eaily they would betray him- Well, he's a shitty person, god, king, and father all in one mess of problems that would all be easily resolved by the simple option: Death.

-Scene Cut-

Ares, the oh so poweful God of War, stood before the bronze mirror, his muscular body reflected on the surface of the glowing metal- His scars were very visible- His sigh echoed on the empty room, that is, until Aphrodite entered the room through the hanging white curtain- Her mischevious smile was smoething Ares was used to by now, he did not care that yhey would fuck on his room, on his bed- Even though that could be a bad idea, since Hephaestus could've put a trap there, on his bed, but he's so horny he doesn't care about it at all.

(/N: i'm not going to write straight sex, never, on my fucking life. Just... Yeah, they fucked, that's it)

Lying down on the bed, that thankfully was not trapped by Hephaestus, so now they could lay on the bed, naked, and enjoy the calm overglow after sex- the sweet scent of Aphrodite's hair made Ares hard again, he loved her, well, at least his dick did.

Then... Darkness, the torch hanging by the wall simply went out, bathing the room in darkness, and in the blink of an eye, someone else was there. "Huh?" Ares couldn't say anything else as his mouth was closed frcefully by a large hand, larger than his at least, his throat was caught by another hand that held hi high- Ares looked down only to see the shining golden eyes of the mortal that defeated him- The Demigod that defeated- now, stading before him, holding his throat and thightly pressing his fingers together, Ares heard something crack, followed by the gasp of another voice, he looked to the side and saw Aphrodite hanging from a black vine that grew out of the ceiling of his room, her hair growing white, her face getting uglier and uglier by the second- Like, really ugly, the slight boner he had from being choked died really hard (hah, get it?).

"Fuck-" He couldn't complete his sentence, his neck was broken- Now, it normally wouldn't kill a God, but the next thing did- His soul was devoured out of his body.

He went out without a fight, which was the worst thing to ever happen to him, he wanted to go out in glory, dying like a warrior... Instead, he died assasinated.

-Scene Cut-

[You received the {War} Divinity]

[Divinity Stored on your Divine Core]

[You received the {Beauty} Divinity]

[Divinity Stored on your Divine Core]

Enychta swallowed the last bit of Ares' flesh- he made sure to burn his dick, so that he wouldn't be giving the man what he wanted- and right after, he ate Aphrodite's whole body in a single bite- Since it was turned to ash by Pruno's ruthless act of sucking the beauty out of her face, turning her into a pile of ashes... gross, but he ate it anyway, he got a lot of energy from both, but not enough to turn him into a Primordial Deity at all.

Well, guess hell have to eat more Gods- Next on the list is Hermes, who chose his father, because he was dumb.

Ares and Aphrodite gone (A bit anti-climatic), Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Poseidon, and Athena left to go.