Chapter 166: Battle of Gods (4/6)

Pruno is laying down a path for him to attack Hermes if necessary- That is smart.

Because not only is he faster than Hermes, being able to kill him if given the opportunity (Since, you know, super speed also give you super reflexes, so if Hermes sees it coming, he can dodge in the last milisecond with his speed), Pruno can slowly poison him and slow him down by internally damaging his body- But then again, Hera has the [Mother] divinity, meaning she can fight harder and harder for her children. A mother will give everything for their children, and Hera can do that in levels so above and beyond everything that even Zeus would lose against her...

But the thing is, Hera would be able to do that, if she wasn't a terrible mother!

I mean, who the fuck throws their childrenfrom a giant fucking mountain just because they're ugly? I mean, every baby is ugly, but damn, you don't need to yeet them out of the top of a mountain just because they're ugly!

And due to Hera being a terrible mother, she cannot use her divinity well.

That's one of the good examples of Divinity Affinity, when a God has no affinity to their divinity, not being able to use it to the fullest potential.

Pruno, in his tree Divine Form kept protecting his giant face at any attack, he also decided to play a little with their minds- He let Hermes attack him, well, attack the roots protecting his humanoid face, destroyig them with a powerful kick- That was enough to destroy the roots that he used, he showed a panicked expression through his giant face that quickly turned into smugness when the broken pieces of the roots started to bloom- 'Life finds a way' is a phrase he thought about while watching the magnificent work of his Divinity of [Life] and [Nature] at work, the destroyed roots were not connected to his tree form, so technically they were 'dead', so after they became 'dead' they were technically connected to his [Death] divinity, once again becoming part of his giant tree form.

A full circle, isn't it?

Due to his connection to the destroyed roots through [Death], he could use his [Life] and [Nature] to spread and grow the pieces of roots into grown roots out of thin air! Every single piece of root spread faster and faster, under his control they all moved, taking Hermes by surprise as he tried to back away only to be met with a wall of petals of flowers and a dark blue poisonous pollen, in factt, he has been inhaling this blue pollen ever since Pruno turned into his majestic tree form, the skulls at the bottom of the trunk of his tree were open, releaseing this dark blue pollen in the air, Pruno was only using his [Nature] and [Death] divinities to make them undetectable for a little while, making sure it spread through the entirety of Olympus.

Death Pollen, he decided to call it, since it was simply [Death] energy together with [Nature] magic to create this pollen, spreading death.

It was like a thin layer of blue mist all around Olympus, Pruno noticed how Hera entered her Divine Form as well, seeing the danger she was truly in. Her Divine Form was interesting, her whole body was covered in this golden gown, her black hair turned green with shades of blue as her summoned peacock dropped dead, as all of her summoned peacock dropped dead. They were technically 'alive', Divine Summons, creatures brought to life from a divinity temporarily, meaning that they would stay there for a little while only.

They are all under the Summoner's control, following their every whim and wishes.

Hera's hair turned longer and longer, so long in fact, that it started curling up in a very anime-like hair style, forming a peacock tail fully spread- Hera's hair though, had many different colors, from red to green, to blue, to pink, and even yellow and gold, all creating this psychedelic pattern of feathers that seemed to shine under the light that came from Olympus' sky due to Luke's Divine Aura.

In fact, Hera's own divine aura started to spread these colors around, like puddles of paint on the ground. Pruno suspiciously sent a mental message to Luke through their bond: 'Do not touch those colors.' And he was right not to, because from those colors, animals started to crawl out of those splashes of color, each had the color of the paint they crawled out of- Red snakes, pink hippos, green birds, orange dinosaurs, blue floating whales- It was an army of creatures against them all, this distracted them for enough time as well for Hermes to transform into his Divine Form.

The shoes on his feet had wings, and those wings suddenly grew in size- Large wings that spread white feathers all around, his helmet grew these backwards wings that fluttered like butterly wings, his body grew to be lanky and thin, more speed focused- He sadly didn't have a tail with feathers, so he probably would have a hard time making sudden turns.

And like that, round two of their little combat started.

-Scene Cut-

Enychta entered one of his many Divine Forms, his aura exploded, making everything around hims glow in a red hue as blood dripped from each flesh petal, floating in the nothingness of this place, the teeth and eyes on the petals seemed to shine in gold as Enychta's lower flowery body twitched in frantic cway, his upper body seemingly unfazed. "I'll enjoy devouring your flesh." ENychta roared as his arms and chest opened up in three different mouths, full of razor sharp teeth, with the sizes of daggers.

Zeus' and Poseidon's reaction was to push back- Using their Divine Energy to create a barrier between them and him, water and electricity as well as clouds, creating barriers between Enychta and them- Eny broke through every single barrier, but that bought them enough time to change into their Divine Forms.

Zeus had a humanoid form, he was pure blue and light purple electricity mixed with black clouds, his eyes were two large yellow orbs of electricity, his body cackled as his Divine Symbol, his thunderbolt, fused with his body, increasing his power.

Poseidon's form was basically his own body, but his body was made of pure water.

Their battle starts now.